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Diary PCBuds mini-grow


Well-known member
The closet plant and it's lucky friends look great,..



Well-known member
That's called guttation, it is plant exudates from the leaf tips. It's mainly plant sap and sugars. It should taste sweet.

That's making more sense to me now.
I didn't take biology class in highschool but I did take chemistry class.

As far as I understand it, when a plant pukes up stuff from it's guts, it's sugars.

When a mammal pukes up it's guts, it's acidic to dissolve the sugars from plants and the protein from other mammals it ate.

Guttation from a plant should be food for a mammal?

Guttation from a mammal should be food for a plant if its not too concentrated?

If the mammalian guttation has enough time to digest/decompose the plant/animal tissue, it shouldn't be too acidic/basic for the plant to absorb, especially if it has all the natural symbiotic organisms in the media to reduce the rotting mass to something it can absorb.

It's a symbiotic world we live in with our earth.
Bugs are good.

I've got springtails in my planters to help me feed my plants.

Maybe, if I'm drunk and hung over enough, I can puke on my plants to help them along.

Not too much puke though,
I don't want to kill them...


Well-known member
I watched a video about long term survival after the apocalypse.

It mentions food stuffs,.. carbohydrates and protein.

It also mentions vitamins and minerals.

It's the same vitamins and minerals that I use for my plants.

NPK, calcium and magnesium and all the micro nutrients that are in my plant foods.

If I ever have to hole up in my house after the zombies attack, I can always eat my stored calories (pastas, sugars, meat, vegetables) along with my plant vitamins to stay healthy and alert.

It's the same damn shit as I feed myself..




Well-known member
I had decided to turn on the 5000k side lights on Thursday.
This was the plant just after turning on the side lights,..


I noticed today that the plant was kind of droopy.

(this is how it looked a couple of hours after turning the side lights off.
It was drooping even more at first.)


So I turned the side lights off and went back to just the ceiling lights.

This is her a few hours later,..


So I think that proves that the plant grows towards the light, and I want her to grow tall, so I won't be turning on the side lights for quite a while.

I want to increase my node spacing to help fill in the closet and maybe end up with a plant that isn't quite so dense.

Fortunately, as she gets taller, she gets closer to the lights, so she is seeing more LUX and I don't have to turn the ceiling lights past test current to get more light to her.


Well-known member
So which ones cheaper?
Plant food.
7 bucks for 2 pounds on sale.


Should we start feeding vitamin pills to our plants or eating MaxiGro? :D

I'm going to keep taking my vitamins cause I have them, but in a pinch, I could probably take a small amount of plant nutes to stay healthy, but plant food probably has all kinds of stuff in it that isn't fit for human consumption?

Those impurities might be perfect for zombie consumption though, so I could be even more nutritionally beneficial to zombies, and my brains would taste really good to a zombie?


Well-known member
Zombies huh not sure they're too particular I think they just want some braaaaaaaaaains.

I dunno?
I like my fried pork chops 🥩 and chicken 🐔

When those are cooked real nice, say with breading, gravy and cheese, they are even tastier.

Same might be true for human brains?

Monkeys 🙊 in the Amazon are known to climb out of the safety of their treetop canopies to get to the riverbed to eat mud from the river.
Birds 🐦 do it too.

Their bodies are craving the nutrients from the muck and will risk their lives to get it.

Same might be true for zombies 🧟‍♂️?

Perhaps the accumulated poisons in the contaminated brains 🧠 of a poisoned human are more appealing to them?

They may crave the poisons of death and can probably detect the smell of a chemically altered human brain 🧠?

Either way, I'm not going to take any chances, so I'm not going to eat plant food unless I have to.
I don't want to attract zombies.

I might wear a garlic necklace though, in case there are any vampires about as well. 😁


Well-known member
The window plant is doing OK.
It's kinda hurting. It's got some dead leaf parts and it's kinda twisted up, but it's hanging on.

I put a dome on it and it seems to be doing better.
It's probably not going to get very big but that's fine for the window sill.
Just two bulbs on it now.



Well-known member
The closet plant is really growing.
(I guess you wouldn't call it stretching, because it's not flowering.)


She looks like she's going to outgrow her dome soon, so I'm not going to spray the dome anymore, and I opened up the top a little bit as well as lifted the bottom of the dome up a bit to let some drier air into the dome so she can start getting used to the lower humidity.



Well-known member
My closet plant is really growing and starting to rub up against the dome, so I removed the dome.
There was mold growing on the surface of the media too, so it was time to remove it.
I stirred the mold under.


I nuteded it from the top with full strength veg nutes and sprayed the plant with RO water.
I'll start spraying the plant and media once in a while now.



Well-known member
The window plant looks pretty good.
She's getting bigger, and the new leaves look healthy.
She looked a bit pale so I nuted her a bit.
The dome seems to be helping.
