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PC grow - bubblegum


First want to say thanks to icmag for this great site. so much great info, friendly & helpful people.

here we go...
i received 3 bubblegum seeds from my friend that he got through his friend, which he supposedly ordered and then couldnt grow. thats all he had but hey i'll take it for free. be cool to get my whole set up going from just 3 seeds

side closed- little light problem haha. havent covered the area where the psu goes

case specs:
17in tall, 16in long, 8in deep
lined with reflective duct tape
power strip with bulbs plugged straight in (adapter into 2 prong regular household), held by marine adhesive

inside the case - 3 x 23watt 6500k cfls

with scrubber on - cut off the end of those skinny 12pack soda boxes, then sealed/taped a double layer of holmes activated carbon

plant 1

plant 2

plant 3 - the runt that i'm surprised is alive still (good thing i didnt chuck it out yet)
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Grow like nobody is watching
Good stuff bro. Have you used the carbon sheeting before? I saw some in the pet store today and was wondering. Looks like an easy, tidy way to do it, if it works.


i havent used it before, and i'll let you know how it does. i've seen a couple members on here use it like that


fuck...my cat bit off a leaf from two of the plants. i'm hoping they recover and can still grow out normal.
ill get some pics up soon

also i'm having temp problems...
i have a 120mm exhaust and a 120mm intake fan (both rated at 77cfm), but i think by putting that usps box in there it blocks the intake air and then sucks out the cool air right away. any suggestions?

my temps have been around 77-80, but last night after more light proofing i sealed up the case when i went to sleep and woke up to 90 degree temps.
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Grow like nobody is watching
Eep. Mine runs over 90 every day in it's current revision! I never researched the temps required but a friend said that's fine for veg. so I just changed the lights off to the middle of the day to help a little, and moved the plants a bit lower from the lights. My cuttings were transplanted almost a week ago and they seem to be handling it nicely.

It was 93 when I opened it for this pic. You got me scared now :bashhead:



thanks man
the intake is the bottom fan. i figured hot air rises...so the coldest air will be at the bottom :)


how long do people veg in a cpu case? i'm a little over a week from seed and all 3 plants seem to vary in maturity. one has its third set of leaves starting to form


--april 8 update--
im at day 12 since placing in dirt from seed with taproot, and still vegging
added another 23 watt 6500k cfl, totaling four 23 watt cfls (all 6500k)
i want to keep vegging and then clone for my new cabs

temps have been getting over 90 degrees at night :bashhead: plants should probably be bigger by now?

plant 1

plant 2

plant 1 & 2 chillin

plant 3- the runt. dunno whats up with it... maybe root rot? i was gonna throw it out but just cant bring myself to with only 3 plants and no more seeds

here's my new intake light trap. cardboard from 12 pack of pop, inside painted black
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new cabs being set up, each 15in wide by 15in deep by 19in tall

left side

right side

here is my idea to keep the front door locked. the dresser is pretty heavy so opening from the back is basically out of question. i figure make a trap door on the side of cab wall and have a hinge from the door to the wall with a lock on it. i would just need to slide out the middle drawer, reach inside the trap door and unlock the lock


Active member
why did you put all that shit all over the containers the plants are in?

No nonclear plastic cups available in your part of the world?

The way you did it looks awful and would make me nervous as close as you have those bulbs to the plastic on the tape, and wrapping crap in aluminum foil is gonna retain heat thusly amplifying your heat issues.


i germed the seeds and didnt expect them to sprout for at least a couple days cuz the seeds didnt look all that great, but the taproots came out in 24 hours...so i rushed around and all i had were clear containers

i dont think cfls are capable of catching duct tape on fire but i'm gonna go take off the stuff now

i didnt even think about heat retention :bashhead:
do you think thats why my case temps are so high? i used reflective duct tape to line the inside
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nice PC set up but even nicer dresser.... you should have some good times with those.. and as for the carbon sheets....it really doesn't work for odor control... for light and dust control there great but other then that.... really a waste


jmn:thanks for the heads up on the carbon sheets

d4: i plan on putting cfls in the cabs (6 x 23watt 2700k cfls per cab), 120mm fans for exhaust, dunno if i want to do passive or active intake yet.
i plan on getting some clones from the bubblegum i'm veggin now and flower out in the cabs, or else leave one cab for a mother...but i'de hate to take away precious flowering space, ya know?
dunno if the pc case could hold a bonsai mother

might upgrade the lights but right now cash is tight and i got a good deal on 23watt cfls (4 pack of 23watt for $9 on 1000bulbs.com) so i'm gonna see what they can do
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i finally got some steady temps in the case with the 2extra 80mm fans i put in there to blow the hot air from the bulbs over to the exhaust :jump:
its around 81F while sealed up

also the runt is starting to take off now and seems it will be okay

havent gotten a chance to work on the dresser cabs but will have updates soon


update : day 25 from germ

got some nasty yellowing/browning... any ideas? overwatering and nute burn maybe? i transplanted 6 days ago


yeah man you gave them too much food and you are giving them too much water. Wait until the soil is dry on top, I am talking crumbly dry on top and check to see how heavy the pot fells has it got one of those things on bottom that catches water? any way good luck with your grow man those dead parts of leaves you can take a pair of scissors and snip that little bit off its not gonna turn back green, Thanks for sharing your grow man, peace


Grow like nobody is watching
The new cabs look to be the business! I'm not an expert but I think GG gave a pretty good analysis of the problems. The lock idea is good thinking. My own temps came great when I changed to 12/12 with lights off being through the daytime.

I used a clear container but sprayed it black inside and out...but I left one side clear so I could see the roots. I don't think it's a big deal imo although sure, probably best to seal out light in the long run.

I wanted to recommend trying hydro coco growing. I'm doing it with mine (first grow) and it's absolutely newb proof! I've watered every day - plant is fine. Left watering so long that the whole pot is as light as a wafer, not a drop of moisture - still the plant is fine. (great, in fact)

I think because the roots get so fine and fibrous in the coco, they have so much extra root area to absorb any trace amounts of moisture. I also chose coco because you can have a smaller pot size. Mine is shaped more like a traditional bonsai container, than a regular old "pot". Thanks to my window, I can see the roots have gone nicely all through the pot. :D

Oh yeah, and at first hydro seems more difficult but it's really simple after the first time. It's a lot easier than always analysing nutrient deficiencies, or adding this or that, for sure. Check it out for next time if you get a chance. Cost me about $100 to get set up with the nutrients, ph adjusters, and ph meter but that will do many plants. You might need an ec meter but I can get away without it thanks to a mountain stream with good stable water.

I'm rambling but onwards and good luck!

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