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PC grow 150watt HPS Air cooled- Critical Yumbolt

Update: day 3 of 12/12

I lsted the crap out of the plants with zip ties ha

trainwreck is crazy in the way it grows...it's somewhat of a lanky sative with indica leaf characteristic (plant on the left side)

I would like some opinions on my project so far




Man you had so much more room in that cab to go crazy with! Ah well your plants look so damn healthy anyway. Like BC Chronic & PanchoBuddah said, these plants will grow in anything & will grow just to spite you! haha. Cant believe how well they recovered but not surprised at all.

Man you gotta check out simon's thread here below on LST & pruning in order to maximise each bud on each of those plants:


Cant wait to see your next grow brother & the finish line of this one,


Nice looking grow. I think if I was doing it, I would let at least one other plant share the dirt. That amount of substrate is easily enough for two to three plants each. The end result in doing more plants is less vegetative time. Very nice and healthy looking ladies. I hope they keep on growin'!
Well here day 9 of 12/12

I have a bit of a problem apparently flies got into my case and laid some eggs and now i have like 20 tiny flies in there i am killing them day by day with my hand and with a spray that is used for tomatoes



Im really not liking trainwreck and how it grows lanky and is super sensitive to anything but trainwreck is such a good smoke so i will bear through this somehow


Yumboldt is definitely the better looking plant mate haha. Your plants look like they've either been a bit nute burnt or there's some sort of deficiency like an iron deficiency or something. How's the PH of the soil?

Well the plants are going crazy stretching and are getting too close to the light and they are burning a bit...ANY Solutions....Im thinking about taking trainwreck out of the case because it does look like its gonna produce much...


Hey Eco, get some yellow stick traps at the hydro shop to control those little flies, they work great and should get rid of them or keep em in check.


It sure is packed in there man is that trainwreck from seed or clone? I love trainwreck aswell I got some sour d in my cab but she is acting kind of strange she isnt dead yet(knock on wood) but looks really skiny and lanky.