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PC case grow with LED only?


New member
LED pc case project!
I'm currently planning my first ever pc grow and I've decided on using only LED as the source of light. Now I need your help to get me started.

So far I've purchased an old PC (50x50x20 cm). Since it was basically free I got about 250$ left to spend on lights, seeds etc. I've also ordered mylar to cover the walls.

The next things to cross off the list are lights and so far I've found two potential candidates. First is the Pyrocon mini 50w: Procyon Mini 50w LED Grow Light - HomeGrownLights.com It's a bit pricey, but I've heard only good things about the brand and it looks stunning!
The second light(s) is Grow Spot from: Sunshine Systems GrowSpot LED Grow Light I think they could do the job, but I'm gonna need to get at least two of them.

I would really appreciate use your opinion on this, which one would you recommend? Or are there any other decent quality, LED's out there which might be up for the task?

Finally, I could also use some advice on which strain is suitable to grow in a pc case. It has to be small enough to fit inside the pc, autoflowering and I would also prefer it to be as close to odorless as possible. I know that's a lot to ask for, but I've read Lowryder grow up to be quite small.



follow your heart
ICMag Donor
- LED is the way to go, you could also do mini HPS or floro spirals

-smell, could be a problem man, plants are sstinky, the downside of smells, is that you get accustomed to it very fast, think like perfume or cologne, you can smell it for a couple minutes then you can't, but everyone around you can.. how stealth does this have to be? there are some options, carbon pre-filters from air cleaners, cut them to size for the fan, or you can get order killer gel, they kinda smell funky though and could attract attention to what the smell is, there is also opening the window and getting as much circulation to downsize the smell / mask it

you have some work ahead of you, as making a PC into a grow can be a pain given the size... I did it once, and it was not fun, and not work the work to me.. from that standpoint, how small does this thing have to be, like are you growing without someone knowing? I suggest for ease and portability a 2x2 tent if you can, if not I understand, but remember micro grows are not for everyone..


New member
- LED is the way to go, you could also do mini HPS or floro spirals

-smell, could be a problem man, plants are sstinky, the downside of smells, is that you get accustomed to it very fast, think like perfume or cologne, you can smell it for a couple minutes then you can't, but everyone around you can.. how stealth does this have to be? there are some options, carbon pre-filters from air cleaners, cut them to size for the fan, or you can get order killer gel, they kinda smell funky though and could attract attention to what the smell is, there is also opening the window and getting as much circulation to downsize the smell / mask it

you have some work ahead of you, as making a PC into a grow can be a pain given the size... I did it once, and it was not fun, and not work the work to me.. from that standpoint, how small does this thing have to be, like are you growing without someone knowing? I suggest for ease and portability a 2x2 tent if you can, if not I understand, but remember micro grows are not for everyone..

My apartment already smells a little funky, so that should cover up the smell. If it doesn't, my plan is to have other, legal, flowers growing next to the computer and that should mask it.

I see this just as a fun project/a way to support a small habit and to see what LED's are capable of. I'd be satisfied with 10 grams of harvest. My main focus is getting this thing to look as much as an a ordinary family computer as possible.


New member
Update: As you can see here down below I've got most of the grow room design sorted out, power suply and LED light (not in the pic, but has it's own built-in fan). There is only one thing left; ventilation. I purchased two 80mm 1800 rpm computer fans today (Noctua NF-S12 and NF-R8 case fans review). Do you guys thing that will do it? Or do I need extra or more powerful fans? I also need your expertise to help me find the optimal place to put them. I basically have two options, either on the left side (as shown in the lower left pic) or one on each side, but that would mean I have to cut a whole in my carefully crafted panel.
But one the other hand I'm worried that if I don't, my plats won't get enough air, because the box would be pretty much sealed off apart from where the fans would be.

Sir, you can't go wrong with this 36w high power led DIY 50$:20x1w red + 20x1w blue + 25-36w led driver.

You just wire the leds in series and you're done. You can also use some thermal paste to glue the leds on the top of the pc case for a better heat dissipation.

L.E.:You can even use that pc power supply to drive them. So more money for leds. But the psu is less efficient. Somewhere between 65-75% eff at such small load.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
^Rouxdy those lights are not worth anything. Not even 1 watt LEDs, good for X-mas lighting.

Put a few 26 watt cfl's in your box as Blynx does here. Dirt cheap and works perfect for small spaces. Flouro light is very nice, better than hps, very balanced with a little uv.

Kiwisack, I think those fans will do, have an intake hole a bit larger than your exhaust hole.


Be sure to remove your PSU and blank off, and maybe fit some fan speed controllers so you dont turn your case into a mini huricane. Did you go Procyon?


^Rouxdy those lights are not worth anything. Not even 1 watt LEDs, good for X-mas lighting.

Thanks. I think I'll order the other ebay LED's Ilie mentioned here and try those.

I've got another micro cab that has CFL's... I'm just playing around with a small PC cab and I'm interested in trying out LED's.


I thought the whole LED PC was a fun idea so I started throwing this together... so far total investment is under 2 bills including antec 300 case, leds, heatsink and driver.... just popped some beans so we'll see what she can do

If your wondering the whole DIY LED thing is really pretty simple :wave:


Thank you Rouxdy,
Yes I've got 2 6500k whites, 2 455nm blues, 5 660 reds and 9 625 reds and I'm running them all at 550mW.

This run I'm going organic soil, but down the road I might give coco or hempys a whirl...:tiphat:


Well I'm far from an expert on the subject... but from what I've read a ratio of 70% red 15% blue and 15% white is as good place to start as any

So with my light running at 550mW I'm using 18% blue 18% white and 63% red...give or take

With that said not all leds are created equal and without knowing the bins of the leds in the link and without the ability to see a spec sheet on them its hard to say...

There are however many much more knowledgeable folks here at icmag that would be able to advise better then I can:)

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