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Dept. of Education breaks down Stockton man's door

STOCKTON, CA - Kenneth Wright does not have a criminal record and he had no reason to believe a S.W.A.T team would be breaking down his door at 6 a.m. on Tuesday.

"I look out of my window and I see 15 police officers," Wright said.

Wright came downstairs in his boxer shorts as a S.W.A.T team barged through his front door. Wright said an officer grabbed him by the neck and led him outside on his front lawn.

"He had his knee on my back and I had no idea why they were there," Wright said.

According to Wright, officers also woke his three young children ages 3, 7, and 11 and put them in a Stockton police patrol car with him. Officers then searched his house.

As it turned out, the person law enforcement was looking for was not there - Wright's estranged wife.

"They put me in handcuffs in that hot patrol car for six hours, traumatizing my kids," Wright said.

Wright said he later went to the mayor and Stockton Police Department, but the City of Stockton had nothing to do with Wright's search warrant.

The U.S. Department of Education issued the search and called in the S.W.A.T for his wife's defaulted student loans.

"They busted down my door for this," Wright said. "It wasn't even me."

According to the Department of Education's Office of the Inspector General, the case can't be discussed publicly until it is closed, but a spokesperson did confirm that the department did issue the search warrant at Wright's home.

The Office of the Inspector General has a law enforcement branch of federal agents that carry out search warrants and investigations.

Stockton Police Department said it was asked by federal agents to provide one officer and one patrol car just for a police presence when carrying out the search warrant.

Stockton police did not participate in breaking Wright's door, handcuffing him, or searching his home.

"All I want is an apology for me and my kids and for them to get me a new door," Wright said.


Active member
America gets better every day. Jesuse fucking christo when will we wake up.

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
everyday I do not live in America is a blessing
never before has money been the root of all evil as in that messed up nation

you have a republic which at anytime can be taken by the few instead of the people it was given to! the downside to freedom...

so many erosions in liberties are taken daily, wake up your politicians are extremely corrupt
it's like the Devilcrates against the Resatanan's
my sig quote
"The world runs on the initiative of about 5% of the people; the rest need orders. The consensus of the other 95% on the subject of one's relatonship with: government-banks-tax agencies-courts and corporations (all separate realms) is defective in that such inert abstractions have been accorded superiority over living beings.
Governments are transitory mental contrivances set up by the clever few for the purpose of living off the efforts of the trusting many - a generalization, yes, but also the TRUTH." Cracking the Code, 3rd edition


Active member
"thud!" (my jaw dropping to the floor)

if there is a further low point, i do not wish to see it.
Yup, you can't walk from student loans. It's been a federal thing for many years. Just like taxes, a student loan won't wash with a Chapter 7 Personal Bankruptcy filing. My father got arrested back in 1992, at his house for failure to appear. All of this shit because of my lame-ass sister got kicked out of art school, & defaulted the loan, with him as the co-signer.

Even years later, after he filed, he was getting harrassed by collection agencies, until they pulled a maneuver that would garnish his soc security income. After that, he had no choice but to pay a settlement.


You know what kills me.....Is when these fucking pigs go to a house and kick down the door. It costs from $500 to well over $1000 to replace a front door depending on how fancy it is, its like wtf, knock and get let in.


I wonder how many bank or stock company higher ups had their doors kicked in for all the crap that they pulled? Oh yeah right, none did. Not a single arrest, or charge filed. Glad to see that we have it all figured out.


senior primate of the 303 cornbread mafia
This isnt some simple default. Probably student loan fraud on a large scale.

Yeah I am sure the details are probably crazy. There are tens of thousands of people defaulted on their student loans.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I wonder how many bank or stock company higher ups had their doors kicked in for all the crap that they pulled? Oh yeah right, none did. Not a single arrest, or charge filed. Glad to see that we have it all figured out.

^ Bingo. Not to mention the Government officials who we put in a place to oversee and regulate these institutions.

I flipped out when I read this earlier this morning and thought it was fake. They will give anyone who can write a student fuckin loan and a degree if they make legible sentences with that writing, but they take a gun to you if you don't enter the tax slave game.

This is as messed up as the government authorizing mortgages for people who could never afford them! There was a reason no bank ever offered loans to people who did not qualify before our recent housing crash.


^ Bingo. Not to mention the Government officials who we put in a place to oversee and regulate these institutions.

I flipped out when I read this earlier this morning and thought it was fake. They will give anyone who can write a student fuckin loan and a degree if they make legible sentences with that writing, but they take a gun to you if you don't enter the tax slave game.

This is as messed up as the government authorizing mortgages for people who could never afford them! There was a reason no bank ever offered loans to people who did not qualify before our recent housing crash.

if you want a clear simple picture of the economic crash of 08 and what led to it, how, when and who? then watch the new film called "inside job", it's really well done on a level that anyone can get it.


Well-known member
'kin 'ell.....What a fucked up fascist place to live. Don't think I'll be visiting the US any time, I don't support juntas.

What do they do for non payment of a parking ticket?


Active member
i am so glad i worked my way through school. i dont owe anybody anything. what they did was wrong tho . way too extreme


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
When you graduate from college these days, especially now since ALL financing will be done through Uncle Scam as per the Healthcare bill, you graduate a debt slave.

Good luck finding work in this shit economy to pay back your ball and chain. And since you can't default they will garnish your wages for the rest of your life or I guess lock you up like this guy.

This is the next bubble BTW. This will be as bad if not worse than the housing bubble. They will give anyone a loan knowing damn well it's not going to be paid back. This destroys the value of a college education and when the bubble pops will be game over USA.

Welcome to USA. Welcome to your Fascist hell.
You know what kills me.....Is when these fucking pigs go to a house and kick down the door. It costs from $500 to well over $1000 to replace a front door depending on how fancy it is, its like wtf, knock and get let in.

Fortunately, nobody kicked down any doors, & I was told they were quite civil. But shit, that was nearly 20 years ago, and it pains me to hear nowadays they frequently bust down doors without even knocking, regardless of the offense!

It seems like these cops who execute warrants like this, are overly aggressive, and are itching to provoke people to respond in kind, thus more shootings as a result. I mean how are you going to react when your door or window gets busted in with a loud noise, & heavily armed people jump in with dark clothes? Instinctively, a human will go into survival-mode,(flight/Fight). And those who fight, usually end up dead. And sometimes they might take a cop or two with them.


This isnt some simple default. Probably student loan fraud on a large scale.

Does it make a difference? It is a non-violent, white collar style crime. Since when has it become acceptable for our police to adopt Gestapo style tactics for non-violent offenders??

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