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Patient Denied Medical Marijuana In Jail; Wants Answers


Active member
I knew it was a matter of time.

There are some residents throughout New Mexico who are on the state’s cannabis program such as 34-year old Gregory Fernandez, who is one of them but has recently ran into a problem.

Fernandez said he was arrested Sunday for allegedly driving on a suspended license. Immediately, Fernandez said he was stripped of the marijuana he possessed even though he's a part of the state's cannabis program. The marijuana is prescribed for his epilepsy, he said.

Fernandez said he was stripped of the marijuana he possessed even though he's a part of the state's cannabis program. The marijuana is prescribed for his epilepsy, he said.

Fernandez said he has seizures often, especially when stressed, and not having his medications while behind bars wasn't easy, he said. Fernandez is now seeking answers.
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WOW, I hadn't thought about this... Sounds like a lawsuit to me....If an inmate is on any other prescribed medication, the jail would have to administer the drug to the inmate. What do they do in Cali with a situation like this?
My PO and Judge are denying my use of medical cannabis here in Michigan and I'm only on probation! Now I might fail my drug test tomorrow and violate. I will get a lawyer and I will fight this!
Psh, everybody knows cannabis prescriptions aren't REAL like a vicodin or oxycontin prescription. Those drugs can actually HELP people don't you know?

This guy was obviously just using a loophole in the law to get high.

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My PO and Judge are denying my use of medical cannabis here in Michigan and I'm only on probation! Now I might fail my drug test tomorrow and violate. I will get a lawyer and I will fight this!

If you're on probation for a drug offense they *may* get away with that. But if it's something irrelevant and you are a card holder then they cannot do this to you. Check over the law, it protects you against being treated like that. Now if it was at a federal level you would be screwed, but state you should be able to fight it.


If i could smoke weed in prison idk, i would look at it alot diff thats for sure.

thats prob my NUMBER 1 reason for obeying the law, being stuck inside with no herb - Epic Fail


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I feel for this dude i medicate to control seizures myself. I couldnt imagine the anxiety he was experiencing through this. perfect trigger to cause him to seizure.


Until MJ is fuckin legalized wether we have med card used only as a defense not a legal license to grow were all federally fucked.
What do they do in Cali with a situation like this?

they deny you your meds plain and simple. even the local jails receive federal funding..

*everyone* I know who is a CA MMJ patient and has spent any length of time in jail has been denied their meds..

feel sorry for the guy though.. the main reason I use MMJ is to control seizures.. I also figure that the guy lost his license because of the seizures, at least that's the way it works in CA. When I first reported my seizures to a doc he was required by law to immediately inform the DMV who immediately suspended my license. Took me seven years to get it back!!


New member
My PO and Judge are denying my use of medical cannabis here in Michigan and I'm only on probation! Now I might fail my drug test tomorrow and violate. I will get a lawyer and I will fight this!
hey what county are u in cause im worried about the same thing ur dealing with im in lansing eaton count/ingham county.


Probably not without someone on the outside making it a problem for those in charge. When my old lady was serving a couple of months they told her to "quit faking it". Once I heard about that I got on the phone with the highest up in the county jail I could talk to and made it his problem. Once you mention 8th amendment rights they start to get their shit in line. Funny how the next day she was started on pain and anxiety meds. It was still hell for her b/c they played musical meds with her the whole time she was there but it was better than no meds at all.

real ting

Probably not without someone on the outside making it a problem for those in charge. When my old lady was serving a couple of months they told her to "quit faking it". Once I heard about that I got on the phone with the highest up in the county jail I could talk to and made it his problem. Once you mention 8th amendment rights they start to get their shit in line. Funny how the next day she was started on pain and anxiety meds. It was still hell for her b/c they played musical meds with her the whole time she was there but it was better than no meds at all.

Pretty messed up. I am not generally in favor of the frequency anxiety and pain meds are prescribed, but if someone truly needs them it is just cruel punishment to deny them their meds.
This is taking place in kzoo county. I'm still dealing with it, I finally received my actual plastic card in the mail, so I look more legit. The Michigan Department of Community Health is taking up to 120 days to get cards to patients and caregivers! I went ahead and continue to use my medication because I have so much nausea and no appetite, they violated me, now I have a court date for sept 20th, I'm getting a lawyer and fighting them!

PS: I am on probation only for possession of less than a gram of marijuana!


I hold El Roacho's
DIGITALHIPPY > the problem is MJ isnt a "PERSCRIPTION"....
(atleast in california)

its just RECOMENDED.....[to heal pain, nausia, etc.]

Straight forward & to the Point :yes:

rick shaw

The last time I was a guest of the state of California,county then state ,I received Dilaltin for my epilepsy and those with opiate addictions received Morphine.When I mentioned my mmj status they laughed and laughed.Until marijuana is rescheduled from a class 1 narcotic there will be conflicts.Support Barney Franks D-Ma. 10 plus fight to reschedule.Keep flying the flags.


New member
This is taking place in kzoo county. I'm still dealing with it, I finally received my actual plastic card in the mail, so I look more legit. The Michigan Department of Community Health is taking up to 120 days to get cards to patients and caregivers! I went ahead and continue to use my medication because I have so much nausea and no appetite, they violated me, now I have a court date for sept 20th, I'm getting a lawyer and fighting them!

PS: I am on probation only for possession of less than a gram of marijuana!
so how did court go ..........i have to go to eaton county on the 24th of sept. and im still waitin for my card but im my own caregiver . I hope they'll let me continue to smoke and consider my theraputic use of MJ medicinal and not drug use. fuckum all i'll smoke anyway cuz if i can't lite up then it's no kind of freedom i want have screw probation if i can't smoke but anyway let me know the scoop on what's happenin down in kzoo k.