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A swami as well are ya? lol...kewl.

Look, hempy...I have been around longer than you have and I know the culture quite well. And I also know that it is full of ignorance and misinformation. Lots of it pushed forth by folks like you, who have been around for awhile which tends to lead others to think that your opinions may be spot on...but I have seen time and time again where you are doing nothing but spreading bad information and out and out bullshit on an early and often basis.
You often get mad when people challenge the information you put out, and start belittling what they have offered the community. That shit may fly over at Shanti's crib, but here folks are tired of bullshit and misinformation. It is harming our culture, and at a time when we need to cull the dipshits and stupid stuff in lieu of a more informed and intelligent community. Our battle is harder when it has to carry the burden of so much ignorance. The general public is ignorant enough as it is.

I'm not really sorry for being so blunt, because this has been gone over with you ad infinitum...and it is time you put up or shut up. Your opinions be damned. Let's see some substance.

I am complex my friend and know what i am talking about you don't know how old i am or how long i have been growing for so you may of been on line longer than me but may not of ether that is not relevant what is relevant is the state of the community and the Geno pool.

shantis crib lol please your really a comedian away from icmag right and not a biter human being correct ? lol.


You often get mad when people challenge the information you put out, and start belittling what they have offered the community.
Wow, if that's not the pot calling the kettle black.... nothing is.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Show me one example of this, Balance. I have never, ever belittled anyone without previous provocation. Did you have anything else to offer up?

Do you now feel that I belittled you now that I challenged what you provided? Or, do you have the gumption to follow up and show people just what you are smarmely eluding to?
Or, did you just feel like trolling in with little of nothing?
See, what I am doing is responding to your smarmy fucking provoking. You do understand that I did nothing to you, yet you decided to throw your spear into the arena. I say go for it, big dick. But do come with more than a simple drive-by trolling.

Hempy, the simple truth is, things that you think are happening to the gene pool are not happening. It is just that simple. You must get a better grasp of the concepts, and THEN go on some sort of campaign...but armed with knowledge, instead of the bullshit that you carry in your belt now.


Or, do you have the gumption to follow up and show people just what you are smarmely eluding to?

I don't have to say or type anything. You have provided everything, proving me correct. In this and in any other posts you create, You are your own hangman. making your posts even more comical. I pity how much hate you obviously have, and continue to spew.


The thing is, pointing these things out without a dialectic argumentitive side, some support etc... is going to make everyone inclined to their closed off perspectives and further rebuttle..... this fills out a bloated thread. I have nothing to add to this debate so I have remained quiet... I appreciate all the imput though I know I have too little time and too little understanding to be of much help here, I am thankfull


Hey forest 20
In order to have a higher percentage of CBD CBN or other medicinally active constituants or regulators of THC one needs to procure seed stock which can express such variations. This can be complicated by the fact that some of these constituants are coded for on the same loci as THC and during recombination the allelic expression is dominated by the THC gene stock. There are a few ways one can deal with this and most would be helped if the plant Cannabis was removed from any illegal stature.

LEDs and all sorts of nifty lighting would help since landraces - where CBDs and CBNs are hiding- grown indoors are very finicky, and again it would help if the plant was legal because then we could all grow baseball fields of it.
Possibly this could help our incessant need to use oil, too.

Not wanting to but in much as I would be glad if SamS explained this all a little better, or someone- as i get sick of hearing myself talk every so often.

I am sure there is a poster here with wealth of knowledge on how things could really be, and also one on how things really are.

High Sam


to be a Freedom Fighter


I am beginning to work with Landraces this year. I am interested in CBD\CBN ratios in some strains.

In order to have a higher percentage of CBD CBN or other medicinally active constituants or regulators of THC one needs to procure seed stock which can express such variations.

I have been looking into environmental effects also. I have a paper on a study from the early 80´s out of Kansas University that states early in plant growt of the feral hemp in that region the plants in early life are high in THC but after the opnset of high temps in that region the THC gives way for higher CBD production in the plant.



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