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Pat Robertson wants to legalize pot


Kush, Sour Diesel, Puday boys
I feel that the wrong rev Robertson is still an asshole, even though he is for legalization. A man of God should not be calling for assasination.

Of course he is still an ahole, but hopefully the millions of people who take his word as gospel will blindly follow his first statement that makes sense.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Best news I heard all week! Amen brother Pat, let there be Cannabis! The Lord did make it after all :canabis:


stoned agin ...
most sensible and christian thing i've heard about him, not that i listen much to people who talk of assasination. (hmm, him and obama ... against osama :) ) but, it is a sign, folks. next thing you know, someone will grow a jeebus bud, like people see Him on a piece of burnt toast :)

Madrus Rose

post 69
Even a broken clock can get it right twice a day ...its also the long disparate jail sentences we all know get thrown at black & brown races where the white celebrities like Charlie Sheen , his GF Brooke (just busted for 3 1/2 grams) & Lindsey Lohan get off with probation & drug classes with good lawyers .

Seems old Pat is doing some soul searching in his old age , just what did Jesus really mean ministering to the poor & downtrodden ? Even arch conservative Bill Buckley Jr towards the end went for legalization & took his yawht out beyond the 12mi limit to smoke pot one time . But the costs of prisons & probation is breaking their bank and had ruined lives everywhere and they know it . And making Mexico unsafe and a Cartel violent war zone with the 5 times cheaper prices than 15yrs ago & twice as abundant & available .

It isnt rocket science , one doesn't even need to pray to Zesus to get it right finally and the real problems lay with universal usage of Meth, X , Oxy , Xanax and other hard core prescription meds that people take the real long swan dives in their lives on . All brought to you by Labs in Mexico & Asia ....

Red Fang

Active member
So if some random psycho axe murderer wanted to make it legal would you vote for them? This guy is just as much a nut as them!

Madrus Rose

post 69
So if some random psycho axe murderer wanted to make it legal would you vote for them? This guy is just as much a nut as them!

Here's one solution have outreach & Unionize Drug users allowing some open recognition access to counciling , some comfort, clean needles etc This isn't about Pat & what swayed his thoughts , there are all the writings & philosophy about rights of humans to use drugs recreationally and to enhance consciousness ala Owsely or Huxley ..

Heroin shooters, speed users, pot smokers and even some men and women who now are drug-free convene regularly in San Francisco's gritty Tenderloin district -- not for treatment, but to discuss public health policy and share their experiences free from shame or blame.

On one evening, the dozen or so in attendance had some pressing questions, including how those heading to a users' conference in Oregon this fall would obtain their methadone or safely procure other drugs to use in a supervised injection room.

"We have to figure that out," said Isaac Jackson, the group's senior organizer. The 56-year-old, who holds a doctorate in media arts and sciences from MIT, turned to speed in his mid-30s. "Nobody should [skip] this conference because they're afraid they're not going to get their dose."

This is the San Francisco Drug Users Union, one of a few such groups in the U.S. and part of a growing worldwide movement of thousands who, according to the International Network of People Who Use Drugs, are demanding a voice "in decision-making processes that affect our lives." The network is a group that seeks to represent people who use drugs before government bodies and international agencies.

In the coming months, members of the San Francisco group plan to testify before a city panel on housing discrimination, cohost the first conference in the U.S. by and for drug users, and hold a design contest for a safe-injection site similar to one in Vancouver, Canada, where public health workers provide sterile needles and intervene in cases of overdose. They also have crafted a manual for medical personnel, to be released later this month, in hopes that drug users will get better emergency care.
The group's ultimate goal is decriminalization, an unlikely prospect but one increasingly debated by policy analysts who contend that the four-decade "war on drugs" has exacerbated social ills.

Linked to the harm-reduction movement -- a philosophy that aims to reduce disease, injury and death among drug users without passing judgment or demanding abstinence -- the union mostly hopes to put a face on those whom, Jackson said, "most people despise."

"People say, 'You're a drug user, you brought this on yourself,'" Jackson said. "Do people say that when you're 300 pounds with heart problems from eating McDonald's every day?"

Barbara Garcia, director of San Francisco's Department of Public Health, opposes the injection site for now but said she welcomes the union's organized advocacy. "We may not be able to always give them what they want," Garcia said, "but we're here to listen."

The union -- with about five dozen members who attend meetings -- eschews words like "addict" and "abuser." It neither encourages nor discourages use. At the recent meeting, one man who took a long bathroom break emerged to alternate between dozing on the couch and scratching himself, signs of an opiate high.

Red Fang

Active member
well I have yet to read that as it seems like a great post but for now I have little time...
but tenderloin district? yeah I was introduced to that the hard way, had no idea what I was getting myself into, thought I had a great deal on a room for a couple nights in San Fran!
Wow did I learn cornered by a bunch of addicts, but I was real to them and them to me and miraculously we went about our way peacefully and without incident when the group of 6-8 guys could have done anything they wanted to me. I said I feel for them and would help them and want to keep my promise but have yet to figure out a way 15 years later!

Red Fang

Active member
well I have yet to read that as it seems like a great post but for now I have little time...
but tenderloin district? yeah I was introduced to that the hard way, had no idea what I was getting myself into, thought I had a great deal on a room for a couple nights in San Fran!
Wow did I learn cornered by a bunch of addicts, but I was real to them and them to me and miraculously we went about our way peacefully and without incident when the group of 6-8 guys could have done anything they wanted to me. I said I feel for them and would help them and want to keep my promise but have yet to figure out a way 15 years later!

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