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Past lives?


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Does anybody here feel that this is not your first trip around and you may have lived a past life or lives?

Ever get a memory from a by gone era you never lived in? Feel a connection to a generation that is not your own?

Just wondering how common this sort of thing is, I think they refer to these types of people as an old soul.

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ICMag Donor
I definitely believe our energy continues to live or what ever you want to call it, I don't have any memories of a past life but it can't end here......


3rd-Eye Jedi
This one time, back in the 18th century, when I was in band camp ...

sorry couldn't resist.

I do but I don't know if it is in the same convention as you mean it


Active member
I agree Mrs Babba. I became a believer in "our energy" after my grandparents passing when they came to me in a dream as 2 colored orbs of energy swirling around my head.

How's that for weird lmao


3rd-Eye Jedi
DNA errors occur at a rate of roughly 44,000/sec whilst standing in the sunshine . .

yet some data is carried through verbatim, regardless

Everything in life is analogous to a fractal algorithm, simply put there are constants and there are variables.

Past lives, and the data that is past along through the life - propogation - death is not completely understood but enough is understood that genetically we are a dynamic copy, not completely unique, not completely the same.

This margin of reality is allusive to our perception as is our native ability to visualize a tesseract.


I don't believe anything special happens when we pass. We are just gone,no blackness just nothing.
It's hard for people to get there heads around that this is it, this is your lot.
Creators of religion used people's fear of death to control them because people were being hedonistic.
I mean if everybody believed what I believed about this being it the world would be a very different place like it was a few milliania ago.
No consequences, do what you want.
What people should be fearing these days is being on their death bed and realising they have spent the vast majority of their time working in crappy jobs they hate.

This of course is what I believe. Each to their own.


>>>>Beanie Man<<<<
Are we talking about reincarnation? or deja vu?

I have had many deja vus. I can even have memories of people BEFORE Ive met them. Usually it has to do with something bad and I will remember the vision just before the event.

Once when I was a teenager I was watching my 2 little sisters after school. Wasnt supposed to leave them in the house alone, but I did. While outside playing basketball, I remembered a dream about a housefire and my baby sister getting hurt. I ran home to find them cooking on the stove.

With that said some stuff we dont learn. It comes in the bios. How do we know where to find the nipple?
Or how do we know to feel hunger? or be afraid of spiders?


Active member
As my spiritual life proceeds and everything around me becomes clearer my waking and dream life become more one.
I've had control of my third eye most my life, only recently did I learn to see with my heart. Every deja vu and synchronicity interconnect for me now.

Biologically we have neurons outside of our brains as well, you can't learn to consistently think from the heart if you don't open it.
As in, opening your mental perception to the fact your heart perceives as well, hear what it says, ask questions and make connections until knowledge is understood.

Jesus taught me how to reconcile and love what Eastern teachers had me look away from.
Mother earth only recycles the physical, to believe it all goes black is to ignore the fact we're physically comprised of the stars.
The energy within us all is tethered to it's creator.

As far as past lives go, In dream and waking vision I've seen through the eyes of the first man, and now I understand being called an old soul and why, this soul of mine has been called to ascend.


Well-known member
Yea man no such thing as past lives or after life your brain controls everything in your body their is no such thing as a soul. Dying is like sleeping without dreaming you have no ideas of what's going on. Its Sad I know but true. I also think the bible is fiction theirs no such thing as an afterlife or beings made of light or any of that shit Lmao. You live you die that's it only if you have kids will a part of you still live on after you die theirs no other way. The nearest thing to past life's we have is our parents and grandparents because of genes being passed on to us. Your kids and grandkids are kind of like an afterlife but after a few generations we all forget about our ancestors.


Active member
The fundelametal questions of life- why am I here, where did I come from an where am I going are no coincidence. It's man's burning question and most look for happiness and peace within the material world. This is futile as true happiness and contentment is in knowing yourself and your quest and these answers lie within.
We are all each of us on a quest and it'll take many many life times of unfillfilled life's to eventually make the soul hone in on the truth and find a living master who can then teach the aspirant how to direct all their senses within. Every holy scripture says the kingdom of heaven is within, salvation is within etc. The truth is actually incomprehensible to man's narrow mind and is only for the heart and real self.
I as a very small boy said some very unusual things that led my mum to believe I remembered my last life, or atleast that I'd been here before, i dont remember this, buts its common in children as theyre closer to the light.
There's so much more to life than people actually realise and for me there is no doubt that there is life after death, it's like the caterpillar that emerges from its cacoon into a beautiful butterfly. There is no ending to that which had no beginning. You cannot create pure energy nor destroy it.


Active member
I think the 3rd eye crap is a false light along with all the other religions, political, & even academic systems.

I think we are microbes with soul(some) in a petri dish with a never ending cycle of energy that comes from nature. past lives, sure but more like past roles. Play your part and it gets easier.

sorry if I offend those who belive in the chakras and what not, your yoga magic does not work on me :)

*colored orbs, exactly how I feel as well.

Waxy, the colored orbs are your chakras.
The white light is the truth, the earthly spirits we are born with break the light into the visible color spectrum, it makes it impossible to see life in its dual form, white and black.

The way I came into understanding my purpose in life entailed attempting to fill every aspect and action of my being with God asks of us.
Which includes becoming clear in your conscience and heart, treating all whom you know, come in contact with, or think about as your sibling whom you love dearly and you would give anything to make comfortable and safe.

That's what is asked of us, seek God's incite into your life, and behave as one with the rest of humanity.
The rest is meant to be made up of free will and your dreams, this is the freedom Jesus calls us into in the bible.

The reason why you may feel you live in a petri dish is that you are unaware of the dimensions above us.
We chose blindness, it was not forced on us.


Active member
If you think the brain is the only controller of the human experience.
Why would the heart and gut have a seemingly even greater control over what you do than your mind so often?
Our whole being is our communication center.
Tell the heart or stomach it's not telling you a truth when it's in love, out of love, or in hunger, or the sour stomach what the matter is before going into a tense situation.
It's all information being relayed from those organs to the brain, your brain is the final stop in deciding what direction you are going.


3rd-Eye Jedi
if you look at dna as a hard drive and us as computers there is code from our past lives living in us today.

how are adaptive behaviors passed down as behavior traits?

did dogs hunt in packs as amebos and the programming was there all along?

You have inherited the genetic sum total of all life that exist before you and contributed to the lives that preceded yours, you lived those lives too, the chain of cellular division and reproduction isn't broken by reproduction and birth, it is just metamorphosis

Looking like your parents is evidence of past life being present in yours today.

Sometimes the wording of the mystics screams supernatural but in reality they where describing very real and tangible phenomenon.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

I do believe there's something beyond the world we live in, I don't know if it's an actual religious type deity as recorded in so many religions, or if it's alien based, so many ancient depictions and artworks include what looks like spacecraft and non-human type of 'people.'

You can try (if you're a bible thumper type of stoner) but there's no denying evolution, but where did that very first evolutionary winner actually start, what was the actual seed that would flower into man? And I love the rather simplistic argument, "if we evolved from apes then why do we still have monkeys/chimps/gorillas, why haven't they been able to evolve into man?" Okay, enter the 'Planet of the Apes' fans :) I get it, they're not yet done evolving........

All of that being said I can't believe that someone hasn't mentioned the m'fkn funniest movie about past lives: 'Defending Your Life', '91, starring Albert Brooks (who plays the perfect putz) and Meryl Streep in her prime.

They play two dead people (amongst millions) in a transfer station of sorts, hilarious; one of the benefits of being in the transfer station is that they can view snippets of their own past lives, defining moments of either heroics/positive stuff, or cowardice/negative human traits. You either go on or fail after several visits with a tribunal, where you're judged on many of those snippets.

It's really part love story and part human interest type story disguised as a truly funny stoner movie, you will certainly bond with and associate yourself with Albert Brooks. The shady/slimy defender (lawyer) of Brooks' past lives is Rip Torn, his character is HUGELY funny.

One year when I went back to NY for a visit, a real bro, biker friend of mine made me sit down and watch this film w/him; I've been laughing to myself and smiling the whole time I've been writing this post, which took quite awhile as a still long ago ('05) stroke has slowed my typing skills way WAY down, but that's life :)


Well-known member
i know for a fact i had another life. i owned an old jeep CJ, an old Harley, had money to blow, more ladies than i had time for, & time to go fishing & hunting whenever i wanted. grew & smoked buttloads of weed too. wait, that was THIS life before i got married & had kids... fuck.

St. Phatty

Active member
I think it's pleasant to believe that your soul continues, but if you look at how people normally (not always) end their lives ... in our last years, as the mind dims.

You're talking about a system with billions of cells and quadrillions of molecules. The entropy (disorganization) of the system goes through the roof as we approach death.

To think that God or some spiritual entity can take our deteriorating being and "just fix everything" ... not very realistic. Especially from a time management point of view.

I think the passing on of our spirits is more easy to accomplish if we are in good health at the time.

Thinking of God as a Chief Surgeon for a second - do you think he'd rather operate on a healthy body & mind, or one associated with a person who is fading ?

I think it's logical - and possible - that sometimes God & Goddess do intervene, and carry on a spirit.

Sort of like a medical operation.

And that when it happens, it's usually on a person who is healthy, and not near the end - not in a state of senile dementia.

But it's not time-effective to do it for everybody.

Of course, the religion that makes people feel GOOD is the one that gets the $$ ... so the pastor who tells his flock that they are going to rot like compost after death, may not be getting a lot of dollar bills in the old collection basket.

I believe the "Past Lives" experience is often a natural expression of a healthy mind, feeling the universe.

I also think that we have to pay the ultimate price - to die - to get the answers to some of these questions.

Personally I am in No Big Hurry to find this stuff out.


Active member
Mushrooms taught me that we were once a unified force that fractured and now must experience reality individually until the end of time when the universe dies and recycles itself in a white hole. It was like the universe is god but only truly self aware at the moment of perfection which is when we remember being all the different things like stars, people, water, etc. but eventually that perfection has to pass which is when the universe splits and starts to experience itself individually again.

I think memories of past lives aren't really possible because I feel as though as individuals we're fundamentally locked away from accessing the lives of others but I also don't believe time only moves forward so maybe it skips like a jumpy record and before correcting itself you get a flash of another's energy? Maybe you can remember bits of what it was like to be god and mistake that for a past life? I don't know what to make of it really other than shrooms have told me we're all connected and that even in 2016 we can't dismiss everything without requiring the same level of faith that belief needs.


What were we talking about?
Love that movie "Defending Your Life".

Another good one is "Made in Heaven" starring Timothy Hutton and Kelly McGillis about a dude who goes to heaven where he meets a women who has never been born before and they fall in love. She gets born. He demands to be reincarnated so he can follow and try to find her. They won't remember each other and have 30 years to find each other.

Anyway, back to the OP. Maybe we are all energy beings that "take a ride" in the physical plane as humans (and possibly animals). Our death is the end of our turn and we have to then get back in line to wait our turn for another go. People remembering past lives are due to game bugs. Makes as much sense as anything else.

I tend to agree with the poster who said after this there is nothing. To me that seems most likely. I also agree that religion prays on fear of the unknown of death. I'm not afraid to go to sleep. Why should I be afraid to die and never wake? And if there is something after this? I guess I'll find out then. I doubt it be like anything I could wrap my mind around now anyway.