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passive plant killer


No Jive Productions
Thanks for getting back...

I have no question that I would do clones just like you are....

Except as I posted before my veg would be a mom and some working air layered clones Im pretty sure.....

In maybe my first post I question how much of your yield is genetics and how much is your system....

Your last post provided one piece of info.... your cut was from a pack of 15 seeds...


I now know it wasnt some super yielding strain....

I can understand about taking a seed and then growing its clones.....

a fair experiment....

Mostly I think it would be great if you simply grow something else.....

Just one.....

Your yields have went up greatly and seem to have her dialed in...

now you are playing with leaf removal....

It seems like a good time to run another plant....

You were talking about consistancy....

I really dont envision only running one strain....

I think it would be at least 3 different strains.....

You know the old saying ...

variety is the spice of life.....

running a single strain however if pretty necessary for dialing in....

ok, i'll see what i can do.


WOuld the plants do as will with pulse wetting and no wicking......
IMHO, I think that without the wicks you would be continuously adjusting the quantity of the pulse. Too much and you get runoff and it just becomes an automated hempy bucket. Too little and well you know what would happen...



As I continue reading....

there is something that bugs me just a bit....

I get the wcking thing...... mediums will create 2 layers....

moist and dry....

so you added the pulse thingies at the top....

I would have to ask the question...

If you do the pulse drips from the top is the other stuff not redundant.....

A tomatoe plant in a container with half dryish medium and moist medium at the bottom will be fine once the roots hit the moister medium.......

WOuld the plants do as will with pulse wetting and no wicking......

If I did this type of system I would still have a wick to maintain the perched water table below the root zone. Redundancy is a good thing in many cases. If your pump goes out plants wont die.


Fuck Entropy.
D9 did the work already to develop this system to where it is. It's in this thread. It is summarized elsewhere, if you don't want to do the work of reading 1100 posts with uncounted links.

He initially ran pulse in veg to make sure that the roots made it to the area of the media with adequate solution to feed them. He was so pleased with the results, that he added it to flower. He was so pleased with the results, he left it there. He speculated as to why it may be the way it is, and then added outside links that provided theory that supported his observations response.

Post 1 of this thread states the aim of his system:
For quite a while now I have been interested in passive growing... techniques
Observed responses suggested the addition of a pump. As knna alluded to in the VPD conversation, the actual causes can be complicated, but the application simple.

Even within the light of complex-theory/simple-application context, the thesis is that the pulse feed acts as a counter to the consolidations of salt that are the consequence of evaporation by redissolving them into solution. Additionally, depending on your set up, the pulse can act as a means of forced gas exchange within the media. Depending on volume, it can act as an active flush to move any excesses out of the plant, or at lower volumes, it can act as a passive flush by way of inverted leaching. As basic evidence of that claim, I contrast D9's rootball EC tests with OO's flush as he prepared to transfer to Jacks...

Do you think there is something being overlooked here when you ask, "What's the real reason?" If so, please share.

If, when you state, that "there is only one way to make that determination," refers to a systematic trial, I would suggest that it has been done with the thoroughness, and the conclusions say pulse.


the biggest one is that those which are watered from the bottom will have dry soil at the top.........
Hi BR, nice to have another loony tinkerer in the house, LOL.

My miniature ppk is only 7" deep and top surface never dries out. Somewhere between my 7" and d9's 10ish depth is the wicking height of coco so his surface does dry out.

see ya,


Fuck Entropy.
To me, this seems like a different animal entirely.

If your grow season is long enough, why not just run with organically amended soils and blumats? The soil will improve year by year with cultivation, and blumats are a super efficient way to dial in your localized water content without automation and will shut down when it rains, etc.

In the medi-world, everyone likes the term 'orgainic'...


Changing Gears

Changing Gears

Cutting the pie!

D9, would you concider, 'flushing' in the PPK a reasonable idea?

Personally, I've never flushed but with all that do, it must have
some merit.....

Running a seperate control/volume rez w RO only....
after ppk has its' rez drained of the jacks and
replaced with Phd, RO and run the last ???, 2-3 weeks
on straight RO?

This is the second time I've typed this question,
deleting it the first time because I do not flush...
but the question keeps coming to me.. dono why!

Whaddaya think?

Your dialed in and documented sucesses would be a good
test of 'flushing vs yield vs taste' controversy.


Cutting the pie!

D9, would you concider, 'flushing' in the PPK a reasonable idea?

Personally, I've never flushed but with all that do, it must have
some merit.....

Running a seperate control/volume rez w RO only....
after ppk has its' rez drained of the jacks and
replaced with Phd, RO and run the last ???, 2-3 weeks
on straight RO?

This is the second time I've typed this question,
deleting it the first time because I do not flush...
but the question keeps coming to me.. dono why!

Whaddaya think?

Your dialed in and documented sucesses would be a good
test of 'flushing vs yield vs taste' controversy.
2-3 wks of only water not good for plant. especially if desire large, aromatic flowers, w/ nice texture...

boron, manganese & calcium are needed to fully & properly develop fruit. & lots of potassium - up to 4400-500ppm. in tomatoes, there is blossom end rot, in other certain plants, there is generally calcium (top) & magnesium (bottom) deficiencies... but b & mn also help fruit ripen to peak maturity... iron, manganese & calcium immobile in plant, so once not supplied, those parts w/out it stored have none...

the anionns (sulfates, phosphates, nitrates, chlorides) are held mostly in solution, not on particles...so if no flowing solution, these rinse out easy...

the opposite may be good.... increase ec to 3.5-4.0 (2500-3000+ppm). this gives slight water stress, but not much, as sub-irrigation (ppk/passive hidro) keep water present. it increases concentration of elements required for fruit/flower finishing.

not every gardener do this... but ec can slowly rise wkly... "flushes" can be every 5 days. just pour in water to res, run for 24h. end...re-fill tank w/ regular ferts.

flush only requires 1-2 waterings (han)...or....1-3 days recirculation.
the plant requires in-organic elememts 100% of tyme. espcially cal, mag k & sulfur during flowering + the ^^^ micros

another option, maybe in pages back... crf's. can insert a crf @ begin of season, or simple break off small piece(s) @ wk 3-4, & insert into coco. 1in down... then slow-release for final 2-4 wks & feed only r.o./h20...

if desire to increase flavor/aromatics/texture - add gh fl0ralicious bl00m. every other water @ 1/2-1 tsp/gal...

"flush" coco last 2-5 days.... or every 3rd water (hand)/1x/wk (recirculation). end..... much more difficult to insert calcium into feed regime, once absent...the fruit may suffer for 1-2 wks w/out signs - then :yoinks: yellow bottom leaves (>mg++), stunted, yellow tops (>cal++), small, airy fruit (>b-)...

hope this help
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