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Paranoia while selecting and preparing Guerrilla sites.


eyes, I think the 30 years has a lot to do with it.
It's been a good long run... If I can only pull it off one more time in 2013, get a good detailed grow thread up with pictures from start to finish, I'll feel that all the things I have learned over the years won't pass with me.

30 years is a long time of crawling in the brush, climbing the hills, scaling the cliffs, and wading the water. I'm at the point where the dark and the animals don't scare me anymore.
Maybe the lack of fear is causing my paranoia.

Or maybe it's the 30 year run.
If you think about it, 30 years doesn't seem like a long time once it has passed, but on the other hand, it's 30 summers of not getting caught. I feel like each summer is another grow closer to being caught.


I think eyes hit the answer I was thinkin same time of day everyday, shadows are smaller a good time to do remote viewing. you just got too sensitive maybe a camo hat to ease the feeling. The person may not even be looking for what you are doing just looking for some reason. Sounds like if they get close you will really know it.


Well I suppose it's time to get down to business...

I started scouting for these grow spots in April of last year. Actually 2 years before I will begin growing there.
This not only gave me an idea of how many hours of sun I will be getting during spring, summer, and harvest time, but it sort of assures me that I won't be comprising someone else's spot should LEO find mine.
I'm already out there, so I might as well be selecting a few good spots while I'm caring for my plants.

So I pretty much just examine a spot through the entire grow season at first.

Sometimes I will pass by a spot that somebody else is preparing


but I pass right on by to never travel near those spots again.

The picture serves as a good example of how you should not prepare a grow spot.
Notice how the grower didn't use a tarp or an old soil bag to
shovel the ground soil into. They just left it lay right there.
There is some, but not all litter pictured as well.
Way to make your grow spot stand out.
Maybe I should leave them a little note with www.icmag.com
written on it?

If you encounter anything like the picture above,
Avoid It Like The Plague! Get miles away from such
spots. They are a security hazard in more ways than one.


This spot is 2X3X2 and the soil has had it's first amendments added.


Can you tell the soil the shovel is standing in from the native soil?

That spot still isn't ready, it will be amended with slow release ferts
next fall, and will have some camo plants added around it very soon.
The camo I add around the spot has to be added slowly, as to be
unnoticed and appear natural. It will have to be well established by
next spring also.

My main point is that I take my security very seriously.
By the time I'm ready to plant come next spring, all will look natural.

The area all around the grow spot has already been prepared in
such a way that if anyone had been within 50 yards of it, i would
have known. Vines, brayer bushes, carefully placed brittle limbs
all along the way to the site.

The paranoia I speak of seems irrational, yet i sense another
human is always looking over my shoulder.


I think they might be interdimensional space aliens. They can watch you from outside this dimenstion.

It also might be The Predator, cause they can cloak themselves and watch you but you can't see them. And they like to hunt people. One trick is you can cover yourself in mud and then they can't see you. Or if they start to attack you can start a fire in the forest cause then they can't see your heat signature.

Hope this helps. I don't know from personal experience but I've seen a couple documentary films on it.


Scrappy-doo, they could be those interdimensional beings, but I sort of
have the feeling that it's more of a human presence, or the feeling thereof.

You see, no matter how many steps I take towards camo, concealment, and stealth, I always seem to have just a few rather large security concerns.


I mean we've had this drought, and my meds are outgrowing its camo.

spiritual uk

"paranoia" or gut instinct has saved my bacon many times.always follow your stomach aswell as your head


I feel like each summer is another grow closer to being caught.

That is the problem. You have to put this out of your mind completely. And then you will be fine and the paranoia will go with it.



Señor Member
growing inna guerrilla style is always a shot of adreanaline for me....walking at night alone in the wood!!!

while harvesting and trasporting at home my medicine I have paranoia, adrenaline, alcohol and thc well mixed together......


New member
if you work at nigth a lot buy thermal camera.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vnqptBYfESI no to shot, but to see. easy way to find the leo on foot, work's the other way around to. Predator has this to probably.

But I'm with vonforne it's the mind, it leaves no tracks as you say.
I also agree saftey paranoia can be very usefull.

my' 2 cent's


I do plenty of work at night and during the early morning hours.
Funny thing, I don't experience this feeling too much at night.

I go out and look for dry land fish, berries, walnuts, etc... during the day too.
I have to be out during different hours during the day to study the sunlight at a prospective new grow spot.

You might laugh, but I even hunt ginseng, not to dig, but to take a berry or two and plant it elsewhere.
I have started some very large ginseng patches all around some of my better spots.
Just make a big circle with it... I might decide to harvest it some day, but for now it's like leaving $10,000 laying around... Good security device, not too close to the spot, but not too far away.

Kind hard for a Forest Ranger to make a case out of one planting ginseng.

Ranger "What you have that shovel for?"
Me "I'm planting ginseng."
Ranger "I find that hard to believe... You have any seeds?"
Me "Got an envelope of berries in my shirt pocket... Why is there a law against planting ginseng?"
Ranger "Those native seeds?"
Me "Yes."
Ranger "You didn't take all of them from the same place... ?"
Me, "Nope, walked for miles collecting one or two at a time."

Ranger leaves scratching head... OR... if he persists...

Me "You do promote planting native ginseng on your website... do you not?"

But to cut to the end, I generally don't have a valid reason for being paranoid when I'm out during daylight hours, except that I'm scouting for new spots.


Active member
if its his area your not allowed to plant or take from protected areas. i love ginseng. but i wouldnt recognise it if it was in front of me.


if its his area your not allowed to plant or take from protected areas. i love ginseng. but i wouldnt recognise it if it was in front of me.

I think this may vary from state to state, or maybe FS Region to FS Region, but we are allowed to dig in my area as long as we replant. We DO need a permit.

Restricted/Protected Areas are restricted, of course...

His area is ...well... everywhere... in these parts... including the freezer.

But ya, call and check if digging ginseng is OK in your area before doing so.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I would guess no one is watching you out there. Have you talked with anyone about growing that you should not have, or somehow info might have gotten out about you growing?

Your subconscious could be giving you those feelings of being watched because it knows you are at risk because of talk or someone seeing something.


I think you are right, yesum.

I don't talk about growing with anyone, but I do feel like "they know" sometimes.
Haven't bought any smoke in years, never sell any surplus, don't even have the occasional social toke with old friends anymore (not for years & years).

I had a few good friends who I used to discuss growing ideas with, but eventually most of them got into doing the pill thing and died.
You know, I would ask them "Why?... why do you pay $30 a pill to snort up your nose?"
and their answer was "The cops can't smell a pill, its out of your system in 3 days, etc..."

Most of my friends who stuck with good smoke are still alive, but I have never told them that I grow, and as far as they know I quit smoking 20 years ago.

One old guy taught me a lot of things about growing, he smoked up until he died in his late 90s of natural causes.

So, no... nobody actually knows that I grow, let alone smoke.
That close inner circle of friends has mostly passed away... long ago.

Maybe that is the presence that I feel when I'm out there all alone.
When it's just me and nature, I get the feeling of someone standing right beside of me. It's a comforting feeling... perhaps the feeling of an old friend admiring my work.

Sat X RB

greetings DD! just to throw a spanner in the works ... yes, paranoia is always around guerilla grows ... after all what sort of guerilla is NOT paranoid ... ?

but I think your issue may be AMBIVALENCE. y'know, it's old stuff yr doin now and the thrill is gone. ???

I 'm a long time grower too. I still do it for xxxx tho' but the thrill is truly gone.

seems to me identifying which feeling is which, is often difficult. for example some part of you may not want to stop growing ... and another part does. so the first part says something like: yeah, y'old fart! what's the matter with you? losing yr courage? then the second part takes umbrage and say: wtf! don't lay that genteel, pansy stuff on me!

when it may be that yr not losing yr courage, only yr interest.

and 'feeling' something CAN be triggered by THOUGHTS. are you with me here? feelings can be triggered by thinkings as much as thinkings can trigger feelings. both states can result in unwelcome behaviours.

perhaps a major part of yr Self is saying: it's time to come in out of the cold ... ? seems to me yr NOT AN OUTLAW!!!

sit quietly and weigh things up. consult the I Ching. see a counsellor, even.

cheers Cobber!


I have to wonder how many others sit in unbearable pain, typing as I do, simply because sleep doesn't come often, and doesn't last long.

The doctor will give me some pills, but they make me sick, and they don't even stop it.
He wont give me a joint to stop the pain. I'm not even sure that he would if it was legal.
I might as well take another Tylenol, Aspirin, and Ibuprofen cocktail.
Need to save what little green meds I have left.

I really wanted to write to y'all tonight, but the pain won't allow me to structure a reasonable reply to. The muscles in my fingers hurt as I type and I have to go out in less than 4 short hours to walk, climb, and work. I truly have no idea what kind of damage the heavy rain and high winds may have done to my meds.


Just finished checking my last spot, and what a way for a drought to end...
The heavy rain and high gusts of wind beat my girls into the ground.
My season has ended abruptly... but I work on. 2013 isn't that far off.

I intend to do a full 2013 grow log... It involves site selection and preparation,
so the work is actually in progress. I just haven't opened the thread yet.

I want to wish everybody Good Luck, and I hope your season doesn't end as mine has.