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Paranoia level Vs. Age.

Just avoid humans as company and friends...

Radical, but living alone in the boonies is the ONLY way I can see this work with me and my dislike of bipeds.

I wish to live my last years as a Canna-Monk, with my dogs, guns, and plants...

All three true friends that will never let you down if you do your part.

You must embrace paranoia as your friend and don't fight it... learn just to fine tune it according to your environment.

If not, she will destroy you, feeding from your irrational fears and lack of planning.

I'm with ya on that. Only way to not get set up or stabed in the back is to not associate with humans.


Its not the law that makes me paranoid any more its the rippers that get me on edge they can make you jump at every noise and loose sleep. I think im getting more paranoid with this prob then years past dont trust these kids these days(im sure my grandpa said the same thing)


I've never been very paranoid mostly because I find it hard to believe anyone would bother busting little old me. Maybe I am just naive but seriously it would be like busting Barbara Bush.


Active member
I have complete faith in the ineptitude of the bureaucracy, the shortage of manpower and inadequacies of law enforcement, and the lack of interest in someone small-time like myself. Keeping that in mind helps me avoid ever looking suspicious or acting like I have something to hide.

Yeah, and I like what love? said - not much fear of consequences. It's all good to me.


('course that's easy to say right now, having nothing to hide!)


Active member
i think the older crowd is less aware of rippers or robbers ,thinking someone mightbe a cool friend to only "stab" you in the back, its a mistake to not be paranoid about growing in america
So you think we didn't have "rippers" and backstabbers in the old days? I'm sure if any of my friends of 20+ years was going to rip or rob me they would have by now ... and I'm certainly not looking to make New Cool weed friends. I'm guessing you don't have many friends over 25 ...


Personally I am more worried by the guys cruising around with AK47s and AR16s than the idea of the cops worrying about my little personal grow.


Active member
Not directed at anyone in particular ...

Not directed at anyone in particular ...

The laws are Real ... The cops are Real ... Rippers and Backstabbers are Real ... Semi and Fully Auto weapons are Real ... so what's the word Paranoid doing in a place it doesn't belong? Do I need to define Paranoia for the young uns once again? Am I more or less Paranoid than when I was younger ? No! I was never Paranoid to begin with. I was and am Very Careful ... If you haven't accepted the Risks involved with what we do and you go through life all jumpy then why do you bother?

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
the older you get the wiser you become
we learn from our mistakes
mostly I have gotten rid of alot of the trash that used to be around.
when you're young you gotta alot of hang around friends, people talk about people in common and love to be on the inside of the know, usually so they can spread it first.


My paranoia is just different now. I worry more about long term consequences, than just an actual situational hassle of a LEO bust. Cultivation is a felony here. A felony conviction, which also is possession of more than 20g here, could mean losing SS disability and Medicare, which is so ironic since cannabis is the ONLY relief in this whole nightmare of a medical system we have. I like to think that harassing a sick old man would just be a huge waste of resources, and it really would. But just I can't delude myself. These dumbass redneck pig mother-f'ckers around here would love nothing more.

If I wasn't so old and beat down I wouldn't hesitate to move to a medically friendly state. I'd also probably have to take a significant loss on selling this dump, right now, in this crappy market. I did just get an email reply last week from my congressional rep. saying he supports medical but not legalization. Good. Okay, but current trends shows that cultivation is losing ground (NJ, MPP?). So there is hope, but it still looks like a false hope. When MPP is behind no growing. BS! (And mods, that ain't political. That's a fact.)


This is the money you could be saving if you grow
It's kind of hard to be paranoid when you're not doing anything wrong. Not even while driving. I did a little study and found that most cop cars are seen coming towards me and not from behind so the fear factor is/was somewhere close to .000325%. It's still hard to go out and NOT see a cop car. I don't remember seeing one yesterday.


Active member


It's harder to be paranoid now like in the 60's or 70's.
All the LSD has vanished. At least, I don't know anyone
here that has seen any in a long time.

The Government is where paranoia can grow and
manifest itself these days. You can't trust them
anymore. They only serve themselves.

Obama, You'll Never Catch ME Alive.:laughing:


I surely got less paranoiac with the years.

When I was 16, I smoked a joint and I start to feel kind of unsafe, with the fear of talking with peoples.

Now I am 22 and I don't have this problem anymore.


Well-known member
This area is for the older guys, not us young uns. I will say though it's not true - it depends on the person and their experiences. It's all about control - you control your life you have nothing to be paranoid about. For instance if i came home and saw cops in my house the first thing i would think is fuck my tv or fuck my stereo...not fuck im going to jail. Gotta man up to what you're doing and not be afraid of the consequences. But after being stabbed twice, and shot once - i am a very seasoned 24 year old.

Take it easy old guys, thanks for the culture - we'll make sure it goes on!


I very rarely get paranoid anymore. As mentioned above I am much more smart about what I do these days as well.

A few weeks ago though, a friend brought over some Bubbleicious and that stuff made me paranoid like I was 16 again...and the bud smelled/tasted like ONA Gel....yuck.


Nope.... still paranoid as shit.... why I've never caught a case. My paranoia, constantly questioning people's motives, have kept me safe for a long time. I haven't always been so polite, I came up in a situation that has you trusting no one. being involved in and around the pool rooms and the backrooms. With some cut throat people you have to be on your guard. Friend or foe. Now that I'm older and completely away from my old life I still remember to watch it.

It gets bad like you question why someone even gives you a compliment (what do they want?) But it's my way. People that have no concept of my past (like my wife) don't understand why I'm like this. Better to keep things to yourself sometimes.



I would consider myself a younger grower. Mid-20's, yes I think it is obvious that I am a bit precautious about things and not exactly the trusting type as I have been fucked over in the past on more than one occassion. I got mugged when I was selling weed at 18 years old, had what I considered a good close friend steal weed from me, had "friends" narc me out to the police when they got caught. Had my phone tapped by the police, was tailed by the police on more than one occassion and had been accused by the police for growing when absolutely noone but myself could have known. I wasn't charged for growing ever, but they acted like they knew about it. The reason why my account got deleted in 2007. Nothing happened after all of it and the police finally left me alone after a few years flying straight and staying away from it all. I did lose like 3,000 posts, photo albums, grow logs etc from deleting my account in a paranoid fit.