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paranoia blows

well weed has been wats kept me up for the past couple years tht is until recently:fsu:i started getting paranoid and i thgt it was jst a cpl times thng but it happens everytime now(same with tripping) idk why i was thnkn mybe i was jst chiefn 2 much but i stopped fer a cpl weeks n light up a fat bowl 2day n still the paranoia i cnt explain why so i was thnkn if im guna get 2 enjoy the danks ever agin sum peeps on this forum would kno...any1 get paranoid??n kno how 2 not get paranoid? i find myself gettng real quiet now wen i smoke n dnt wna talk 2 any1 n jst shut evry1 out n think 2 much...n i keep thnkn its all in yer fuckin head but it dont help ,,,man its real fucked up any1 care to help me out:puppydoge i hate 2 act like a bitch but man wen you cant enjoy weed u kno sumthns fckd up:abduct:


I get a case of the noids depending on the strain I smoked, for example blue dream today gave me the heart racing/paranoia anxiety.


Pleasantly dissociated
ok i ve had this problem many times, happens everytime i take a break from puffing, my trick to get past the noids is to get my tolerance up slightly so i get a fat bag and force myself to really toke up for like 3 days and then i have more thc in my system and the noids just seem go away. then ya can enjoy a puff again, if ya gonna only puff a few times a week the noids might never leave, ya have to smoke daily to keep noids away, also try another strain, some strains just get ya noidy,peace
Never hope? Someone? Understands? What you are saying? Or where you are coming from? No paranoia sucks? You should see my Colombian friend? I've seen it? He's not a friend?


Switch to sativas, try vaping

Really? I'd have gone the otherway. Sativas, especialy pure strains, tend to make me twitchy after a while.

Jack - Paranoia in my experience is a sub-set of a deeper problem with anxiety. there's nothing wrong or unusual with feeling anxious but it is worth taking seriously as it can really f*ck you up...

Weed, like most drugs, tends to exaggerate emotions so if you are anxious in the first place, it's likely only going to make the problem worse.

You mention tripping and so my first advice would be: knock off the hallucinogens for while (and by "a while" I really mean "a year", at least).

I'd also knock off smoking weed for month or so. when you start dreaming normally, it's safe to say that the weed is out of your system.

Easier said than done, I know.

If I/you then felt like smoke I would make sure that the first few times I smoked were in situations where I know I was going to have a ball, in company I know and love. As I'm sure you know (mind)set and setting are incredibly important to a positive experience with psychotropics of any kind.

Sorry to come across like a therapist - I know we are all different and your mind and life is your own, I'm just trying to empathise from my own experiences. After 2 nervous breakdowns, both brought on my a nasty combination of life events that suck and letting my drug use get out of control (fisrt time round, hallucinogens ; second time round, coke and MDMA) I may know how you feel.

If it helps, having given up all drugs apart from cannabis and by keeping my toking to evenings and weekends only, I am a much saner and happier person.

I hope you feel better soon.



Unless you've done something really stupid I see about zero reasons for being concerned all the time.If thats how it was for me I'd have stopped years ago.Spidermites concern me more than getting caught


Unless you've done something really stupid I see about zero reasons for being concerned all the time.If thats how it was for me I'd have stopped years ago.Spidermites concern me more than getting caught

same, more worried about how the plants are!:laughing:


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
paranoia gets the best of us. Ive always battled with bouts of paranoia when i smoke, but its all about becoming a master of your own mind. paranoia is a self destroyer - it has driven many a men MAD. The biggest thing ive learned about myself and paranoia is that you have to just set all the paranoia aside, and realize that you are just one of 6.6 billion people on this earth and that what you do and who you are REALLY does not matter...

paranoia is a good thing as well, because it keeps you safe in some situations, but as i said above, you cannot let it manifest you, and you have to learn to have special self mind controlling abilities...

don't let paranoia destroy you - you destroy paranoia


If you got the noids I believe its a great time to sit down and explore youir emotional world at that moment. You might be surprised how incredibly you can overcome your feeling of anxiety. I guess you would call it meditation but you are awake exploring your feeling and where it is comming from. Great thing to do when really stoned or tripped out :D (you need to be relaxed and have everything quite)



Active member
I used to hate paranoia, It caused me to quit toking for over 2 years. Now I am a fan of paranoia. To me paranoia is just hyper-awareness. It's an over stimulation. I enjoy it. It's like a huge wave at the beach. You may not be the best surfer, but that wave is too tastey to pass up. So you start paddling, pop up, ride it while screaming and cussing. But when the wave is over, you're happy that you rode it. You are stronger because of it, and next time you intend to enjoy and dominate the ride more.


Moldy Dreads

Active member
Herb makes you think about the dumb shit you do and did, so maybe your conscious is making you paranoid, I truly believe this is the main cause for these issues.
Sativas do make it worse tho, there are definitely racey, speedy strains, and anxiety is almost a side effect because of the certain mix of THC and less CBDs I guess..makes you think alot..


The paranoia is you. The weed just brings it out. If you don't feel paranoid when you are not high and you do when you are high then the weed is in control. You need to get control of your emotions and realize that its not the weed its you and just have fun. I personally get paranoid when Im driving high, especially on sativas, but as soon as the paranoia hits I remember Im high and smile and have a good time. :joint:


Devil's Advocate
paranoia gets the best of us. Ive always battled with bouts of paranoia when i smoke, but its all about becoming a master of your own mind. paranoia is a self destroyer - it has driven many a men MAD. The biggest thing ive learned about myself and paranoia is that you have to just set all the paranoia aside, and realize that you are just one of 6.6 billion people on this earth and that what you do and who you are REALLY does not matter...

paranoia is a good thing as well, because it keeps you safe in some situations, but as i said above, you cannot let it manifest you, and you have to learn to have special self mind controlling abilities...

don't let paranoia destroy you - you destroy paranoia

I just had to bump this because it's just about exactly what I was going to say.
You can destroy the paranoia that you have created for yourself. Ask yourself why you are paranoid, first. Then decide if it's really justified (and it's probably not), and crush that idea like a cockroach.

I read something recently that I think is relevant here about a study that was done on "normal" kids and autistic kids watching a certain puppet show. I'll kinda paraphrase it.

A boy puppet goes on stage and puts a little ball in a green box and closes the lid. He goes offstage.
A girl puppet goes on stage and takes the ball out of the green box, closes it, and then puts the ball in the blue box, closing it afterward and walking off stage.
Then the boy puppet comes back out, and the kids are asked which box he will go to to get the ball out. The "normal" kids (of a certain age at which kids begin to notice this) usually say he'll go to the green box, where he initially put the ball, because he wouldn't know it was moved.
The autistic kids (of the same age as the other kids) would indicate that he would look for his ball in the blue box.

What they are missing is that not everyone knows what you know if they haven't witnessed or heard about the actions in question. "If I know it, they must know it"
BTW not calling anyone autistic, lol.

Growers and other "law-breakers" have a tendency (and maybe one that makes them safer) to think that everyone knows what they are doing, just because it is such a large part of what they spend their brain power on.
It's easy to look at any cop that glances at you and think, "oh shit, he knows everything, he's watching me..." bla bla bla but the truth is that guy is looking at you and he's lamenting the problem in police work which is that they are not all knowing. They start from ground zero on people looking for ways to profile them. Don't make yourself easily profiled.
Now that may not be the foundation for your paranoia, but it certainly is for mine. It's not easy, but it's very reasonable to stop being paranoid and go on with your day.

I struggle with paranoia (esp. when smoking), too, and I have good days and bad days.

It's all good.


Well-known member
I remember Mark Brandon "Chopper" Read said one time that paranoia is the rational way of thinking for a criminal... And we are all criminals, aren't we? It is a subjective matter indeed but risking your freedom and even your life in some countries for growing a plant would make anyone paranoid... I must say that i do enjoy a good sesion of paranoia from time to time, it keeps me sharp and really concentrated on security when growing :)




You may want to look into the strain or strains you use maybe change it up, some strains are more prone to causing paranoia (prolly spelled that wrong). Also maybe just chill I mean the noid zone is all relevant to your state of mind, maybe try some deep breathing. I dont know your situation I personally am blessed to live in a med state so since I have my card I'm a little less worried. I hope it all works out for ya, I used to get paranoid when I was young but since im an older bastid now and I have a med card, not so much. Peace.:joint:


Hey Bro...Just keep an eye out for the pussy!


Minnesota Nice

I used to get super paranoid when I smoked. It got to the point where I just had to pause life for a little bit and take a good look inward. A guilty conscience is a heavy burden to carry around, moreso on drugs that tend to heighten emotions. It took a good year of cleaning up my act...atoning for my sins so to speak...y'know...paying off creditors...settling my beef with old enemies...not being such a selfish prick...being honest with the people I love...etc...
I didn't stop smoking herb. I just stopped being an childish asshole (edit- not calling you either of these!) who had plenty of reasons to be paranoid.

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