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Panama x Malawi - limited edition


ACE Seeds Breeder
Noted @dubi. The Erdpurt started flowering as soon as I put them outside, I'm assuming I didn't adjust light levels enough while hardening off. They will be tiny little things when finished it looks- I know for next year to pay better attention.

The panawali have moved into my smaller tent (2x2x3') and upsized to 0.6gal containers. The light in there always seems to make plants angry at me unless it's adjusted super low, or it was a ph lockout. They've recovered in the past week or so, interesting to see the stem color change when they were upset. Now that they've recovered I will take cuttings and continue the process (later this week).

Unsure if I will flower them this upcoming round or remove some of the other untested genetic stock by flowering the mothers. I have two skywalkers, a Hawaiian snow, some assorted chocolate, blueberry, and 2 SSH mothers I've been taking cuttings off and gifting to friends and family for their personal gardens. I'd like to eliminate most of the mothers through flowering in my secondary tent rigged for 5 gals - with the exception of the SSH and blueberry - and move the panawali into position. Cuttings from the other varieties have rooted, and will be kept if flowered mother-stock proves to be worthwhile.

My current 5gal tent should be finished 8/8-8/15. Assuming most of those mothers are 10 weeks and under, I'll have the ability to flower test runs of the panawali either in the SOG starting on 10/2 or as larger plants around 10/24. I really can't wait

Hi @sgka it's better to start ErdPurt directly outdoors, starting from second half of April, so they get used to to the natural outdoors photoperiod and to avoid undesirable flowering in spring. If they are started indoors under classic 18/6 photoperiod and them moved outdoors with 2-3 hours less of light per day then they easily start to flower, ErdPurt being a semi auto line easily triggers to flowering.

You know best when is the best time for you to start the Panama x Malawi grow.
Eager to follow your indoor run with them ;)


ACE Seeds Breeder
Means a lot to me you that keep growing and growing Panama x Malawi, rating this sativa hybrid as one of your favourite strains @Consolidated and @b8man 🥰 Flowers looks great heading to their end :yes: Really fine gardening work both of you! Thanks a lot for your feedback and beautiful pictures.


Well-known member
Hi @sgka it's better to start ErdPurt directly outdoors, starting from second half of April, so they get used to to the natural outdoors photoperiod and to avoid undesirable flowering in spring. If they are started indoors under classic 18/6 photoperiod and them moved outdoors with 2-3 hours less of light per day then they easily start to flower, ErdPurt being a semi auto line easily triggers to flowering.

You know best when is the best time for you to start the Panama x Malawi grow.
Eager to follow your indoor run with them ;)
Noted Dubi. The Erdpurt are outside in 25gal containers leftover from last year. Some minor spider mite damage that I sprayed for a few days ago. They won't be huge, but they're out of the way, so at least I'll have the wife give a smoke report on them. Will start next years outdoors directly.

My Panama x mawali have been topped and cuttings are in the cloner as of 6/17. They're a little slower to root than my other strains, but they're off to the side and only one each. I'm assuming when the mothers grow a bit more and I can take cuttings from the side growth, there will be better success.

I had one fade away to slime, so I'll be able to test at best 5/6 seeds I started. They'll hit the soil on the 7th, and enter flowering on the 14th. Pics to follow!


Well-known member
Means a lot to me you that keep growing and growing Panama x Malawi, rating this sativa hybrid as one of your favourite strains @Consolidated and @b8man 🥰 Flowers looks great heading to their end :yes: Really fine gardening work both of you! Thanks a lot for your feedback and beautiful pictures.

It’s a great strain. Ive had a lot of strains before and since and very few ring my bell like PanaMal. Though I do regret starting flowering when they were only 2 weeks old - they were more prolific when vegged for 5 weeks and then brutally trimmed. Still great though.

Any plans to bring back the regular seed version Dubi?


ACE Seeds Breeder
Glad to hear you will be able to test 5 different females @sgka :) Hope you find a special one or two to keep in clone form for the future, it hurts when you find elite plants, but didn't keep clones, smoking that last joint knowing will be the last time you will be able to enjoy her.

Panama, Malawi and their hybrids usually clone very well and fast. Since you are flowering from sexually matured clones, you can work on get better, bigger structure prior to flowering since streching will be more moderate than flowering from seed.


ACE Seeds Breeder
You are right @b8man seeds flowered when they are only 2 weeks old have not reached sexual maturity yet, neither have been able to produce a decent structure to later put good weight on them in flowering. With this hybrid, usually 4-5 weeks of good growth from seed is enough to solve this issues.

I think Panama x Malawi regular version will be back at some point, but not in rush since it is a limited edition and i rate the fem version higher.
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My keeper


Well-known member
Day 5 flower. Panama x Mawali cuttings in red. 5/6 of the clones took. Each from a different plant. Taller than anyone else except the chocolates with the pink tags. Will be posted regularly in my grow diary but wanted to show they've hit the tent

Here's my Panama x Malawi!

Growing outside in the SW USA. Organic soil top-dress and teas. Relatively new grower (2 successful outdoor seasons under my belt) and a little concerned whether she'll finish or not. Running until November is probably no frost risk, but I'm worried she's just getting going, and 12 weeks puts me mid-late November.

Farmers Almanac and long-term forecasts have suggested that it'll be a warm fall which spurred me to attempt this. Unfortunately more recent forecasts have a less optimistic outlook on November. I get that what's going to happen will happen, but I'd like some info on:

How far into flower (assuming 12-14 weeks) are we now? It's much more difficult to discern on this plant compared to my other cultivars that are obviously a few weeks into bloom.

Panalawi Cola-to-be last Friday:

Can she probably tolerate some soft frosts? I guess I'll probably be providing some experimental results either way.

I really hope she can finish this season 🤠

I'd appreciate any input! It'd be nice to know when my window for finish is more accurately if I get a handle on where we're at in the 12-14 week.

Cheers and happy growing. This particular thread really sold me on this cross for my first true NLD grow experience.


Well-known member
Here's my Panama x Malawi!
View attachment 18883401

Growing outside in the SW USA. Organic soil top-dress and teas. Relatively new grower (2 successful outdoor seasons under my belt) and a little concerned whether she'll finish or not. Running until November is probably no frost risk, but I'm worried she's just getting going, and 12 weeks puts me mid-late November.

Farmers Almanac and long-term forecasts have suggested that it'll be a warm fall which spurred me to attempt this. Unfortunately more recent forecasts have a less optimistic outlook on November. I get that what's going to happen will happen, but I'd like some info on:

How far into flower (assuming 12-14 weeks) are we now? It's much more difficult to discern on this plant compared to my other cultivars that are obviously a few weeks into bloom.

Panalawi Cola-to-be last Friday:
View attachment 18883400

Can she probably tolerate some soft frosts? I guess I'll probably be providing some experimental results either way.

I really hope she can finish this season 🤠

I'd appreciate any input! It'd be nice to know when my window for finish is more accurately if I get a handle on where we're at in the 12-14 week.

Cheers and happy growing. This particular thread really sold me on this cross for my first true NLD grow experience.
When is frost in your area normally? Is humidity and a mold a concern that late?

Ras Kali Rasta

Well-known member
Here's my Panama x Malawi!
View attachment 18883401

Growing outside in the SW USA. Organic soil top-dress and teas. Relatively new grower (2 successful outdoor seasons under my belt) and a little concerned whether she'll finish or not. Running until November is probably no frost risk, but I'm worried she's just getting going, and 12 weeks puts me mid-late November.

Farmers Almanac and long-term forecasts have suggested that it'll be a warm fall which spurred me to attempt this. Unfortunately more recent forecasts have a less optimistic outlook on November. I get that what's going to happen will happen, but I'd like some info on:

How far into flower (assuming 12-14 weeks) are we now? It's much more difficult to discern on this plant compared to my other cultivars that are obviously a few weeks into bloom.

Panalawi Cola-to-be last Friday:
View attachment 18883400

Can she probably tolerate some soft frosts? I guess I'll probably be providing some experimental results either way.

I really hope she can finish this season 🤠

I'd appreciate any input! It'd be nice to know when my window for finish is more accurately if I get a handle on where we're at in the 12-14 week.

Cheers and happy growing. This particular thread really sold me on this cross for my first true NLD grow experience.
Looking great!
The bad news is that she won't tolerate frost.
The good news is that she should be done before the frosts hit.
Panama × Malawi finishes flowering in 11-12 weeks indoors, not 12--14 weeks.
Outdoors she finishes by the end of October. I know yours doesn't look like she's doing much, but this is often the way with longer flowering strains outdoors. They can really pour it on once they get going.

When did you germinate her?
If she had enough veg time to be sexually mature, she should finish on time.
frost in your area normally? Is humidity and a mold a concern that late?

Frost usually sometime in November. We saw early November last year, and Thanksgiving the year before that. Moisture won't be a problem, I'm in the high desert with drought conditions.

Panama × Malawi finishes flowering in 11-12 weeks indoors, not 12--14 weeks.
Outdoors she finishes by the end of October. I know yours doesn't look like she's doing much, but this is often the way with longer flowering strains outdoors. They can really pour it on once they get going.
This is fantastic news! I was concerned about that. If it's done in October I'll be a happy camper. At the very least right now I'm a more relaxed camper regardless 😎

When did you germinate her?
If she had enough veg time to be sexually mature, she should finish on time.

Germination was 4/8, so she's approaching 5 months old right now. Went outside about a month later with a few nodes. I assume that's beyond adequate. I guess part of my concern is because my other plants are stacking buds already.

Thanks for the replies and input! I really do appreciate it and it relaxed me quite a bit. I'll keep updating through harvest, very excited for this one🤠

Ras Kali Rasta

Well-known member
You're welcome @FieldEffect
She's had tons of veg time and looks every bit of it! Your yields are going to be frightening. My micro organic grow of Killer A5 in one gallon pots produced colas as big as that tube of silicone!

I'm in a similar boat to you. Two outdoor seasons under the belt and reliably frost free until a quarter of the way through May (southern hemisphere, obviously).

I grew Zamaldelica, New Caledonia and Thai Chi together this season. Looking at them in early flower,I would have sworn that NCs would have finished first and the TCs last, but they ended up the opposite way around, as per the strain descriptions.

I hope you don't get too much light pollution with her head sticking up so far over the fence.
You're welcome @FieldEffect
She's had tons of veg time and looks every bit of it! Your yields are going to be frightening. My micro organic grow of Killer A5 in one gallon pots produced colas as big as that tube of silicone!

I'm in a similar boat to you. Two outdoor seasons under the belt and reliably frost free until a quarter of the way through May (southern hemisphere, obviously).

I grew Zamaldelica, New Caledonia and Thai Chi together this season. Looking at them in early flower,I would have sworn that NCs would have finished first and the TCs last, but they ended up the opposite way around, as per the strain descriptions.

I hope you don't get too much light pollution with her head sticking up so far over the fence.
That's great! I looked through and saw some of the pictures. Nice.

We'll just see how it goes. I think there isn't light pollution risk where she is, she's by a tree and the neighbor doesn't have any lights or anything on that side of the house. We're adjacent to a large farm field and a private lane on the other.

Looking forward to the end of the season and getting some of this harvested. Planning on conventionally drying/curing about half of it, and cobb curing the rest.

Bona Fortuna

Well-known member
Here's my Panama x Malawi!
View attachment 18883401

Growing outside in the SW USA. Organic soil top-dress and teas. Relatively new grower (2 successful outdoor seasons under my belt) and a little concerned whether she'll finish or not. Running until November is probably no frost risk, but I'm worried she's just getting going, and 12 weeks puts me mid-late November.

Farmers Almanac and long-term forecasts have suggested that it'll be a warm fall which spurred me to attempt this. Unfortunately more recent forecasts have a less optimistic outlook on November. I get that what's going to happen will happen, but I'd like some info on:

How far into flower (assuming 12-14 weeks) are we now? It's much more difficult to discern on this plant compared to my other cultivars that are obviously a few weeks into bloom.

Panalawi Cola-to-be last Friday:
View attachment 18883400

Can she probably tolerate some soft frosts? I guess I'll probably be providing some experimental results either way.

I really hope she can finish this season 🤠

I'd appreciate any input! It'd be nice to know when my window for finish is more accurately if I get a handle on where we're at in the 12-14 week.

Cheers and happy growing. This particular thread really sold me on this cross for my first true NLD grow experience.
Also in the SW USA. Had no problems finishing many Ace NLD varieties outdoors at high altitude, the only one I couldn’t get to finish was the old Double Thai. She went till mid January and got hammered by snow and hard freezes.
Best of luck to you!
Also in the SW USA. Had no problems finishing many Ace NLD varieties outdoors at high altitude, the only one I couldn’t get to finish was the old Double Thai. She went till mid January and got hammered by snow and hard freezes.
Best of luck to you!
Good to hear!

Here's some pics from this AM


  • pan too tall 31aug23.jpg
    pan too tall 31aug23.jpg
    2.5 MB · Views: 133
  • pan flower 31aug23.jpg
    pan flower 31aug23.jpg
    2.8 MB · Views: 132


ACE Seeds Breeder
Thanks for sharing indoor and outdoor pics of your selected Panama x Malawi @bigtacofarmer :)
Looks resinous with dense flowers.

What does stood out from her compared with the other females ? Better effects ? Good balance of desirable traits above average ? Did she come from a regular or fem pack ? If i remember correctly you were selecting from both versions.

Good luck with the 2 outdoor copies, hope they can finish without problems after induce flowering earlier by light dep.