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Palin says Marijuana a minimal problem


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Strange as it seems, Sarah Palin says pot is not really a problem and folks should be left alone to do what they want at home.

Former Alaska GOP Gov. Sarah Palin said Wednesday night that law enforcement should not focus its energy on the “minimal problem” of marijuana.

Palin made the comment during an appearance on the Fox Business Network with Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas).

The libertarian Paul said enforcing marijuana restrictions specifically and the war on drugs more generally is a “useless battle,” a point Palin somewhat agreed with, though she was clear that she does not support legalization.

"If we're talking about pot, I'm not for the legalization of pot,” Palin said. “I think that would just encourage our young people to think that it was OK to go ahead and use it.”

“However, I think we need to prioritize our law enforcement efforts,” Palin added. “If somebody's gonna smoke a joint in their house and not do anybody any harm, then perhaps there are other things our cops should be looking at to engage in and try to clean up some of the other problems we have in society.”

Palin then urged law enforcement to “not concentrate on such a, relatively speaking, minimal problem we have in the country.”

From a story here.


well. ya dont say huh I guess I dont mind her near so much now lol
Strange as it seems, Sarah Palin says pot is not really a problem and folks should be left alone to do what they want at home.

From a story here.
Having Sarah Palin on "our" side certainly carries a lot of weight. Palin is an icon in the Tea Party (I'm a budding icon in the Patriot movement).

She speaks the truth when she considers pot a lesser issue,
as compared to what is happening here, and elsewhere, in our world.

Pot should be the least of anyone's issues.


Puttin flame to fire
ICMag Donor
Golley, we should elect her then. She can see my garden from her backyard, so that makes her a cannabis expert...


The cat that loves cannabis
Golley, we should elect her then. She can see my garden from her backyard, so that makes her a cannabis expert...
Oh hell no.

But this is one of the first things I've heard her say that actually makes sense.

$5 says that when it's just her and todd(husband) behind the closed door of their bedroom, they get their occasional smoke on.


Puttin flame to fire
ICMag Donor
From what I've read it's more of a tweaker/pill popping party. To each his own i guess :)


I generally cant stand her views or her voice for that matter, but this makes me want to bend her over her desk and give it to her with a little less hatred than I would have otherwise.
Thats all shes ever said on the subject. She's a closet libertarian. But I guess while the libs were busy chasing down baby daddy rumors, sending 40 reporters up to Alaska to see if you can in fact see russia from Alaska (you can BTW), moving in next door to peep into the windows, and other shit ad nauseum, they never bothered to listen. Typical actually. :)

More surprising, (or perhaps not) is that this so called "revelation" is surprising.

BTW - she's also real big on jury nullification. Just saying, so it doesn't come as a surpsie later. :)
For a very long time, she has repeatly and publically said and declared that she supports *not* decriminalizing and/or legalizing medical cannabis consumption and/or recreational cannabis consumption. I will not let this woman pull the rug over my eyes; and I hope that everyone else does not let themselves be so easily fooled as well. Or is it too late? :(


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Well now I guess I WOULD bang her in the ass if I had the opportunity. :)


The show was very good. Judge napolitano's new show on fox business is a example of the libertarian perspective creeping back into the mainstream.
sarah palin is a cartoon character and attention whore. i hope she gets high & i hope that it changes her mind/inspires her to take birth control.

statements like this one are complete BS; just like when cities/municipalities enact measures to "make pot the lowest priority for LEO".

drill baby drill
sarah palin is a cartoon character and attention whore. i hope she gets high & i hope that it changes her mind/inspires her to take birth control.

statements like this one are complete BS; just like when cities/municipalities enact measures to "make pot the lowest priority for LEO".

drill baby drill

I agree. She is a wolf in sheep's clothing.


she's a flash in the pan that has been lingering too long! this is all mccains fault. if it wasn't for him, there would be no her. she's a moron!!!/he's an idiot!!!