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Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Bristol Palin has these thoughts on her recent unpopularity in the press.......

The famous teen mom (and daughter to former Alaska governor Sarah Palin) said she knows that her final-three status is controversial, since she routinely garnered the lowest scores from judges. (One 67-year-old Wisconsin man was so incensed that he blasted his TV with a shotgun following the results -- leading to an overnight standoff with a SWAT team, the Associated Press reports.)

But Palin said she's not hurt by the skeptics. "I know I've worked hard to get where I am," she said. "I definitely feel like I'm the most improved dancer on this show -- so I'm comfortable with that."

There it is folks, a monster has been created, blinded by the spotlights she's believing all the BS mofo's blowing smoke up her ass; she's surrounded by fools telling her that she's just great etc.

suddenly it's "The most improved" dancers that are supposed to be winning these things, oh! I see.......
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Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
here's the mindset of the Palin clan.

Although she didn’t end up winning, Bristol Palin perfectly put into words what a win would have meant to her family at the beginning of the show, “Going out there and winning this would be like a big middle finger to all the people out there that hate my mom and hate me.”

glad to hear you thinking that way hun, fuck you too.......