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Paint or reflective material?


Well-known member
Not a doubt in my mind if I built another setup that everything I covered with reflectix in days gone by would be replaced by prodex......

Orca`s the best for reflectivity , but prodex being solid core instead of bubblewrap like reflectix with even higher R factor insulative qualities just cements my decision.....

First time I saw prodex I was walkin my dawg at the beach , and they were putting it on the roof decking underneath a standing seam metal roof and the builder just happened to be there so I asked him bout the shit , and he had the literature on it and showed me.....

Needless to say I was convinced.....only drawback is the big box stores carry reflectix , and prodex is only available online where I live and the shit ain`t cheap delivered to Hell , even if it comes from Texas , or I thought it was Texas....dunno...anyways....


the gnome

Active member
9yrs eh, that's another notch in the handle for prodex... :good:
1 thing that's not mention at the prodex site is it also blocks the IR signature.

hey DHF,
living in the sticks is a small price to pay for the quiet life I kno your livin...
I miss walking out in the front yard and takin a piss...
till damn fuggin life encroached in on me

one day again tho....one day :D


Hmm so I have this stuff, looks like bubble-wrap mylar with paper backing, I've got a stack of them, they are decent sized sheets basically stuck together on 3 sides forming a bag. Got them from PetsMart, what they used to ship reptiles or something. So it must be pretty good thermal-wise but I don't know how that translates to reflectivity or if it has anything to do with it... I wonder if that would be more reflective than my generic black & white poly that I have now... easy for me to swap out. Wish I had a light meter, though.
It basically looks exactly like that big roll of bubbly reflective stuff (insulation of some sort?) at Home Depot

Probably no way of really knowing without a light meter though, one would assume?

edit: would something like this light meter be good for our uses?
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It's basically the same stuff as Reflectix. I wish I could find small amounts of Prodex... my box is very small and I don't need much. I think I may go with these Mylar bubble-bags from PetsMart instead, unless you guys think Reflectix is better than that and my generic B&W Poly?

My box is only 6' x 2' x 1.5' so if anyone knows where to get a small 6' x 8' piece that would be awesome, thanks!

Probably will just end up getting a roll of Reflectix today at Home Depot.. I should only need one 2' x 25' roll.. this will be much easier.. I wish I thought to use this before the B&W Poly because I set up this system of vertical bars to hold it in place, I'm just gonna use reflective tape to install the Reflectix.

As far as the Reflectix being mylar is concerned.. I've heard Mylar loses it's reflectiveness, will that be the same as this bubble mylar material? I imagine you can wipe it clean easier. Still, won't be a big deal to replace it every year or whatever.

Pretty excited, though.. plus I think the box will just look better :p
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