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Packin home hitchhikers: A Stoners Tail


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
Well I've moved a few plants outside for the summer so I could clean and rebuild one of my rooms. So I have to go out hiking every few days and tend and water the plants.
Everybody who is following my thread already knows how this adventure started, but because after a couple bowls and a joint or two, I decided to start this in a new thread because it doesn't really fit into the existing topic and I figured that it really doesn't need to be included in more serious discussions about OD grows.

Anyway I went out before daylight this morning and hiked up the mountain, packing a 2-1/2 gallon jug of water in a pack-sack on my back and one in each hand. I made these cool camo canvas covers that slide over those 2-1/2 gal jugs perfectly, they help keep limbs and twigs from pokin holes in the thin plastic. The bags also help conceal the jugs when I leave em behind for stockpiled water.

From the beginning this grow has been an adventure with critters like bear, deer, and helicopters, and noisy ass squirrels. But this morning was different because I woke up sore and hurting so I smoked a bowl or 2 of some LGS to knock the edge off and clear the sleep from my eyes. I also knew that I would need the added imagination to properly communicate this whopper of a tale to my family, and friends here, so that all would be aware of this potential threat to growers everywhere.

As I quietly stumbled through the thick underbrush and clawed my ascent up the rocky embankment, my minds eye separating each sound in the darkness of the forest, an eerie mist drifted through the gully from above, erasing everything from view outside a few feet.
I sat down and removed the pack-sack and leaned against the stump of a large pine tree. A feeling crept over me of being watched and the hair on the back of my neck stood straight up. Slight sounds that didn't belong in the early morning air seemed to be skirting my climb several yards off both sides.

I sat quietly as the sun began prying it's rays between the clouds of drifting fog and awakening the world. I watched the as the golden fingers of light played with the hay fields and glanced off the roof tops below where I sat.

I shouldered the pack again and continued climbing up the steep slope, my camouflage clothing blending completely with the terrain and vegetation around me. But I kept hearing something that I couldn't identify...

Then as I neared the area my plants are growing I saw a slight movement below me and to off one side. So I sat down again, and waited. I steadied every tree, every rock and clump of brush for signs of anything that didn't belong.

Five minutes tuned into ten and then fifteen minutes and nothing. The woods were again silent and motionless.

I stealthily crept over to the first plant and removed the pack again. After watering everything I will have three 2-1/2 gal empty jugs to take home so I flatten them and put em in the pack to keep my hands free for the descent.

With everything done and packed I'm ready to head for home when I remembered the joint that I rolled and brought along for lunch.
The morning is shaping up to be glorious indeed!

I laid the pack on the ground beside a rock outcropping and sat on it to keep the morning dew from gettin my ass wet and pulled the perfectly rolled joint and a lighter from my shirt pocket. After sucking down a couple hits of the joint I again looked out over the valley and enjoyed the warmth of the morning sun shining through the camo netting that covered my face. Then I saw it.

A small green creature was peering around a clump of rocks. It's ears were round shaped and large for the size of it's head, and it's large black eyes studied me intently. Then another one appeared and several feet away three more slowly moved from behind an rotting tree stump.

They stood on their hind legs with short hoofed feet, and they had short arms and their hands similar to humans, with 4 fingers and a thumb.

The small creatures approached closer to me, traveling several feet in one movement. Hopping on their legs instead of walking in steps, but upright like a miniature kangaroo, but green.

Never in my years in the woods have I seen such a creature or considered their existence in the shadows of the forests. Even stoned it is difficult to believe my own eyes and I know that nobody else will believe it.

So I slowly slowly ease my camera from the case around my waist and turn it on. But it makes a faint beep when it's turned on and the creatures disappear in a blur.

Rather stunned I glanced at my watch; 5:25 am and it was time to clear out and head for home. Then everything went blank...

I woke up at 9:50 this morning, at home and in my bed...

After fixing the coffee maker I loaded a bowl and went to open up the garden. I watered a few a and was returning to check on the coffee when I saw my pack-sack and camo laying by the door.

I didn't leave em there. I never do that; just take something off and lay it down and I always hang my camo outside.

Then I remembered the events of previously this morning. But it was hazy like parts of a dream. I knew that I had watered because the empty jugs were still in the pack and my boots were still wet from the morning dew.

But I couldn't remember how I got home or even leaving. I had the feeling that I still needed to go water, but even though I couldn't remember it; everything indicated that I already had...

I poured a cup of coffee and returned to the garden. I got a mother plant and started setting up to cut some clones when I saw a flash of green amongst the plants, between the tomatoes and jalapeno pepper plants. But after carefully checking I found nothing.

Out of the corner of my eye kept vigilant watch as I pretended to return to the routine task of cutting and trimming the plant and clones, when I saw them... My memories of earlier this morning began flashing back in my mind.

I went about my duties and after a puff or 2 from my pipe and a sip of my coffee, I watched the creatures as they spied on me from the supposed seclusion of the plants, I noticed that they seemed to change colors and blend with their surroundings like a chameleon.

My every move was being studied with cautious suspicion. After several minutes I got my empty cups and returned to the kitchen for a refill, but I grabbed my digital camera on my way back to the garden.
As I sat down I turned on the radio, hoping it would mask the beep of my camera if the creatures returned.

Half an hour went by before they creatures showed themselves. But this time I was ready to get a picture and prove that my whopper of indeed worthy of telling. After dozens of attempts and blurry, fuzzy pictures I finally had the proof I needed to prove that not only do the creatures exist, but my weed is better than any other I have smoked.

If you don't believe this story is true? Ask the stoned blind man, he saw it too...

I suppose I will have to water tonight. After dark...


(While some parts of this whopper are true, it is mostly the result of the bullshit floating between my ears and some pretty damn good weed allowing it to escape. But it shouldn't be confused with my serious discussions regarding related topics. But it was fun writing it...)
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Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Wake & bake syndrome ..... musta been some kickass weed :)


the shit spoon
You should expand on this.

You have something unique started here.. a mash-up of two genres of story.. the guerilla grower story and the children's/teenager's adventure story.

Think your overarching themes thru first tho..

haha keep writing I'll keep reading.



So Stress... Does your Bug Eyed, Bunny Eared, Florescent Green, Kangaroo Legged looking Creature. answer back when you talk to it?

Great story tho.


i agree that its 2 worlds

the seriousness of growing outdoors (where mj is illegal)

and the wacky stuff from another planet

when you described the tasks and precautions of growing

it really sounded like some war operation with all that camouflage



I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
i agree that its 2 worlds

the seriousness of growing outdoors (where mj is illegal)

and the wacky stuff from another planet

when you described the tasks and precautions of growing

it really sounded like some war operation with all that camouflage


A very humbling statement.

It is a war operation. It is serious. And it is every bit the adrenalin rush that I try to put across in my stories.

It is my grandest hope that some might see the wisdom of this grand whopper and assist in guiding another in the ways of grass and the strength of weed.