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♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Another strain exclusive to the Tri-state

Another strain exclusive to the Tri-state

This strain has been around at least 20 years. I've smoked many a nugget in my time...and this is still some of the tippity top of the heap...

I present for your pleasure, the Long Island Old School Phenotype #1:

Don't let anyone fool ya' into thinking all the Dank is in Amsterdam, or Canada...or Cali for that matter....ROFL.​


Damn FiD!! Squat! Accessndx, The first time I smoked some RAW indica was on LI. Girl I was dating was from Huntington (?), and we went there to party. I got 1 huge rip from the rich kid's bong, and I stumbled my way around fer the night. Too stoned to talk, but not to laugh, ya know?

You guys see either the Knick or Net games? Last second loss for the Knicks (Jared Jack hit a jumper w/.9 left), OT win for the Nets (down 2, VC hit a 35' three as time ran out). I'll meet you guys when I get my NJ MMJ card, lol.
hell yeah dude...i've lived here for a few years but i maintain residency in another state with all my mail going there...i'll have to become a resident....yay


Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
Awesome pix guys :jump: Should have some for ya myself in a week or so.
Hey! Just noticed that I have another rep box. Thanks for all the love and K+ gang! :respect:
Stay safe yo. Keep it green, and :smoweed:
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♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Sessions in the tri-state!

Sessions in the tri-state!

Vint: Congrats on the new green chicklet!!! I remember you when you were just knee high to a grasshopper.....makes my heart light...ROFL!

Thought I'd drop by and leave some pics of my morning session.....a small side branch of my Ice Cream....she's still drying more thoroughly, but this was just right to clip. This little babe weighs in at 4.9 grams and should keep me baked throughout today....

She's all vanilla smelling, with other sweet overtones....hints of dough. Time to roll it up and take her from behind...​


accessndx said:
Vint: Congrats on the new green chicklet!!! I remember you when you were just knee high to a grasshopper.....makes my heart light...ROFL!

Thought I'd drop by and leave some pics of my morning session.....a small side branch of my Ice Cream....she's still drying more thoroughly, but this was just right to clip. This little babe weighs in at 4.9 grams and should keep me baked throughout today....

She's all vanilla smelling, with other sweet overtones....hints of dough. Time to roll it up and take her from behind...​
NIIIIIIIIIICE!!!!! :rasta:

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
let the shit talk begin boys.
iggles at giants next sunday!

g-men gonna show you the diff between men and boys!
our run to repeat champs starts sunday!


Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
^^^W.E.! You're "boy's" been hurting w/out their gun slinger. lmao


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Hand-packed creamy goodness...

Hand-packed creamy goodness...

The rest of the Ice Cream is dried and ready for curing. The final dry weight off the one plant I cut was 35.4 grams. First a quick dip into the sifter box of infinite goodness.....some gentle shaking and then into a curing jar. What's left for a nice session is a fat few bowls of grade "A" kief. In the words of one of my close friends that recently sampled the cream: "That sh*t is strong, it layed my ass out...". I hope you enjoy her as much as I am.



accessndx- You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to accessndx again.

DUDE! youra animatedd gif in your sig took me a minute to figure out, but once i got it i was on the floor!!!! funny shit, bruh.


Active member
accessndx said:
2 distinct possiblities: 1) When you sit in for a local session with me. 2) When you grow some...


1) you just made the noia' meter bump! :bigeye:

why? caus' i actually started to considered it for a little bit. you know i have little images in my head of all of you guys. sometimes i link your personalities up with people i know or have known in real life at one time. sometimes to people i don't know, like a neighbor down the street that i've never been introduced to. yeah that dude looks like it could be access..driving that fancy car -- you do have one right? i think its been in one of my visions lol, or maybe its so and so...

haze can really make my visions fly off the handle when in the middle of the discovery phase of the buzz. i get some bugged out scenarios flash before me, who knows how close they are to reality. most of the time i've been dead on with those twisted thoughts. it allows me to think of many many things at once, and make cross connections between those thought lines that i couldn't do when sober (maybe its because i don't care when sober, lol). i have some intuition on certain things, and i was told my great grandmother had 'the sight'. i guess you'd call that second sight these days. but she had it all the time, unaided .. i only seem to get those delusional thoughts during the peak of a high, and only when i smoke my girl alone. which is, 95% of the time.. the recent sparkly commercial stuff i have been puffin lately, just can not push me into that visionary state of mind with the small dose that i'm used too, so i'm waiting for harvest ;)

so you won't beat me up will ya?

..or leave me lyin in some ditch somewhere battered and bruised with fuckem scrawled in blood on my forehead..all i wanted was to have some ice cream..what would my wife and kids think of me now!



as for 2) still trying to figure out which way to take that comment <looks down><squeeze> nah.. :nono: LOL hmmm. :bashhead: grr, ya bastid

you know what tho..

things may change if i decide to really make this the last run of her.. and my house is clean, and she's backed up with some peeps, you know .. who knows :kos: a 0% noia' meter may make xoox do crazy things.

freeze a bud!! ;)
get it? get it? ICE cream!
ok that was bad ..

p.s. that long island girl looks interesting too, i've probably smoked it. have friends who have connects to LI .. scene over there is different.. older peeps (mid 40s professionals w/kids in HS) who smoke on the DL like me, big nice houses.. huge decks+pools, etc. not who you'd expect to be smoking, lol. last summer's LI was a one-two hitter, but absolute chest burning fire. totally sent me into a frozen drooling state for about an hour+. arm twitches every once in a while, just to make sure its still there. friend was talking to me, and i really didn't say much back, maybe a nod and grunt, just a loss of words. the only thing is the entire stone i felt the throat/chest burning sensation, ehh.. some may like that, but i didn't. i like smooth smoke, no burn/cough. i call those hurtin' strains, since it makes me feel every damn pain/injury i've ever experienced on my body, all over again. bashed leg pain. 1992, slipped on ice arm pain 1997, road rash 1999 (evel knieval my ass) ..if it makes me feel or reexperience any type of pain, it's not for me .. i'll dump the buds or give them away to others who aren't as sesitive to that as i am.. i hope that wasn't your girl ;)

the very last LI batch that came thru the area, was most likely not that girl. very cheap $. came around end of last summer. very sativish long 5-6 inch spear buds (&thin), smelled very perfumey and sweet, never really smelled buds that perfumey sweet before. "eternity for buds!(tm)" unfortunately........., totally weak ;( have to pull multiple times to get a little dizzy and a smile. if i don't get to where i'm comfortable with in one or two one hits, i move on.

it's a small world, and we're all connected to each other dude, just like kevin bacon!

xoox :rasta:


&#9835;All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Paranoia will destroy ya'

Paranoia will destroy ya'

1) Little ol' ME made your paranoia meter bump? I think you got it set with too much sensitivity. I'm a completely normal guy with horns, a pitchfork and a tail.

If you and grandma had the "shining", I'm sure you'll have a field-day with me. Apparently I seem to get the juices flowing.

2) Nah bro, I didn't mean "Grow a set of nuts". I meant quite literally grow some of this particular strain because you'd enjoy it. It wasn't meant as a pot shot either way. I'm a bit less poetic if feel like insulting someone.

As far as beating you up and leaving you in a ditch is concerned with the F.U.C.K.E.M. insignia carved into your cranium......it's just not my style. Bodies leave way to much evidence. I try to stay away from ditches if I can avoid them (gets your pants and shoes all dusty).....and I certainly don't need the fuzz chapping F.U.C.K.E.M....

It's more likely that you'd be the first known case of marijuana overdose after partying for a short time with me....thereby setting back the +MMJ movement by decades and increasing regulation unnecessarily. Of course, if there are unconscious, comatose or deceased people in my vicinity all bets are off with regards to pranks. I just can't pass up a good teabag:




Active member
aha, ya character ..

i know it wasn't a pot shot, i was trying to make a yoke..
wait a minute i said pot.. huh huh, huh huh

pause ..

i don't think i'd pass out, i always pace myself on a new specimen of tree, always 1-2 hits, feel it out for 5-10 minutes, if im just smiling and tingling, another and another..once i feel the heart racing and oh shit im losing control, i'm done until i come down a bit.. lol... never would find me like that poor dude in the pic..no way i'd hit those infamous ice creams sshs mangos without a smart head, who downs 151 like ice water on a hot day..the drunk and foolish !!


btw, is that the pic that everyone was talking about in chat? when 'CT got teabagged'?

alas, now i'm totally scared again, maybe i should bump it up another 10%, i don't want to wake up with no eyebrows and ball sweat on my chin..see ya done sent me back into my hole, like a squirrel lookin at that nut in an old ladys hand at the park, should i trust the human?..back up..just a little closer..should i trust it? damn i want that nut ..oh it moved suddenly <dart> back .. that nut looks tastey -- shake shake ;)

at least a year to undo the damage now...

to 2010! :friends:


xoox :rasta:


I haven't posted in this thread for a while....

somebody from Jersey was complaining about bag seed? this came from bag seed

you can do it you don't need some pimp cut
