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P&P's 2013 Guerrilla Swamp Grow

Buddah Watcha

Well-known member
Hey P&P, plants show preflowers when they are sexually mature. They won't start budding unless you mess with their light schedule (12/12)!

Sometimes takes a while for plants to show their sex, I guess its strain related! I have some plants that have been vegging for around 3 months and just now are starting to show sex!

Good luck on your spot search, I hope you find the holygraiL!

Best vibes!



Private Breeder
ICMag Donor
Thanks Plant n Prosper there is some excellent outdoor growing information in this thread. The book link was well worth the read for any outdoor grower. One big thing I try to avoid is making walking trails to the outdoor plot. These can be followed very easily.


wow that looks just like my spot hahaha. no joke. was out today and walking the dogs and bam.. found a few 5 gallon pots on the hike into my spot so.. i abandoned my spot.. and went looking for another.. found a nice spot that looks like this swamp ur in.. sept it takes a good 40 mins to walk into and its only like a mile .. its such rugged terrain.


Private Breeder
ICMag Donor
That looks like an excellent spot for growing. Lots of sun light and wet for the plants to suck up moisture. Looking forward to seeing some of your tubes going :)


Well-known member
Plot 1, I don't understand. Are you going to cut all those trees away first?

Plot 2, looks definatly great.


only saw a few gardner snakes nothing big yet.. are u walking in waiters? or just boots? .. i dont go in like u do lol.. ive been looking for spots and shit but it just seems like everywere i go i end up finding some1s old nutes.. water jugs.. or 5 gal pals with stem and roots left behind? .. lol iunno its almost like everyones trying to grow outdoors.. im thinking of maybe just going with a back pack full of clones.. and just plant in native soil.. and just every day go outfor a walk drop 6 -20 a day out there.. and see what happens.



Was out alllll day today checking out some spots marked out on my map. Checked out 4 total, eliminated 3 and kept the last one because it's PERFECT... or as Buddah would say - "The Holy Grail". The rest are either too risky or aren't flooded enough to still retain moisture during the summer sun. I am SO STOKED on this site guys. It's a random road that veers off of a semi-main road and dips down into the forest out of view from the cars. The land is commercial and is up for sale too, meaning nobody will be going on it until it is sold... money. After dipping down off the road and into the woods it goes for a bit, and then I have to park because the trail stops. It looks like it was once used back in the day for hunting, but is very overgrown and the tire tracks are no longer there anymore. From there I follow a game trail (they almost always lead to water) and it let me straight to one of my new spots. This place is an awesome find because it's a 2 for 1: I ran into a forested wetland that's going to provide me a lot of cover from above, and 5 mins from that site is another great spot that's more of an open wetland. Both are bogs, because the pH of the water isn't acidic like swamps typically are. I'd actually rather have bogs for my plots now that I think about it; because I won't have to load my tubes with lime to balance the low pH that swamps offer. Anyways, here's my first find -

Plot 1: Forested Wetland

[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=44373&pictureid=1063030&thumb=1]View Image[/url]

pH: 6.8
ppm: 170

This place struck a good cord in my gut. It has coverage from above. The foliage in it is flourishing. The pH is on like donkey kong. I love it so far, plus it's a 9 our of 10 on the accessibility scale since I can park my car in the forest; out of view, and semi-close to my site for when I haul in supplies/soil.

Here's what the ground looks like:

[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=44373&pictureid=1063031&thumb=1]View Image[/url]

[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=44373&pictureid=1063039&thumb=1]View Image[/url]

My boot sinks in about 6'' then the hole fills up with water. Also, the surrounding trees have moss that comes up to about a foot high on the trunks, meaning that'll be the highest the water will get all season long. I'll prolly use my shorter 2' tubes for this spot, they seem tall enough for my roots to poke their heads above the water line to breathe still.

[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=44373&pictureid=1063032&thumb=1]View Image[/url]

^ I'm not sure what kind of plants these are, but if anyone can diagnose them it'd be greatly appreciated! It'll tell me more about this spot and what it'll look like come late-season. I'm not sure whether they're heavy feeders, and if I should uproot the ones around my tubes or not. If they're not I'll just leave em be!

I hike in a ways to get here though, and I've gotten lost in wetlands a few times (for hours) because I'd get turned around one way or another... so I started bringing a note pad with me. I'll rip off a sheet of paper and stick it on a branch, then do it again in about 50 feet or so. This saves me a big headache in wondering where the hell I entered from, so I won't get lost anymore!

[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=44373&pictureid=1063041&thumb=1]View Image[/url]

On the way out I just grab them all so there's no evidence of me being there.

I believe these are referred to as skunk cabbage as they are very stinky tending to discourage most animals from trudging through them, therefore creating a very comfortable habitat for insects.

q p one

New member
Amazing thread P&P, ive been following all your threads and im loving the information im getting from them. I plan on growing swamp tube style this season just like you are so ill keep you updated with any problems/ successes i encounter in hope to help eachother out. keep up the great work bro and youll definately have a prosperous season

q p one

New member
Thanks homie! I'll be keeping an eye out for your thread, thanks for the support. I'm down to answer any questions you might have, and I'll be keeping my eye out for your thread. Goodluck this season bro! Be smart out there

Thanks, this is only my second year but ive got everything pretty much figured out. The only thing that im curious about is what soil mixture i should use and the ratios of ingredients and amendments. I plan on using peat moss and/or promix as the main filler. Any insight you can shed on this would be deeply appreciated


Well-known member

[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=44373&pictureid=1063032&thumb=1]View Image[/url]

^ I'm not sure what kind of plants these are, but if anyone can diagnose them it'd be greatly appreciated! It'll tell me more about this spot and what it'll look like come late-season. I'm not sure whether they're heavy feeders, and if I should uproot the ones around my tubes or not. If they're not I'll just leave em be!
Im not sure what the real name but the hillbilly name is swamp cabbage . If Im right it gets 2-3 ft tall and has huge broad leaves at least as big as the plant is tall. If you remember take a pick in full summer.

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