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P&P's 2013 Guerrilla Swamp Grow


Plant n Prosper

That is a bog.
A generator grow in the abandon house could go undiscovered long enough to prosper.

Eh I don't have enough HID's to do something like that unfortunately, nothing wrong with growing in a bog though right? The surrounding foliage is flourishing, and high water marks are only 1-2 feet high on the trees in there.


Eh I don't have enough HID's to do something like that unfortunately, nothing wrong with growing in a bog though right? The surrounding foliage is flourishing, and high water marks are only 1-2 feet high on the trees in there.

I think this grow is on track for success

Plant n Prosper

Thanks homie, but I won't count my chickens before they hatch...


Nice lineup of strains - one of them, at least, or more should do real well in your niche.

The tyvek tick suit will work but you will be sweating bullets in it real soon and it looks strange. I used to use a mesh style suit like what a nature biologist might use, still sweated crazy in it if it was sunny. But at least I didnt look like a mercenary goon of the umbrella corporation. One thing for sure - when its tick season, you will basically have the woods to yourself.

The wetland in your pic looks good, not seeing sphagnum moss or tamarack trees which could indicate an acidic condition. Are you going strictly swamp tubes? They sound great but also seem like more work. Then there is the off season, leaving the tubes is nice tipoff of what went on there. Same goes for perlite soil mixes. I have discovered more than one grow in the off season just by seeing perlite in the bush.

On the same note of caution: I would try to steer clear of that abandoned house if at all possible. There could be another, more stealthy way to your spot. An abandoned house is a natural focal point of attention and general vagrancy. It might be convenient and all but your chances of being noticed go up. It may not seem like it but there is a good chance that someone, somebody, is occasionally visiting that homesite. At the very least dont park the car anywhere near that homesite. Good effort overall.
Great thread and information up here. I have a question about the swamp tubes though. Do you place them directly in the swamp water or on a part of the swamp that most likely floods?

How often do you have to visit the plants (for watering and feeding) in this swamp tube method?


that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
Swamp tube info can be found in High Times Mag from last year or in other threads. Basically you use fence wire to make a tube, and you half bury that in a swamp, filling to the top with soil mix. The above ground protion makes it so that the weed doesn't drown in a WET swamp.

Hey thanks for the link to that book... the free adobe reader version is only every 3rd page or so, but still lots of free info.

Good luck this year... from what I see I LOVE the site dude


that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
...Read a few pages or more of blog

Man this guy is hot. So glad that you passed that around. Ive seen a lot of different sources and have had the priviledge of knowing a few as well. Anyways this guy divulges the mean secrets that others are always hesitant to give away. I mean, wait a minute, secret are secrets. Well Im loving his bit about 20 minute hikes to spots.. leaving at twilight and loading out as darkness begins and visibility is low. Yeah now I see what you mean about 5 seasons in one book. Thats a 10 year secret shit..


Buddah Watcha

Well-known member
Hey P&P, good work doing your research and getting things ready for the OD season! Best of luck brother! Just a few tips...

Strains is one of the most important parts of swamp growing IME! Swamp won't forgive you wont the late season and heavy rains come, good recipe for bud rot! So make sure you have a few good mold resistant strains, i'm not familar with your strains so I can't tell for sure!

Make sure that those trees aren't going to shade your spot once the foliage grows on them...

Regardig the perlite, you can easily solve the issue with a layer of mulch on top! Perlite is cheaper than vermiculite and other sources of aeration and the fact that is so light is a great ammendment IMO! It does float, and if you rip a bag on your way to the spot your screwed :p make sure to double bag them while u carry to the spot, or have a smart pot to put inside it!

Also, I'd consider dumping all the soil on the swamp, if you find a way to keep the tubes in place till next year that half the work done for the next season! Just need to add some compost and nutes and ur ready to go for the next season! Would be a waste to just throw that soil away after all the hard work hauling it in!

I havent checked out the book you talk about, but seems solid!

Also grab some Repel repellent. I've had some good success keeping the ticks off last season while applying that to my clothes! I usually rock normal clothes with some long socks over my pants, shirt tucked in with long sleeves for max protection!

Definitely load up on Sluggo the 1st month or two, at least till plants are over a foot or two high, after that you won't have many issues with them fuckers!

Also consider some BT application mid season to keep catterpillars off from eating and shitting on your buds! That will cause bud rot!

I seem that you are putting time into planning, but unless you go out there and learn from your mistakes it's hard to master this art!

Best of luck man, I'll be tagging for this one! Hard work at this time sure pays off later on!

Peace homie!
Looking good in here .... Just plant to the south of any trees and you will get plenty of sunlight ..... Plus those trees will help hide your trees from aerial view

If you looking for a cheap replacement for perilite grab a 50# bag of rice hulls ..... Cheap enough and they add silica to the soil when breaking down too ..... Plus they don't show up bright white lol

Stay sharp out there .... This is portion of the season(bringing in supplies) can be very tricky to no be seen ..... Once were through this portion the next part will be chopping season and getting everything out.

Keeping an eye on this one!

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