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P.G.& E. gives love to Medical Patients!!!


So I just found out that PG&E the electric company in my area has a form that I fill out, have my doctor fill out & sign, which gets me free 500kw a month!!! I was fn shocked when i found out. My local grow store mentioned it (dude, thanks so much) and I called my doctor. They seemed to have heard of it, but not often at ALL. Seems it changes by provider, heard s.m.u.d. was even more compassionate, but I dont live there.

So, get INFORMED, and save some friggin money while you get relaxation therapy from your fantastic indoor garden!



New member
believe hes talking about the medical baseline rate. its more for people who are on ventilators and other equipment they *need* to run to maintain their health. Im not so sure having grow gear, or even an x-ray machine, would qualify you for this program.

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When i called PG&E I explained I had an Indoor Medical Garden. She new exactly what I was talking about, said she would send out the paper work. Like it was common thing. Said nothing about restrictions whatsoever. Just that me and my Dr. fill it out n submit it. Thats all I know till I get the letter n follow thru, but thats what i know.



Active member
It is a decent break for a smaller sized grow. Check in to getting commercial rates if you are doing anything large scale.


I tried to get this discount when I lived in Oakland. I got the paper work filled it out,took it to my doctor that wrote my script and they told me that only my primary doctor could sign it for me. I dont have a primary doctor so thats where that ended.

I dont make much of anything on paper,so I was able to apply for the CARE program and they accepted me! My bill was 40-50 percent cheaper each month! You can save way more money with the CARE program,if you qualify.


crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
From what I understand you can be simultaneously eligible for CARE and medical baseline. Next time I re-up at my doc's I'll be bringing the form.


Active member
If you also have a note from your doctor that says you have a medical condition and need your power, PG&E will never shut off your power, even if you fail to pay the bill.

PG&E also has the CARE and HEAP program for low-income residents. The CARE program will cut your bill by at least 20% every month. The HEAP program is a federally funded program for low-income households, in California you can go to http://www.csd.ca.gov/FAQs/HEAP FAQs.aspx.


Thats good to know. Do you have a primary doctor that filled out your paper work or did your doc that wrote your wrote your script fill out your paper work?


Bigpuff has it right as I understand it, it's for mission critical situations. Not for MMJ patients. I may be wrong, but thats what I got out of it. OG is on the money with the care program. You must qualify as low income, then it will save you some substantial bucks. If you do manage to pull it off, do please let us all know.
Thanx Grunt


PG&E also has a Care program as OGorganic stated. To qualify, you must make under $30,500 annually for 1-2 adults+children living in household. Thats verified! For 3 people under $35,800. 4 people $43,200. It covers up to 6 plus. Valid thru May 2009. 1-866-743-2273 or www.pge.com/care I'm sure some of you qualify so dont delay. If you apply early enough during one billing cycle it could take effect that cycle, otherwise not till the next. Disabled vets @ 100% that dont recieve SS will qualify. Grunt
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Just Call me Urkle!!
So I just found out that PG&E the electric company in my area has a form that I fill out, have my doctor fill out & sign, which gets me free 500kw a month!!! I was fn shocked when i found out. My local grow store mentioned it (dude, thanks so much) and I called my doctor. They seemed to have heard of it, but not often at ALL. Seems it changes by provider, heard s.m.u.d. was even more compassionate, but I dont live there.

So, get INFORMED, and save some friggin money while you get relaxation therapy from your fantastic indoor garden!


WHAT!!!! Fuck yeAAAAAAAAA!!!! I got smud this is awesome news hopefully Medi Cann will fill out the forms for my poor ass shit I got my card with a Free Compassion Card of theirs so I think they would be glad to do wouldn't you?


Active member
i have edison and the medical baseline :D
would a 420 Doc sign off on something like this if you dont have one of the below (this was copy & pasted from edison's website) PG&E must have different wording because this doesnt seem to cover MMJ growing.

  1. Regular use in the customer's home of one or more medical life-support devices essential to maintain the life of a full-time resident of the household; and/or
  2. A full-time resident of the household is: a paraplegic, hemiplegic, quadriplegic, multiple sclerosis, scleroderma patient, being treated for life-threatening illness, and/or has a compromised immune system.
Life-support devices are those devices or equipment that utilize mechanical or artificial means to sustain, restore, or supplant a vital function, or mechanical equipment relied upon for mobility both within and outside of buildings.
Life-support devices include

  • Aerosol Tent
  • Pressure Pad
  • Apnea Monitor
  • Pressure Pump
  • Compressor / Concentrator
  • Respirator (all types)
  • Electronic Nerve Stimulator
  • Suction Machine
  • Oxygen Generator
  • Ultrasonic Nebulizer
  • Electrostatic Nebulizer
  • Inhalation Pulmonary Pressure
  • Breather Machine (IPPB)
  • Iron


So I just found out that PG&E the electric company in my area has a form that I fill out, have my doctor fill out & sign, which gets me free 500kw a month!!! I was fn shocked when i found out. My local grow store mentioned it (dude, thanks so much) and I called my doctor. They seemed to have heard of it, but not often at ALL. Seems it changes by provider, heard s.m.u.d. was even more compassionate, but I dont live there.

So, get INFORMED, and save some friggin money while you get relaxation therapy from your fantastic indoor garden!


Medical baseline allowance....you must state the aplliance used..compressor for oxygen tank..or other medical appliance.

dont have the doctor say its for your 1000 watt hid lighting.