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OZZZ's grow show


OZZ_ would you mind explaining what type of irrigation system this is? I am stoned.

The canopy looks insane.

You can easily pollinate a few bud sites, and make sure to tag them with something so you know. If you just use like a match-stick head diameter of pollen on a q-tip on a few select budsites, it wont travel far at all.

Moving the plant out of your tent, maybe 4-5 days would be safe, but me personally I wouldn't even move the plant out, i'd just use an extremely small amount on a one or two budsites and call it a day.


Well-known member
Sure thing... its just a basic pump/res system so I don't have to manually water them.

I took a 25 gallon container with a 400gph pump and ran 1/2" poly tubing form the pump into the tent. Then I have 1/4" micro tubing coming off the main 1/2" line that goes to each plant. the ends of the micro tubing are connected to those stakes that break up the water jet so it flows gently onto the soil.

ill probably pull the ak lady out of the tent for pollination to be safe... but I'm not keeping her out for more then as day. I've heard I can spray her down with water before returning her to the tent pollin doesn't spread but I'm not sure how much time to wait between pollination and spraying.


Active member
What are you running for bennies?

Diggin the setup... I do have a few suggestions, but you dont seem that new man, your gals look dialed..

You running suby's mix?


Active member
On cloning, Ive not lost a clone in years...

EDIT: I just read the question on watering.. Rockwool doesnt hold water very well, but read on to see why it wont dry out with my advice, remember, 100% RH inside the dome will keep the cubes moist until you remove the dome for more than a day or so, also why you dont wanna pull that dome in the first few dayas for sure.. Essentially, you water once when you take cuts, and shouldnt be watering them again until you have roots..

There are many ways to clone, some use peat pucks, rapid rooters, rockwool and god I dont know why, even bubble cloners.

Here is the deal. Clones are not sensitive, they require simply a few things to get them off on a good foot.

Temperature: 78F is imo, the optimum temp for cloning, if anything, a few degrees cooler.. We are slowing transpiration here to get them to root and that is what the dome is for since a "saturated" atmosphere wont allow them to transpire, allowing the plants to keep the water they do have, without expelling it into the atmosphere, after all, they have no way to bring in moisture, unless you mist them, which I highly recommend not doing past the initial cloning procedure, we are encouraging them to push out roots and retrieving water from foliar means is arbitrary, make sense?

*Achieving a consistent temp is easy, using a digital thermometer/hygrometer, run the probe inside the vent of your dome and shut it on the wire so as to hold it in place, adjust fan speed with a light dimmer from Home Depot (5.00 bucks) you may need to pull the ground from the fan plug as the dimmer switch is two pronged, no worries, get some pliers and gently pull the ground prong from the plug.

**Ultimate bestest secret professional tip on controlling temps: Check out Hydro Innovations automatic fan controller, It speeds up and slows down automatically based on temps, effectively keeping the temps, well... perfect.. Most plug in thermostats simply shut the fan off, this creates swings in temps, and isnt an ideal way to control temps, I like always having negative pressure to keep smell down, yes, even in veg...

Essentially what you want to do is prep your cloning solution, take your cuts, insert them into the medium of your choice, mist once, and then leave the dome on a couple days.. Watch them from outside the dome, if you feel the need to lift the dome often, remember, the RH in the dome is most likely 100%, so lifting the dome immediately drops the humidity to whatever it is in your veg area, so avoid it the first few days.. Day 3 and on once a day is fine, just make sure the leaves are supporting themselves, if you see any of them drooping, get that dome back on for another day or two, but do not mist them, the humidity will allow them to perk back up..

I root in 6 days on average man, and believe me, the less attention you give them, the better they will do.. This is objective advice, I assure you.

I use coco in 18oz cups with rooting powder from home depot, I just bury them up to their necks in the cups, but I also brew teas full of microbial and fungi to facilitate their rooting, soaking the coco prior to inserting the stems, then pushing it with my hands around them tight.. Something I can get with you on, as I feel the concentration of a particular product is hands down killing any "teas" you will come across here... Ill explain that later.


Well-known member
Thanks for the input. Since I posted those posts Ive taken several more sets of clones.... straight to promix with rooting powder, and all of them have taken. Ive also taken an extra set in rockwool ... those took too, so I was just being paranoid about the difficulty of cloning I guess, since I had never done it.

I appreciate the comments on my girls. This really is my second real grow, but Ive grown a shit ton of hot peppers and other plants and even kept moms (of the hot peppers) and taken clones of them. Turns out cannibis isnt much different.

Heres my first grow:


Now Ive germed a few other cannibis plants and grown them in super soil but never made it to flowering because of light leaks or them all ending up males. My first run is in the thread above and turned out great. My second shot turned out all male, my third shot hermied on me because I half assed it and had a bad light leak, this is my fourth shot ... but 2nd real grow ... as in Im actually flowering this time lol. I was pretty much just screwing around on the second and third shots knowingly not doing things correctly because I was bored. Ive been reading for more then a decade though, and I do a bunch of mycology cultivation so I suppose Im not a newbie to cultivation in general... if that makes any sense.

As far as the soil goes Im not running subcools recipe exactly, nor burn1, or vics .... more of a combination of them as far as amounts go.

I am using the usual blood, bone, kelp, greensand, and epsom salts at half strength.... then Im adding in epsoma's tomato tone. Its 3-4-6 ratio but has a ton of bennies in it as well (Its made up of various feather, bone, kelp meals, etc, etc).

For bennies I have my own worm bin that I use a fair amount of in the mix. Promix, 15% added perilite and 15% worm castings then add the above additives.

Usually the amounts are around 3 cups epsoma tomato tone, 1 cup blood, 2 cups bone, 1 cup kelp, 1 cup greensand, 1 cup epsom salts and then 4 cups lime to 15 gallons of promix plus an extra 15% each of perilite and worm castings on top of that. I end up with around 17-20 gallons or so of soil.

Once my seedlings or rooted clones were ready I put them straight into a 1.3 gallon pot with the above soil cut with plain promix at about 50% for veg, and suppliment with fish emulsion, seaweed, and kelp waterings here and there as I see fit. An occasional blackstrap watering too and one epsom salt watering right before going into flower.

When they were ready to be transplanted into their final containers I used the above soil mix at full strength and then I transplanted them into the 3 gallon containers you see Im using in my pics.

I have another full batch of super soil cooking now .... but after thats gone Im going to go with straight tomato tone (plus perilite, worm castings, and lime) and see how it works out. Probably about 7 cups tomato tone to 15-20 gallons of promix/perilite/EWC. It would simplify things a lot and with the fish, fish/seaweed, and kelp waterings available Im betting I dont notice any difference.

We'll see I guess!


Well-known member
I have a few questions I could use some more input on though.

1) Still not sure what to do about pollination ....Can I take this girl out and dust a few side branches and leave her out of the tent for 4-5 hours or so before putting her back in?

Would that be enough to make sure the others dont get pollinated?

Maybe I could spray her down with water before returning her to the tent? Or do I need to leave her out for longer then that? Im not going to let her miss a full 12 hours of light, I have no where else to put her so If I need to keep her segregated longer then 12 hours Im not going to pollinate her.

2) Can I still run ACV for my PH down... through my res and pump or will it cause biological buildup in the tubing and equipment??


The Dude
You can just leave her in there an do a lower branch thats outta the path of fans. tag that branch and u should be good. not sure on the timing of spraying but ya could just leave.it.as a qtip of pollen is not gonna spread much properly applicated.


Well-known member
Sounds good Ill just shut down my fans while Im doing it I guess ...

I was editing my post while you were responding ... what do you think about running ACV in the res? I probably should just buck up and buy some PH down I guess to be safe ...


Active member
Hmmm..... a fellow thinker..

Its apparent to me now how you take in data, you are going to be very successful in this game...

I implore you to research "capulators beneficials", as it is apparent that microbiology is a component of your grows.. Need pics, references or data outside of researching and lemme know, I just cant imagine organic derivatives containing bennies coming close to caps stuff.. Ive tried it all and his bennies are just see it to believe it.. I brew it a half gallon at a time..


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Well-known member
Thanks bud.

Ill look into the bennies .... I havent done an ACT yet but will soon, I have in the past... although I usually just go EWC and some blackstrap and bubble to foam before using.

Ill look into your additions....

Heres my SS AK 47 girl, I couldnt bare to risk pollinating her in the tent with the other girls ... so I took her out in the kitchen and pollinated a few branches. Im going to leave her there for about four hours or so then put her back in the tent. It was a good thing too because I think the top bud is getting a little light burn from being too close to the light, I have about 3 more inches of room and just raised the lamp up to max height so looks like Im going to have to re-work my ventilation now rather then later.

She was about 11.5" when put into flower ... Im at 2.5 weeks into flower, and she is now 30.5" so damn near a 3x stretch. I sure hope they all stop soon. I think from now on Ill flip at like 8-10" rather then going to 12".

Anyway here she is, along with her slightly burnt bud tip.







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Active member
Minor zinc def, but otherwise, good looking, your ph may be a tad high in the dirt, dolomitic lime "can" cause this.. Tip on the pollen, do it outside the grow in the garage or something, and put a fan on her to blow off the residual for a bit, If you hit her with water soon after pollination, it can kill the pollen, my buddy is quite the breeder and Ive seen this first hand, but have never had the balls to do it myself, figuratively and literally, lol...

Zinc def, for reference..



The Dude
ACV? feelin stupid...whats that?..... also I havent pollinated before so i would suggest askin in tbe seed forums an get it from the pros....maybe hit up ganesh...hes a good guy an excellent breeder that helps alot of us on here.


Well-known member
Apple cider vinegar ... Im in the process of re-routing my ventilation for more verticle room, Ive re-done it twice now and just realized I f****d it up and now all my pieces of duct are too short for what I need to do. G&d D@mn m*th&r F*r


The Dude
dont use that for ph down as it only holds the ph momentarily. its ok for hand watering when you use up the mix right away but not long term for holding ph. I only use that as a last resort an it has always messed with the medium an plants a lil. I highly reccomend gettin some ph down.


The Dude
sux on the ducting but ducting can be taped back together as long as you have enough foil tape.....just make smooth connections to reduce air ressistance.


Well-known member
JBones ... I was going to give them a drink of epsom salt next week anyway so Ill look into ways to get them a little zinc and see how it goes. Thanks for the input!

Arthritis ... Ive spent all day trimming up the ladies and re-routing my ductwork but I got it all set up. By reversing the whole setup and putting my fan flush against the ceiling I got myself an additonal 12-14" of verticle room! I could go with four footers if I wanted too now. ;)

Also, I did the last and final trimming of the girls, basically just got rid of the small budsites down below that werent getting much light and wouldnt amount to anything. Trimmed a very few fans here and there that were blocking budsites.

Ive got individual pictures of all the ladies, some of them are close to 36" tall right now, however Ill have to post them tomorrow as my wonderful GF has been sitting and watching me tinker with my setup since 8 am today and its time I give her a little trimming as well ;)

Heres a few pics of the re-routed ductwork though, Its hard to tell from the pic but with it set up this way it gave me about another foot to work with.



.. and heres a preview of the ladies all lined up waiting for their haircuts, as mentioned Ill post individual pics tomorrow since I still have 3 different phenos of Sweet tooth #3 to choose a mother from and 2 different blue widow plants to choose from. The AK 47 is the only one so as long as her yeild and smoke are worthy Ill keep her around for a bit at least.



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Well-known member
You know I thought about it but then got sidetracked with all these other tweaks. you think I should stake them now?

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