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OXY Bubble Bucket Observation



Basically wanna Show this Pic off of my Freak Growing Casey Jones(Tc) Thats been in Flower for 2Wks last Sunday.Previous to this it had 4wks 2/3 Days Vegge..
Must Mention The Chem D!
I had it Vegging in Coir where it was doing well Then Totally stripped the Roots of Coir and Transplanted it to the DWC Buckets and Stabilized it with Rockwool Segments.
During the 4wk+ vegge!(this time) the plant Barely moved! It Seemed Static and only Seemed to Become Yellow & Yellower on the New Growth
Micro Nutrient Deficiancy Allegedly
So I transplanted it back to the Coir where I think/hope its recovering.Still Very Small tho.
DON'T KNOW why it Didnt Settle with the DWC BB's !!?
The Blockhead too
Noticed the one I have in Coir is doing way better than the Same in the BB
That's all tho.The rest are "Flying" especially the Casey Jones and PK

This one man! Has shot up Way ahead of its Fellows & Counter Parts
3/4? Others are getting the same light etc but this ones doing its own thing :D
Had to move it and find Stabilization so did so behind the intake fan lead which is in the Corner.A good thing How you can Easily move them around but mine isn't IWS with the large baskets so Easily fall over as they Progress/gainweight

Could weigh them down suppose :/
Hmmm,Could be PLOP though!
External Support is the Only Option.This Wouldnt Happen with the IWS Basket/Lid..
Pics Showing This Ltr. :smoker:

Inaccurate Markings.Only by an Inch tho,max

"can only Imagine the Benefit Given to a Vegging/Flowering Plant Grown Under an Air cooled Reflector.."

When i Move House :D


Re: IWS.
Homemade.And a White Future..


Home made isnt that Stable as you can Decipher
Obviously tying to the Net Pot of that Would be Stupid..

Dank Demon

Growing herb is a way of life!
Hi, can you not cut another hole beside the one in the center of the white one like on the black one with the net pot then rest the white one over the top like a cover?


Thats a Good idea m8 :) (12 Spare Black Lids Soon too!) As long as the Plants are Totally Upright NO problem.But that's Rare with the Unfastened Homemade set up :smoker:Usually its Timberrr. (Same with the old NFT)

Lol I remember on the nft Table at times i use to tye them to each other :)D!)
But this time I have yo yo's so ill erect a stability wire



hiya ,the plant you had the problem with! i had similar issues before with a couple of plants.how much rockwool did you put in the net pot? and when you started them off did you still top feed a little to get them going,also what water did you use to clean the roots off?also do you take the temps from the top of the dwc pot? one other thing i can think of,do you cover the top of the net pot with some mylar to stop the light going down into the roots? thanks willyweed


Hi willyweed & thx You've Enlightened me to Something that will be the "stunting" reason of the Chem D no doubt!
I washed the Coir from the Roots with water straight from the Tap! How Mad is that!!
The R/W Segments were Packed in to the Level of the Base of the the Plant
No the Roots were/are never exposed!
The Air Temp (then,early on) never got above 78f - 25/6 C
Pots arnt Exposed for long either.e.g Growth :smoke:

I see no Need to Water from the Top when the Roots are Allready in the water/Nutes BUT is Reassuring so i Did so this time.For a while anyway. :)
(You Have to Remember R/W is Excellent for Capillary action and the Spray Caused by the Airstone must Reach 12"! ???)


The Chem d Then [of Current Crop]

Decorating in Progress

Accompanying Text:

chem d. really not happy.was removed from coir at more or less that height Weeks ago!
In the corner so not having the best light,still..
Barely any root development also
Plant Seems to be Static and new Growth is yello

Picture Added 05-23-2013 08:43 PM
Added by GreenPlant




do you also h2o2 the water? just had some root rot due to not using it,had to pull nearly all roots off added h2o2 and put them back in just getting the second lot of tails took extra 10 days .slightly gutted but happy not to lose them ! also looks like too much feed on the one above,don't you put any clay balls in that little net pot? that rockw2ool prob will sit too wet on its own.only a thought no stress either way.goodluck


Clay Pebbles only for the Larger IWS Basket otherwise Cut to Fit R/W Cubes.That Dont Sit in Water unless they fall through due to Weedy Baskets.
Always Use H202 m8 also Correct Doseage of Other Addatives :smoke:
Nice One for Prompting me though WW almost Immediately After I read ya Post I Noticed My Large PD had Fallen Straight Through! (So Thats to Wet for Sure!)
Again (some) Weedy Pots..


mmm... i had a problem a while back with the lids and built in net pots,its difficult to move from the smaller net pots to the bigger ones 4inch with out pulling the roots about ,also i do not like having to use so much space for the lids with the net pots built in.so now i start them in the 4inch net pot in a tote with enough space for 4x and after that i put them into a home made lid.i cut 5 out of one wardrobe side. siliconed the inner and outer circle put on the big buckets and good to go.only because i have to veg in a small wardrobe so space is tight but works well for me .hope the cj picks up for ya asap :)