What's new

Overwhelming, many replied threads.


It helps to use the tools within the thread, like the search feature within the thread, or you can click on a username and filter the thread to only show their posts.

If you truly want to read the whole thread, I've noticed some people will continually add posts of no value to me, their posts are usually coupled with someone else, so when I see their avatar or a post quoting their post, I don't read it.

You can also skim read, you don't have to say the words in your head to understand the message.

worth repeating...


sunshine in a bag
i breeze through the front page to see if any threads i haven't posted in have 10 or less replies so i can join in the initial discussion, where a discussion isn't just eavesdropped upon and regurgitated as fresh.


don't "poor guy" this guy!


Arctict blast doesnt understand how i am offended by his post that people with mental illness should get no help from the government so he can have more tax dollars spent on him.

So now hes acting like a child and stalking me. WD bigot.


sam the caveman> you keep posting helpfull advice in my threads lol, am i imagining you or are you real?


We should have a forum for people with anxiety disorders where threads over 5 posts automatically get locked, and then deleted so their are no painfull memories.

Offtopic, does anyone else notice a lot of stoners give people grow advice, without ever reading the post?

Like i've read someone say in bold letters they ph'd before they watered soil, and the responder went into detail about how a beginner needs to PH the water they use.



It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
that's actually a great idea...like a low key forum for people that cant handle the grown up forums! lol just kidding dude


OH NO!! I'm already on page 3 of comments! Help me!!