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Overgrowing the World.....


$$ ALONE $$
Hell ya tleaf! Im out like Chem Scout!
So whatever happens happens. I can just do my best to be my best and be smart and take action according to the circumstances.

tleaf jr.

Came up off 75w
shit , someone tried to break in my other property yesterday ... the same person who broke in last year and stole about a unit, well I told his step dad and he threw his ass out , now hes sleeping in an abandon house :laughing: ... stupid ass hat didn't even see the rejects in the backyard dummy lol .

tleaf jr.

Came up off 75w
fucked up the screen , theres nothing in there but my pooch and clothes I have no room for in the apartment . says a lot when you breaking in a house that no one lives at smh . now hes homeless and on top of that didn't even get anything outta the house , karmas a bitch :biggrin:


$$ ALONE $$
Yes it is. Ive gotten rid of friends like that. Greed is an adrenaline rush for some. Its a dangerous game to play. I dont give anyone the chance to do me harm now, by no one even knowing where I live. I dont trust anyone.
Glad everything worked out for you. Ide kick his ass still, but thats just my opinion.

tleaf jr.

Came up off 75w
naw not much for fighting no point really , he's prolly sitting somewhere hungry. yea no more friends are ever going to see my garden . rule #1 I guess


$$ ALONE $$
I learned that leason hard. I showed a friend I knew for 5 years just my small veg area and got my door kicked in when I wasnt home and he got a couple ounces of jar.
I moved the next day and vowed never too let anyone know where I lived ever again. Theres alot of risk and reward in hobby growing for your own meds. Shit is expensive for crappy quality. I cant afford to smoke brick weed, so I def cant afford $50 1/8th on the street or $55-$60 for dispencery prices. I go through an 1/8th a day.
Imagine living under a bridge because I smoke weed? LOFL! So wrong... in so many ways.
If my health insurance covered some good bud then hell ya Ide go to the dispencery instead. Way more choices. Would have to see about the quality myself. :biggrin:


Active member
dude.. a dispensary has been open for a bit now............ there shit is GARBAGE.. and honestly.. the prices are so high . ur better off staying on the black market.. if u wana get a card to avoid prosecution go for it .. but im not putting my name on a list.. to get some low end stuff..

bro.. every strain u have ever grown.. even the worst ones .. are better then the best shit at the dispensary.


$$ ALONE $$
Thanx JO. I appreciate that.
Gonna be putting all 23 Glues outdoors to finish at week 4 of flower. They'll get a good 9 - 10 weeks and be done by Sept 1st.
Maybe even get a better yield? Afraid of burning them with the sun and afraid to put budding plants in partial shade for a week.
Their gonna get a double day period before going into the 12 hr dark period but hopefully they wont hermi and just supercharge them flowers to go crazy. Fingers crossed.
So this ends this thread for just abit. When I get the new place Ill be back here and keep it going.....
and for random check-ins.


Active member
ogw.. ull be fine.. u could toss them out now.. and they would flower out .. I have 1 plant that was flowering when I put her outside.. 2 weeks ago.. and shes still flowering like a bitch.. no signs of revegging or anything.. so as long as ur already a few weeks into flower ull be good..


$$ ALONE $$
What about the sun burning them?
Whats this on my outdoor plants? I need to fix this so it doesnt spread to the Glues. Ive never seen this before.
Its on a few random leaves on every plant except 1. It hasnt over taken the garden .....yet.

