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Overgrowing the World.....


$$ ALONE $$
Get it buddy. Also check out that window a/c for light leaks I had to take the face off mine and stuff fiberglass insulation in the cracks around the evap. Coil.

This a/c from Wally-Mart streams in light like crazy from everywhere. I just put duct tape inside on the white foam part that lets in the light and then put a tarp over it with cardboard to push it off the a/c so air can come in at lights off.
I also just put the a/c on high fan instead of cooling mode since the tarp would screw with the thermostat in the a/c.


Active member
if u run your lights at night.. and air cooled lights.. u could easily get away with running a window fan.. instead ac..

have u thought about supplementing Co2.. and just venting out your lights in a closed system..? u can run rooms in the summer lights on at night.. window fan..and co2.. and get nice harvests of nice buds..

i was thinking of grabbing a co2 gen.. for next summer..


$$ ALONE $$
Sprayed all the girls under and over w/ Azamax.
They just got flower clusters the next day.
Should have enough GG#4 to smoke on for a good long while in 7 more weeks.




$$ ALONE $$
Need to trim another set of bottom branches so the girls will have plenty of room to spread there upper branches and get nice nuggz.

I didnt have rooting gel so I took 4 cuts and stuck them in a 1gln pot of FFOF soil with 50% Chunky Perlite. After sitting in water for a good 8 days.
Hopefully they'll root in 4 or 5 weeks. If not, Im taking cuts from the OD GG#4's before they go into stretch mode in 3 weeks and rooting them the right way.

Got 2x HPS lamps and 1x MH lamp. 8 plants under each HPS and 7 under the MH. I want to see how each set of plants do.
See which spectrum is best for the Glue. Im sure 6 plants under the mixed spectrum will dominate.


Active member
You cant have a window fan and a/c.

not true... can be done with the newer style windows that u can take both parts of the window out.. u could put 2 ACs in 1 window. or a AC and window fan.. worked great last season.. kept my ac from having to be on at lights on.. just used the ac to cool the room during the day while lights were off. and honestly saved a decent chunk of cash.. and had the EXACT SAME TEMPs..

but im using GODS HPS in the SKY.. for this summer.. fuck running all that electricity.. just to cool the rooms lol..

things looking amazing for you dude.. great outdoors going !!!..

hope all turns out the way you plan...


Active member
sup OGW...you get the critters taken care of....the black duck tape is pretty good...keep rockin...DJXX


$$ ALONE $$
My house has old ass windows dude. Its fine for now. I can actually keep my a/c on at night now, with 0 light leaks, and it stays at 76*. During the day with the a/c on low it stays at a steady 79* for 12 hours. Im gonna need to turn on the dehumidifier at night after week 4 of flower to keep it below 50%.


$$ ALONE $$
sup OGW...you get the critters taken care of....the black duck tape is pretty good...keep rockin...DJXX

Yes. The mites are eradicated. Ive been flipping over leaf after leaf trying to find 1, but nadda bro. Nothing. :biggrin:
Im gonna spray them with azamax 1 more time in 3 days to make sure they stay gone. My room is gonna be absolutely busting at the seems with Glue. She is a long legged girl that likes to spread her legs far and wide. Ive actually never seen so much leg in my room before.

Im a tight internode guy that hates branches. So this girl is a wild one for sure. A completely different strain than Im used too.
I just hope the buds are as big as I hope they get by growing her straight up with no topping. I want those big buds. No larffy/ small popcorn stuff. Just all big colas and nuggz. Probably gonna need to buy alot more bamboo stakes.


Active member
Yes. The mites are eradicated. Ive been flipping over leaf after leaf trying to find 1, but nadda bro. Nothing. :biggrin:
Im gonna spray them with azamax 1 more time in 3 days to make sure they stay gone. My room is gonna be absolutely busting at the seems with Glue. She is a long legged girl that likes to spread her legs far and wide. Ive actually never seen so much leg in my room before.

Im a tight internode guy that hates branches. So this girl is a wild one for sure. A completely different strain than Im used too.
I just hope the buds are as big as I hope they get by growing her straight up with no topping. I want those big buds. No larffy/ small popcorn stuff. Just all big colas and nuggz. Probably gonna need to buy alot more bamboo stakes.

from what ive seen the GG4 is a floppy bitch.. no giant colas.. only 1 dude ive seen has actually got it to stack like other plants.. and I honestly think he used bushmaster.. or something similar to get them to stay closer.. ALSO from what ive read . even the smallest branches on the GG4 produce some nice buds.. even if there small.. great stuff for hash ..

but either way.. if the quality is there bro.. who cares if there floppy. lol. those outdoors will probably be stacked more then the indoors..

if u spot any . bomb the room .. they say to bomb it.. then wait a week.. and bomb again.. to catch anything that may hatch...

just be on the look out . because if u killed the livings.. u might have eggs waiting to pop.. not fun.

good luck.. there lookin super healthy.. I bet they put out some amazing nugs.. I bet u cant wait to try some proper GG4..

I saw some GG4 in our area a few days ago.. looked to be greenhouse or outdoors.. and was over dried .. under cured.. and way under trimmed.. decent smoke.. but if a good grower grew it .. maybe it would have held up to the hype.


$$ ALONE $$
Landlords selling the house.........
GG#4's are going outside in 2 weeks (wk 4 flower) to finish flowering.
This sucks! Im livid fucking pissed! :cuss:
Time to :mopper: and move with the quickness....

What timing! This last grow is Kicking My Ass! :blackeye:

I fucking asked specifically before I flipped these bitches, if there were gonna be people coming to look at the house again......
"NO.......Not right now. Not yet." is what I got for an answer.
They will finish at the same time they would have indoors (Aug 21st) since stretch and flowering will have begun outdoors anyways, in 2 weeks. So they should finish fine.
Maybe even stack bigger, better budsites? If I can get them out safely?????? Thats the real question!
Maybe a double harvest? harvest the Glues, then harvest the OD's 4 weeks later?
We'll see..... Ill either be updating...or closing this thread. Depends on if I have 2 more weeks to get them outside or not.
If people start coming to look at the place while I still have them here then there getting chopped and trashed!
Gotta be a mature adult and make harsh decisions sometimes.
Im also worried if I have to put them out next week (emergency situation only) that they will stall and go sorta into veg mode and then into flower again. I heard of people getting bumper harvests this way... supercharging their flowering plants... but its not for me.


$$ ALONE $$
if u spot any . bomb the room .. they say to bomb it.. then wait a week.. and bomb again.. to catch anything that may hatch...

just be on the look out . because if u killed the livings.. u might have eggs waiting to pop.. not fun.

good luck.. there lookin super healthy.. I bet they put out some amazing nugs.. I bet u cant wait to try some proper GG4..

I was spraying every 2 weeks with Spinosad based spray which kept them at bay bigtime. I only had a couple adults here and there. I got rid of the plant that would have had any eggs on it really. The rest of the plants are spotless.
Ive checked and checked and quadruple checked again. :biggrin: The Azamax finished them off for sure.
The cuts are spotless too but you may want to keep them aside while rooting and quarintine them anyways as a precaution. The cuts are coming from the outdoor plants that are free of anything.

I really cant wait to try it! It may be even better tasting than indoor grown, with the sunshine maximizing the GG4 terpenes.
What a clusterfuk! Cant believe indoors is now an outdoor grow. Cant believe Im trusting in a partner (wicked good guy so far though....possible long term best friend if things work out well. Hes a guy you gotta love. Got the cutest baby ever).
Cant believe I will be homeless in 4 weeks.
I cant bellieve I spent all my extra scratch on new grow equipment just to have it not pay off this run.
I cant believe I have to drive a looong ways with 23x GG#4's at week 4 of flower....
Cant believe I have to carry 23x GG#4's outside......UUUHHHG! Atleast there in small 5gln pots and very light.
Maybe its a blessing in disguise? Maybe Ill get 4 ounces a plant instead of 2ounces a plant since the lumen intensity went way up half way through flower? Like going from 600 watts to 3000 watts the last 5 weeks.


Active member
dude ur going to get a way bigger yield.. and ur buds will be nice all the way down to the bottom most larfy bud that would have been cut off indoors..

ok.. stake the bitches up.. in the Center to the main stalk.. then go from the bottom up.. with a string.. making all the branches.. straight up against the stalk basicly.. it will help u be able to move them.. without breaking off branches.. or breaking a stalk..

and another thing... I would do .. is maybe grab a uhaul? rent a truck. or small van.. and put everything in it.. and make 1 Run. instead of many little runs..


$$ ALONE $$
If the Glues doubled in yield, putting them outside for the last 5 weeks, maybe it would be worth putting them at the same OD spot and just giving half to my partner.
Ide get the same anyways as I wouldve, had I grown them inside.
Its a much easier, less stressfull in and out.
We'll see how things play out.

tleaf jr.

Came up off 75w
you need to check and see if it legal for them to sell that house from under you like that , is your lease coming to an end ?