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Overgrowing, The 3 Ls and Grow-Club Rules


Andinismo Hierbatero
Overgrowing, The 3 Ls and Grow-Club Rules:


For those of you who did not have the chance to be a part of the Overgrow forums, you may not have heard some key elements in regards to very important subjects.

Seeing that this sub-forum of Israel is kind of new, these points may not have been discussed yet.

So lets begin: What is to Overgrow?

To Overgrow means to cultivate your own cannabis plants, in order to learn tons of beautiful things about life in general when we take care of our gardens, as we start to see how a tiny seed germinates, sprouts, grows through its vegetative stage, starts flowering and finishes flowering, yielding one of the most beneficial herbs/flowers to be found on earth.

It means to stop paying for this gift to mankind, to stop giving money to people we do not know, who may use this money for shady purposes. This is specially important to consider when we buy hash that comes from unfriendly locations. To stop supporting a black-market created by prohibition, that many shady individuals and organizations use to fund ugly things like terrorism.

Overgrowing the Planet means to Educate ourselves and those close to us about this natural medicine, sacrament and safe recreational substance.

What are the Three Ls?

This is related to our Security; since prohibition says it is a crime to grow a beneficial and safe plant such as Cannabis, so we must protect ourselves from those still caught up in ignorance and confusion about the facts of Cannabis. The 3 Ls also helps us protect ourselves from thieves as well as other kinds of shady individuals.

What are the 3 Ls?

Don't Tell, Don't Smell, Don't Sell.

Don't Tell: Tell no one about your garden, loose lips sink ships. You tell one buddy, your buddy tells someone else, and in a matter of days, all your community knows and this places you at risk.

Don't Smell: Grow safely and let no one know you grow by any leaking smells comming from your flowering garden!

Don't Sell: this means that the harvests from your garden should be used only to treat yourself; and if you were to share, only do so with those old enough and who understand the proper use of this herb, for free.

What are the Grow-Club Rules:

Rule #1: Grow-Club does not exist.
Rule #2: Grow-Club does not exist.
Rule #3: Grow-Club does not exist.

you get the idea.
Maybe today the times may have changed a little and we think we can be more open about our gardens and our love for gardening and Cannabis; but it is always best to keep these things to ourselves. For example, if you want to share some of your home-grown herb with friends, when they ask you where did you get these nice flowers from, it is always best to make up a story and never to let anyone know that you are the farmer of such goods.

If you want to talk about it, to have someone look at your garden, your pride, the best place is a forum like this one. Where we remain all anynomous and the chances of getting snitched are minimal.

Many old-timers have always followed these rules and have never been in any kind of trouble thanks to their discretion and awareness.

Sadly, our world is still inmature and not willing to look at the reality and how we as humans are free to use this safe and beneficial plant, so we must not put ourselves at unnecessary risk.

With not much to add, I'll quote the Book of Genesis, relevant to Israel and to how it is very wrong for man to tell another man that a plant is 'bad' and 'illegal'.

... And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.

... And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

...And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for food..



Active member
I've added a fourth L over the years...

Don't Yell!

This applies to you and your neighbours. If you, your housemates or your neighbour are prone to drama fights, yelling, calling the police or other 'disturbing' behavior... it's not going to work.

Why the neighbour? Look into how many police calls have shown up to the house "NEXT" to the house they're supposed to be at. They'll kick your door in, even if it's not the right one. No joke.

Keep it quiet. :)

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


Don't create too much noise is also a major issue indeed, and not just yelling.
I know a case a really-not-that-noisy air conditioning unit caused enough trouble to close a 12sq meters grow and toss most of the plants.

Get your shit SILENT.


Andinismo Hierbatero
good points Hydro and Bud, indeed, peace and silence are a must!

safety first, and the rest will just flow.


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חשבתי שאובר גרוו זה אתר שלמדתי המון מהפורום שלו לפני שהאף בי איי פשטו עליו וסגרו אותו,סיפור מפורסם אני חושב
כן,אתה עדיין יכול לרשום את השם של האתר ולראות את ההודעה של משטרת קנדה שהם החרימו את האתר בעקבות פעילות לשיווק מכירה ועוד של גראס
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שמעו שפשוט לבעלים הביתה ועצרו אותו
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