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Overgrow Family Check In Here


~Resident Puck Bunny~
Now you're annoying me nitwit. Post anything like that again and it'll be your last post. You just can't help but make up lies, can you?


Active member
OG was great. When i first registered I barely knew that weed could be grown indoors. But the guys taught me everything i knew. I evolved from a 400w drip system with 16 clones to large 40000watt operations. Ahhhh the good old days!

I think i registered in October of 2000. My avatar was of Joseph Stalin.

Oliver Pantsoff

Active member
Damn, I miss ovegrow...It was cool until the kids start showing up...My name was "triggety" the inventor of the famous "e-slap"...hahahaha...OG was very nice back then.



I was Nice Monster on OG. My avatar was a smiling portrait of Herman Munster from the 1970's era TV show "The Munsters." I was mostly a lurker, just beginning to learn the craft.

Karma Genetics

Reaper is that you bro, That was the time , you did good then, hope you are still rolling strong.


Active member
ICMag Donor
who did the 10000 watt ww2 underground bunker grow on OG????? it was sick !!i thought it was reaper???


SKELETOR/ballastman here and nothing much has changed.I'm still the best grower in the world


Active member
The underground bunker was Reaper among other awesome things. I thought it was an impostor except for his '06 join date and 5 posts. Keep living the good life reaper...


Coast to coast clones... Berk Bagster, mtf, great people.. OH GOD how i wish i had the termination mother ( berkely x sour bubble ) still.. HUGE fan leaves..

Favorite thread goes to Reaper hands down.. the bunker was nuts..
Also I think it was tom hill the thread with the outdoor that you could see from the highway in CA.. that was sick.. Good ol Overgrow days.. I still have the sweatshirt.


now this is an old thread

I remember reaper's bunker, crazy

there was a guy sending hash all over the world from india too

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