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overfertilized cutlings

Schufi 74

New member
Hi to all... I have just started growing and bought 40 live cuttlings (or cloned plants) I made a crucial mistake. In my over excitement, before I put the cuttlings in the soil, I dipped them in water mixed with fertalizer. Here in Switzerland we can by the cuttlings in a square sponge type thing and then plant them into the soil. As mentioned I dipped this into water mixed with fertalizer and then planted them into the pots and started my lights. I realized this morning that this was not the right decision. The leaves have a yellow tint to them. I am worried that this mistake was fatal. Due to the fact they are in this square sponge thing, I cannot replant as the roots are not strong enough. Any advise? Will they live or die? does anyone have a solution to help the situation? Logic told me to turn off the lights so that the leaves don't burn....help...what shall I do?
Try flushing the soil. When I want to get rid of unwanted fertilizer I take off the bottom of the pots that collect water(if yours have them) and Water them until the water coming out the bottom is clear and the same as the water you pour in. It helps to have a PH kit to take the ph of the water after it comes through. This is what I do to make sure the water is finally coming through at a neutral PH. This will flush the fertilizer out of the soil and away from the roots. Then allow the soil to dry completely. Then after the soil is completely dry and not before(stick your finger in up to the knuckle) rewater properly with spring water. It may take a few days but your plants will recover.
Let me know how it works out.

yup yup, i would flush with a very mild nute mix >200ppm or you will starve your little plants with the flushing.
Keep in low lighting tell you get fresh green growth.


New member
I would just let them be. You raised the volume of your substrate significantly and thus diluted the fertilizers already.
Just make sure you don't add any extra feeding or water too much (aka flushing the soil)

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