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Over-flowering for "Bananas"


fuck the ticket, bought the ride
You're not questioning anything, you're just saying we're wrong. You don't give any evidence of course you just contend that those genes are there even tho Sam has maintained the clones for decades and grown them in many many different environments. And frankly your arguing pointless semantics while missing the point i've been making all along. Lets pretend for a second you're right: that EVERY cannabis plant has genes that code for intersex. Then there's still either masking genes or modifiers that prevent those genes from being activated. Certainly you agree with that. Some plants will show male flowers with a tiny pH flux or a tiny light leak, others Sam's had for probably longer than you've been growing and has NEVER seen male flowers. So even if you're correct and every plant can grow male flowers then we still should be making selections for those masking or modifiers that block those flowers. We all need to be selecting away from intersex, not using them to make fem seeds. And the fact that you don't see a difference between Soma selecting late flowering intersex ladies and others applying hormones (or chemicals that swiftly become hormones in the plant, another pointless point you argued for some reason) makes me question your knowledge on the entire subject.

At the end, you said it yourself, "for all practical purposes, 100% female" We need more individuals like that in the pool. :)
sigh. anyways if you get a female. flower it past ripeness most strains particularly indicas will give off a touch of pollen this will make fem seeds. i have done it myself a number of times. dont listen to people who do lots of reading with no hands on experience with this. i have pre 98 bubba kush*larry og kush fems in flower at about week 8 they have been fert stressed heat stressed and severely insect stressed throughout there life cycle and there perfect and will not herm they are near harvest. those are one example of many i have made this way. again unless you have hands on experience no comments.
in truth i have had more herms from 'breeder' bought male/female seeds than any of my own fems. then again i have never purchased fems from anybody as i dont trust them. i do use ionized silver as well as sometimes ga3 on more difficult strains particularly some sativas as i have no interest in waiting many many weeks.

Mr. Stinky

You're not questioning anything, you're just saying we're wrong. You don't give any evidence of course you just contend that those genes are there even tho Sam has maintained the clones for decades and grown them in many many different environments. And frankly your arguing pointless semantics while missing the point i've been making all along. Lets pretend for a second you're right: that EVERY cannabis plant has genes that code for intersex. Then there's still either masking genes or modifiers that prevent those genes from being activated. Certainly you agree with that. Some plants will show male flowers with a tiny pH flux or a tiny light leak, others Sam's had for probably longer than you've been growing and has NEVER seen male flowers. So even if you're correct and every plant can grow male flowers then we still should be making selections for those masking or modifiers that block those flowers. We all need to be selecting away from intersex, not using them to make fem seeds. And the fact that you don't see a difference between Soma selecting late flowering intersex ladies and others applying hormones (or chemicals that swiftly become hormones in the plant, another pointless point you argued for some reason) makes me question your knowledge on the entire subject.

At the end, you said it yourself, "for all practical purposes, 100% female" We need more individuals like that in the pool. :)
well, i thought we were having an intelligent discussion. guess not. you couldnt be bothered, so you dropped to belittling. you have no idea who i am, and you have no idea how long ive been growing (like growing MJ is something special, pretentious much?). dont presume you do. i dont care what you think of me personally, its just a shame you and so many others on here cant stand to see their pothead bullshit questioned by logic and real science. i have as much respect as anyone on here for guys like sam and tom, but they are far from the end-all of plant science. they deserve respect for the things thay have done for our community, but blindly taking their words as perfect truth is stupid. just as i would expect folks to question what i say.

good luck.


fuck the ticket, bought the ride
How long have you been saving that post for? Probably shouldn't have pointed it in my direction :D Why even quote me when nothing you said has anything to do with my post? Anyway, thanks for not building on any of my points or contending them. Take care.


The way this could be answered is if inter-sexual marker genes are found for hermis. Using RAPD and AFLP researchers found MADC1 and others for males and researchers have found markers for females. If marker genes can be found for inter-sexed plants then the question will be answered. Until then I will avoid using inter-sexed plants. lets all hope it is only a few more years, male DNA markers were only found less then 15 years ago, female DNA markers just 6 years ago. The science is evolving fast, I am convinced inter-sexual markers are just around the corner. I am not sure most people will use the information when it is available. But I will.






Törjék, O., N. Bucherna, E. Kiss, H. Homoki, Z. Finta-Korpelová, I. Bócsa, I. Nagy, and L. E. Heszky. 2002. Novel male specific molecular markers (MADC5, MADC6) for sex identification in hemp. Euphytica 127: 209-218.

Journal of Industrial Hemp 2003 Vol 8 issue 1 page 5-9, Female-Associated DNA Polymorphisms of Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.), Hong Shao, Shu-Juan Song, Robert C. Clarke
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Active member
Wow I forgot to check this thread, seems its run away without me.

Not like anyone cares but since making this post I have found that 3 out of 5 plants are fems. I plan on using CS on 1 fem and letting it pollinate itself and the others. This way I don't have to start another crop and hope I can store the pollen long enough to use it.

I'll keep the seeds seperate and see if there are any differeces between the selfed plant and the others.

When should I start applying the CS?


I have female plants which can not be stressed to make male flowers, they will if treated with STS, but without a chemical treatment they are 100% female.

So if i understand is this the perfect way to make feminized seeds.

Namaste :smoweed: :canabis:


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