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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Well what I can definately say about Obama with no reservation is the dude is Hil - Lar - Ious. I watched his speech at the annual Whitehouse Correspondents Shindig last night and it was like watching a comedy routine as good as any of the top comics out there. They put on a fake superPAC ad portraying Obama as having some socialist agenda for dogs and therefore you should vote for Romney because he lets dogs have their freedom by riding on tops of cars if they want to. Ending with a picture of Romney boarding Airforce One with a dog carrier tied to the top of the plane. It was so funny I was in tears. :)

As for the "Hope and Change" thing well to me that was brilliance. I mean just saying hope and change isn't anything one can really pin you down on later and usually people will let their imaginations decide what it means. That's why so many, frankly stupid people, thought he was going to just wave his hands and make their dreams come true. Which is risky because when thier dreams don't come true the become disappointed, feel betrayed and are far less likely to vote for him again. The thing I always took away from his "Hope/Change" speeches was that change was supposed to be in the form of more people being involved and holding thier representatives accountable. It required effort on the part of voters beyond Nov 2 and was never about him just going into DC and coming up with some whole new never before seen or tried way to run the government. Obama will almost definately have a second term, there is no way in hell we're going to put a Mormon in office. To me that would be even more shocking then putting a black man in office was. The problem with Mormons is they believe they answer to god thru thier living profit. Therefore whose will would a Mormon President truely serve? As leader of this nation the weight of the nation's sin would be on his soul if he didn't stop abortions, gay marriage, smoking, drinking (alcohol and caffine) promiscuity etc. A good Mormon would want to take us back to the days of shows like The Andy Griffith Show or Father Knows Best. Not that those were necessarily bad times but people want way more these days then people wanted back then.

As for Hitler, I can't say I know all that much about him. He was long gone by the time I was born so all I knew of him was the archetypal villian or an embodiment of evil. I was never all that fascinated by what he accomplished to really learn more then the basics of how he took the country at a low point and turned it into a world force that almost dominated the world. I have heard lots of things from stories over the years that he certainly wasn't beloved and much of what was accomplished was done thru fear and intimidation. None of that matches up closely with Obama though.