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Outdoor tropical, set it and forget it?


New member
Hey ACE, Dubi and all!

I am at low latitudes (9 N) and looking for a long flowering sativa that I can put deep into the bush and leave to her own devices for while. I wish that I was able to give her attention, but will be out of the country a LOT for a few months.

They would be in the ground and I expect there to be regular medium rainfall, sometimes heavy. Plenty humidity! Since I wont be able to check up on them until late Sept, the first requirement is hardiness, and mold resistance!

Longest day of summer is about 12h 45 mins, so I need a strain that will not flower ASAP - it needs to be able to get some veg in on its own accord before flipping itself despite the consistently low light hours.

There are so many amazing sounding sativa offerings that it is hard to make up my mind! Based on the strain descriptions, in order of preference, I am looking at choosing two out of:

Golden Tiger
Green haze x Thai
...you get the idea... :)

Can you give me comments on these girls for my climate?
Also, I am not seeing the Golden Tiger in some seedbanks - is she still available?
I usually grow regular seeds, but as I won't be there to cull males I would consider femmed seeds... any drawback to this for my situation?

To anyone with experience with these rocket ships, I would love to hear your voice. It's awesome to see the level of communication on this board, I am lapping up the other reports.

Thanks alot, happy growing!


is there no local strain to use, that would be perfect?? otherwise sativa F1 like guawi/DubThai/tikal ETC would be good i think, the vigour and dominant traits should help it survive....providing they are a good size before planting?? i bet the bugs are hard as nails in the tropics??:chin:

look forward to seeing them in flower!!!:lurk:


Active member
im 9 deg north also

im 9 deg north also

Id go with congo as the main stay n try a few others.
Work lots of coco peat into the soil.
important thing is dig your holes deep so that tap root can get down for water. Dont leave the soil over loose
I germinate my seed in the ground not in pots that way the roots are in a natrual form not a root ball because of pots.
Notsure what plant food you can get ,but working slow release like blood fish n bone would help.A


New member
is there no local strain to use, that would be perfect?? otherwise sativa F1 like guawi/DubThai/tikal ETC would be good i think, the vigour and dominant traits should help it survive....providing they are a good size before planting?? i bet the bugs are hard as nails in the tropics??:chin:

look forward to seeing them in flower!!!:lurk:

Rusty, Andyo, bless for the responses!

Local strains have been quite polluted with 'skunk' that has filtered down from Jamaica in the last few decades. There is still pure(ish) local herb to be found - it is a nice uplifting, pleasant smoke but I am looking for something with some more power to her. Oh ya I am in the Caribbean, I think that our local weed was originally brought from southern India by indentured labourers.

Yahhh the bugs can be militant... in fact I think it was the iguanas that just got 6 of Shanti's Afghan Hazes, they were just 2 weeks from seed... haha all part of growing!

I germinate my seed in the ground not in pots that way the roots are in a natrual form not a root ball because of pots.

Andyo I am interested to hear that, I also agree that outdoor you really need an unrestricted tap root. I germ my seeds in a tall 24 oz cup, quite tall and narrow. I've read that taller vs shorter containers increase the female:male ratio too. The reason I have never tried dropping them directly into the ground is it cuz of fear of bugs really. Will give it a try man.

I work in some kitchen scraps/goat shit/guano compost, plus kelp and bone meal... will add come coco + perlite to the mix tho. The soil isn't that rich but the sats outdoors seem to like it, especially when I can guano top dress a coupla times. Mulching is important too, makes a real difference.

In the feminized seeds, especially the thai influenced strains, would I probably still get many hermis? Are the fem seeds any less vigorous than the regular?

Any other direct experience with hardy sats in the ACE line up? The seed catalogue is almost an embarassment of riches, looks amazing.

Blessup all


indian and african genes make up carribian, face numbing, racy.... sadly rarer now thanks to import as yo say.. cannabiogen destroyer would be good, thai x mex x colombian IBL...?


Active member
ring of sulphur

ring of sulphur

I usualy dust the outside area with sulphur round my grow keeps most animals away,i top it up when i visit.
a good spray of neem oil helps also.A


Feeling good is good enough.

9 to 10 deg N here... LOL

All the advice given has been very useful. South Indian, African and Thai strains are our natural thing.

Double Thai looks very interesting indeed!



ACE Seeds Breeder
Hey ACE, Dubi and all!

I am at low latitudes (9 N) and looking for a long flowering sativa that I can put deep into the bush and leave to her own devices for while. I wish that I was able to give her attention, but will be out of the country a LOT for a few months.

They would be in the ground and I expect there to be regular medium rainfall, sometimes heavy. Plenty humidity! Since I wont be able to check up on them until late Sept, the first requirement is hardiness, and mold resistance!

Longest day of summer is about 12h 45 mins, so I need a strain that will not flower ASAP - it needs to be able to get some veg in on its own accord before flipping itself despite the consistently low light hours.

There are so many amazing sounding sativa offerings that it is hard to make up my mind! Based on the strain descriptions, in order of preference, I am looking at choosing two out of:

Golden Tiger
Green haze x Thai
...you get the idea... :)

Can you give me comments on these girls for my climate?
Also, I am not seeing the Golden Tiger in some seedbanks - is she still available?
I usually grow regular seeds, but as I won't be there to cull males I would consider femmed seeds... any drawback to this for my situation?

To anyone with experience with these rocket ships, I would love to hear your voice. It's awesome to see the level of communication on this board, I am lapping up the other reports.

Thanks alot, happy growing!

Welcome IandI,

You are very lucky to have the chance to grow such long flowering sativas in a tropical climate, i think our sativas woud perfectly fit your needs.

I'd highly recommend you Double Thai, Purple Haze Thai, Green Haze Thai or Golden Tiger. They would grow big and bushy in your latitude without much attentions, resisting perfectly the tropical rains and humidity in the flowering stage. Hope it helps! :)
Careful about using organic ferts containing fish, blood, or bone meal! The scent is likely to attract scavenging predators & rats that will dig around, & through the dirt; thus, damaging your crops.


New member
muchas gracias!

muchas gracias!

Thanks everyone for chiming in!
Yes man dubi, that was the advice I needed! Can you give me an understanding of whether the feminized thai's would still be prone to hermie issues? As far as I knew, it's almost impossible to avoid..(??)

Hey Cap't Gin ;)
Yup, I have had my share of troubles with scavengers, so only composted organic ingredients are mixed into the soil and then left to sit a month.

Gonna grow some wild tigers for you guys, thanks for all the help!


ACE Seeds Breeder
Thanks everyone for chiming in!
Yes man dubi, that was the advice I needed! Can you give me an understanding of whether the feminized thai's would still be prone to hermie issues? As far as I knew, it's almost impossible to avoid..(??)

Hello IandI,

Im glad to help :) Double thai is a hermie free thai x thai hybrid, both thai strains and parental plants selected for the cross are hermie free. That's the good thing, she's a great pure thai hermie free F1 hybrid. Only available in standard format at the moment.