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outdoor purple strains

hey all, hows it growin? Just wanted to know if anyone has a suggestion for a good outdoor strain with purple nugs that you grew. if you have pics that will be great also. the purple rage is all around town. and i would like to add some colr to my outdoor crop. i got some fire the other day it was almost black and reeks something vicious! Any one that grows outdoor purple buds drop a pic if ya got one.

Thanks Slow :rasta: :joint:


Active member
grandaddy purple. it has fat yields and turns purple (helps if the temps get cold before harvest).


Hey slowster,
I would'nt recommend DP purple #1, i found very little positive about it. Its hard for me to grow too much purple though, there just isn't much in my natural enviroment purple and they stick out terribly. Iron weed and poke berries have some purple in them so I can grow a few now and then.
Go with Joey weeds Blue Widow for indica. Blue Apollo for sat.
I grew Early Misty and W. Widow last year and they all turned purple. Many say that this is a reaction to cool weather. Over the years I have had many plants turn purple outside. These same strains did not turn purple when grown inside so I attribute it to cool weather.


I grew Grand Daddy Purp outdoors last year but didn't harvest due to rippers. I've harvested it indoors though. Takes around 10 weeks to finish but turns some nice colors in the final weeks of budding. They make some nutes in humbolt that are called "Purple Max".All organic and its supposed to bring out more colors in strains that have purple. Anyways heres a pic from last years grow. not really purple yet. I dont know if you can get this strain in seed form though. Might be clone only.
hey all, Whats up SB, yea thanx for the heads up on the GDP. Old toker- yea its the cold weather bro. Hookah hittah sorry about the rippers A holes. I will try to get ahold of some blue widows. im growing some BB from DP right now just choppin down. Im hoping to find my beloved strain Dreamgoddess from MOD seed company i just cannot locate it. i really want that to be my outdoor numero uno. but until then im hunting down other options. O yea SB my ice cream and shnazzleberry the damn cheapo timer i got from wally world, did not turn on and on my heater transplant day temps dropped LOW.. so im hoping theyll make it. but ill keep ya posted im still to lazy to upload some pics to my girls comp at her house. or pics would of been up of them. sorry for the transplant rant. and thanks for the info guys anyomore of ya who have a good idea for some nice outdoor theyve grown with purple nuggies. feel free to drop a line.

Peace, Slow


i have Purple Urkle, and i will likley be growing 1 or 2 of them outside this year...

hoping she turns nice and purple again for me.
my first run with her outside... :joint:


^BTW I read somewhere on here that she aint good to do outside. However your not the only one gonna try it outside this year. Good Luck and let us know!!


Active member
iv grown lots of purple urkle, and the problem (though some dont see it as a problem), is it has lower yields. thats y grandaddy purple has taken its place in most peoples garden. its purple urkle x big bud for more yield. the potency and looks is still the same as urkle, but it yields better.


ive grown Urkle outside too. same time as i did the GDP . i personally think GDP is just as good in taste and you yield a lot more. Urkle i think would be more worth it if you gave it a longer vegging time before putting outside. possibly putting out a 2 foot tall plant would be the best idea in my opinion. however if you need plants to be shorter so people wont see them Urkle would be a better idea

Purple Urkle Outdoors. that was the full size of the plant. It was about a foot tall. I'm guessing it would have yielded maybe a quarter if it was harvested. the buds looked delicious on it though.
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Active member
heres my urkle outside 2 yrs ago

and this is grandaddy purple (a friends as mine was attacked by a gopher and stunted)
im glad to see such a good response to the purple strain GDP and urkel. Is GDP available on seedboutique? I know i can check just feeling lazy. If not, anyone got a grand idea on a purple strain from the boutique?

Peace, Slow
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^ that blows there goes my shot at GDP. what about lavender. Or any other good purple nugget strain. i see them all over Seeedboutique, but I dont wanna just pick one and it be a big waste of hard time in the woods. And i dont know excactly whats gonna be a great purple color, strain wise im sorta hoping for a darker purple color. im surprised not more peeps has stopped threw and quoted on a good strain. Dont we all want some color this year? its the new rage in my town everyone wants to smoke some purple ganja.


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