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outdoor prices the same as indoor


prices are outrageously high everywhere.

when will it stop , when can people just enjoy the plant for what it is and stop trying to get filthy rich off it every chance they get.

lots of greedy fukers out there.
as for the people complaining about not being able to unload their stuff to a disp

sorry but I have a hard time sympathizing...

It will always sell; you just have to be prepared to undercut or sell cheap, not get all precious and say my pot is premium and is worth much more, so I wont put the price down.
Im not in a friendly state so most of what we get is outdoor schwag,imported indoor,or occasionally somethin grown local no way to really tell.In the southeast figure 3500 a pound for wholesale top quality bud.on the corner people are buyig $20 dollar gram bags of LOUD,whatever that is.Mids or good schwag goes for 1000-1250 and as high as 1500!!everything ive seen high quality here is indoor.everything grown outside local is shit quality 1000 a pound max.But i know things are drastically different in friendlier states.


Active member
Didn't read a lot of replies but yeah a lot of smokers these days (especially the younger kids) don't seem to see the difference between outdoor & indoor, especially with all the good outdoor that's coming from Cali (ny).

I've noticed that with prices too, it's so weird. But I think a lot of it has to do with the good-quality outdoor from Cali and shit, some of it is real nice especially the name brands. My buddy just started getting some real good Cali indoor, for cheaper than he was getting this real good Cali outdoor a couple weeks ago.

I can usually easily tell if it's outdoor or indoor. Quality is what I'm after. It seems like prices have been dropping in general lately in the states, I'm thinking because of legalization and all the media coverage, people are seeing how normalized it's becoming in society (how it always should have been!!). And with that, everybody's trying to get in the game and there's a surplus of supply. I used to see a lot of regular cheaper outdoor and beasters all the time (decent stuff for like $25-30 an eighth, $150-210z) but that seems to be going extinct around my area, everyone wants the chronic now a days.
.... Was starting getting sick of "cali bud" though for a minute, even started getting sick of hearing it lol, I want some local!


You can tell outdoor from indoor. I've seen lbs of outdoor it had smell and was pretty much all buds pretty solid too go for $800lb but that's here in Cali.


Active member
My outdoor is so good that I sell it as outdoor; but if they want indoor then I tell them my outdoor is "hydro".

They all go away happy, and all come back again and say can I get three times as much.

People try and pay a lot less for outdoor because they think it comes free to you, and they feel ripped off paying premium prices to you because they think you got it for nothing.

^^ eggzactly. :)

i'm finding very strong price resistance for top notch od smoke with excellent bag appeal over $250/oz

the commercial indoor hydro bud available here sucks. the dealers are buying the stuff they can get the cheapest and sell for the most. they are selling bag appeal. they are getting almost $400/oz for shit smoke that looks great.

the younger posters might not like my post here. you younger ppl have excellent social contacts for the most part. my geezer crowd does not have the easy access to connections and they are rightfully paranoid of meeting new ppl; famliy security, jobs, neighbors and the huge number of drug addicts ( crack, meth, oxy, etc...).

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
The only bag appeal bud I've seen around was Candy Kush. It looks really good but it doesn't even get you high. I get a good variety and many choices so I am blessed
iddit not sure where you are but the prices sound similar.I definately agree what you pay depends on who you know.my good friend gives me ozs for 250 that he sells for 350plus.on another note when harvest time comes for me he gets them the same price as what he charges me.I usually give everyone the same price because i dont fuc** with too many people.

Tottally off topic but related to price.One time while living in florida i met a guy at a gas station that wanted a hook up..I gave him my number then met him at a mall.After a few times of meeting i let him come to my house.The second time he didnt show up but 4 armed goons did.As soon as i opened the door i was bum rushed and pistol whipped.They only got about a pound of bud and a thousand dollars.And some electronics.

But what does make this relate to price is shits scary out here.So damn right i wanna charge higher prices.Since this happend i wouldnt call myself a drug dealer,more of a fund raiser who trades some herb with his pals.If you show up with someone in the car your getting cussed out and outcasted.Nobody new definately applies.IF i have an excess i will front it to some lifelong buddies for a decent price.I let them do the legwork.

The police and raids dictate price.If half of someones outdoor crop gets raided the price goes up.If a big shipment goes missing the guy tries to make it up on the next one.If you dont know anyone youll get a 5 gram quarter bag if youre lucky.IM ready to move asap!!

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