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Outdoor mini's - the stealth approach

I know many growers here would not have need for stealth but as we all know... things like law, land and love... different methods to the same outcome... :canabis: ...different strokes for different folks...


I know there are a few growers who frequent these boards and thought Id throw out the idea of "mini stealth plants", the idea being that plants can be in full-view(sunlight) but are hard to recognize or "see". I know this has been done before by guys like "Julian" - I love reading that guys massive outdoor thread btw if you haven't read it... read it. I wish I could have sat with that guy and just talked about some of his experiences. As well as a few guys Ive seen through here like Team Microbe, Kyg, Bushweed. All taking "growing a plant" to that next level. :tiphat: If I could "tag" these guys into this post I so would

Well... for the four people who read this and respond... Going back to timing, taking into consideration that I am in the southern hemisphere, when would be the best time to put out "minis"?

Others here may have experience by popping seeds late in the season (accidental on on purpose), or cutting clones late in the season. When has been late but still great? :peacock: And when has been late and not worth the effort?:tumbleweed:

Lets hear some of your thoughts.

Swamp Thang

Well-known member
The leaves of our beloved plant are so distinctive that it would be almost impossible to get away with hiding a grow "in plain sight", unless of course it is legal to do so.

Man, I sure do remember King Julian's stream-of-consciousness dissertations in this forum, and with all the detail he disclosed, I often wondered just how long he could go on divulging trade secrets before the long arm reached out and sent him scurrying for cover. I believe that occurred a couple of years back.

My presumption has always been that the Eye in the Sky is very much aware of the location of ALL weed growers who write into online forums, but the big hammer is reserved only for those engaged in YUUUGE commercial grows in locations where such enterprises are illegal.
A very safe presumption to make, not sure how true it is but better safe than sorry.

I have a couple of concerns about this minis method. Some of them were were touched on in Julians thread. Like numbers, exposure getting said numbers in and out, and finally doing all this work and losing it all to slugs, rabbits, rippers or Leo.

Having smaller plants = smaller yield so we need more plants, this requires x amount of plants, x amount of space to pregrow, space to plant and then logistics for transport, not mention increased exposure time getting them in. All this and more as well as a solid set of balls if your legal climate is as hot as mine.

Slug and rabbit protection makes them more visible to rippers and Leo... Lost waynmore plants to slugs and rabbits than rippers and Leo though.

I feel like noone could recognize a few knee high plants from 50m let alone 500... But then I wouldn't really know.
Now... in this photo alone it seems like you could fit another 3-4 plants with cages without really noticing.


There is already a caged plant in there... do you see it from 5m away in plain sight?


Granted there is alot more cover in there than planting amongst a grassed field but are you really going to notice? I mean really?




New member
my idea of smaller is doing a scrog , or keeping them in smaller containers. I was going to go with 15-30 gallons this year oppose to the 100 gallon.


Active member
Tip no 1 use fem seeds or clones. Sexing a large number of small plants is nearly impossible, especially if it has to be done at night. Silverbacks 60 in 60 thread was very informative as well.
Tip no 1 use fem seeds or clones. Sexing a large number of small plants is nearly impossible, especially if it has to be done at night. Silverbacks 60 in 60 thread was very informative as well.

Very good point - Fem seeds or clones.
I dont have enough seeds atm so I'd be looking at starting mothers around spring/early summer.
Part of the appeal of this approach is it's NO maintenance. No sexing, no watering, no staking, no nothing, just set and forget.

I'll have a look at the 60 in 60 thread.
Good looking out
my idea of smaller is doing a scrog , or keeping them in smaller containers. I was going to go with 15-30 gallons this year oppose to the 100 gallon.

Scrog - Yep Ive seen this done before too, though it would likely not blend into the surroundings well.

Smaller containers - Yep, another method that will result in restricting root and therefore plant growth. My concerns about this are carrying 15 gallons of soil/medium for x number of plants into a very open area with maximum exposure. Also any plants in containers will likely need to be watered.

My goal is to produce plants no taller than say waist height, ideally knee height. Id say 15-30 gallon grows plants at least chest height.


SOG style plants tend to stick out in an OD environment, unless well matched to the surroundings. You might want to consider larger plants, spread out and trained to blend in.

Great blending!
Pretty big plant that is not immediately recognizable as canna.
Nice! How much did this plant yield?
Im not sure how comfortable I feel about this plant being in clear view to houses across the way at this location.
1 10Oz plant or 10 1oz plants. I feel more confident to hide/harvest 10 small plants than 1 biggie. I prolly feel more confident with 20 small plants than 1 big in this spot. Lots of space and sun/exposure but clear views from a distance.

Also not going for a sea of green either, though similar with smaller plants. Correct me if Im wrong but I believe sea of green is plants all gathered together. I propose spreading 1-2m (about a yard or so) in no particular pattern.


No idea on yield since I've never been interested in that. It made a long winter seem much shorter though!

Clear views from a distance? Maybe you'd be better with your original idea but don't underestimate the blending abilities of large plants. Also less issues involved if legality is a problem.
No idea on yield since I've never been interested in that. It made a long winter seem much shorter though!

Clear views from a distance? Maybe you'd be better with your original idea but don't underestimate the blending abilities of large plants. Also less issues involved if legality is a problem.

Well I don't know about clear view but "they" could definitely see if they really wanted to. I cant see why anyone would be looking too hard in that direction, its all just green (trees,grass,gorse). Still... a risk to be considered.

Where legality is concerned, I understand that getting caught with lower numbers of plants is potentially better. I also understand that to make target yields that these plants will have to be substantially bigger and harder to successfully harvest. Every loss will be felt.

I prefer the higher numbers and smaller plants. I try to make sure those numbers are 'out' asap. Losses are still felt, expected even, but it's not to the same degree because you still have many more out there.

If allowed I think I could grow more with 2 fully grown plants than all of my spots combined. You would most likely be able to spot them from space though :moon:
Testing 1,2,3

Testing 1,2,3

Well it seems as if this "hillside" tester is happy with it conditions so far.



Unlike some of its fallen comrades...


I may replace the minis that have been eaten and cage them. Its fairly late in the season and I may prefer to just put all remaining clones on the "hillside" if no further problems occur with the tester. This way I can avoid using cages annnnnd plant in a sunnier area.

What do you guys think?
So at the beginning of Feb we have min-photos looking like this

Or we have mini-autos looking a bit neglected and feeding a local bug population like this



Either suits this style of growing. Obviously autos are already flowering and should finish earlier which was always the plan.

To achieve what I want I'll need either a good cloning method or a good supply of auto FEMS. I've been considering and aiming for both.
Not particularly impressed by Heavyweight autos but they are doing what they're supposed to.Hopefully I'll be successful making some fem beans with CS.
Been considering an aero cloner too but am not keen to pay the $500ish for one.YouTube has a few tutorials to make them... Hmmm...
Operation "get em in"

Operation "get em in"

After a week of light dep on the clones and they are ready to go out.
Hillside is very tempting, but I have no experience that informs me how big these girls will get. Dont want a hillside of bushes, just looking for lollipops there.


so this wasn't the most stealth setup but it give you guys an idea of size and whatnot.

green crack clones
clones put out july 7
this pic sept 26
got about 3 zips per


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A few things to keep in mind about minis:

mid summer seedlings can have it very hard. sun/heat/no rain ect. its not like the easy climate of the spring

minis require a lot less work, no pruning, no need to tie anything up, and in hindsight they dont even need stakes for wind because they are so low (at lest clones dont)

you do have to keep the tall grass cut back for light, airflow and to reduce bugs
A few things to keep in mind about minis:

mid summer seedlings can have it very hard. sun/heat/no rain ect. its not like the easy climate of the spring

minis require a lot less work, no pruning, no need to tie anything up, and in hindsight they dont even need stakes for wind because they are so low (at lest clones dont)

you do have to keep the tall grass cut back for light, airflow and to reduce bugs

Yep I hear ya man, I would've thought that seedlings would be more hardy than clones. Height-wise I definitely feel safer with clones than seedlings as Ive seen seedlings growth skyrocket in the past.

Not sure how well the light dep attempt(7days) will aide in early flowering but I'm ever hopeful. Maybe by the time I put them out they will be showing more evidently. None of the plants, apart from the autos, seem to be flowering atm so probably not expecting any early buds from the photoperiod plants.

Hopefully this particular grass wont need too much thinning as it may stand out a bit much at this stage in summer.


Im considering hiring an auger to cut time getting in the clones but not sure it'd really save that much time and dont really have the numbers to justify it. More likely to go out the night before to prep holes and transplant in the early am, ideally before rains so no water needed. FYI - I still want an auger preferably gas powered!

Rain forecasted for early next week... :plant grow:

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