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Outdoor, Irish style

Big Eggy

Active member
Thanks man, Im only gonna charge you an ounce for the cane idea........i know, im pretty sound like that:laughing:

Oh its well away from my grow and all the shrubbery, nettles and thorny bushes are grown back fully so i feel my spot is pretty secure.

I have some trail cameras coming next week to make sure though. Gonna have them hidden around the place to keep an eye on the goings on when im not there

Will be happy to send you some tasters when i'm done!

Is your grow on your property or out in the cuds?

Guest 147054

Will be happy to send you some tasters when i'm done!

Is your grow on your property or out in the cuds?

Tasters.......i like tasters:pie:

Ya its off my property alright, hence the need for the james bond style cameras.


Well-known member
Like it mate...big up. Subscribed.

You got sunshine there today? Amazing what a bit of rain followed by bright sun does eh?

Guest 147054

Like it mate...big up. Subscribed.

You got sunshine there today? Amazing what a bit of rain followed by bright sun does eh?

Thanks alot man, welcome aboard .

Well there wasnt much bright sun today but hey its Ireland so
if its not raining its a win in my book.

They have def more than doubled in size since going out so hopefully I can figure out what the gold like streaks are and there gonna be ok.

Cheers HGO,just doing my best with what the weather lets me

Anyone have any ideas what the deficiency could be?

Guest 147054

Just back from the spot now. The golden stripes was the start of nute burn alright so yesterday and today I gave the affected plants about 6litres of ph'd water each. The Plagron is suppoed to have enough nutes for at least another 2-3 weeks so it was just the case of there not being enough water in the soil and the plants were sucking up too much nutes

Ill check on them again in a few days depending on the weather. If we dont get any rain I might go back up Sunday with more water.

Carrying 24litres of water at 6am is not nice, even if the weather is.

I remembered when planting I had each cage separated from strongest to weakest with the plants. The first had the biggest and healthiest plants, their looking ok now




This is an attempt of a water trap I made. Its just black bags in a 50l pot with bags on top with holes in it dipping in the middle. Im not expecting to to do much but I said I might as well try something


Guest 147054

Horrid weather the last few days, but the plants looked ok.......still alive anyway, which is the main thing. I hope this summer picks up or im gonna have some crappy plants. Didnt get time to take many pics




The white specks on the plant with my hand is insect repelant that I hadnt shaken off completely before taking the pic,
I topped 8 of them today as I dont think I need to go up their for a while now. Theres still 4 in the last group, aka the runts, that are still a bit small to top. Or I may just leave them and maybe lst them or something just to experiment. I topped at the 4th node.
I hoping the rain stays away for the day as Im afraid of the cut on the topped plants could get infected somehow, or cause rotting.

Has this happened to anybody who has grown outdoor?

One of the plants had one side nearly completely eaten, all that was remaining was a few small shoots with no foilage. The strange thing is that there was no sign of damage or dug up ground where rabbits may have gotten in so im stumped at how it happened. I also put slug pellets around each plant as i noticed a few holes in leaves

Big Eggy

Active member
yeah the weather aint been so great over here either..

how's them seedlings coming on and did you get them 007 cameras? would like to see how they work.


Guest 147054

yeah the weather aint been so great over here either..

how's them seedlings coming on and did you get them 007 cameras? would like to see how they work.


Hey whats up man, yeah the youngins are doing fine. I think its been a bit cold at night for them so i may stop hardening them off for a few days to let them recover.


The HP is really squat, lovely nice leaves on it but its no more than an inch tall

The HP2 is looking good too

The past 2 days the dainish gold has been a bit droopy, I think it may be due to the cold but im not sure. Pic didnt turn out well

I think im gonna turn the propagator back on at night to see if it makes a difference because im not happy with the rate of growth. Im thinking a light leak might also be to blame, well besides me of course.

Ya i got my cameras too. Too be honest their the business. I have it setup to record video for a minute and if theres anything still there after that minute it repeats again. You can also set it to take pics and videos at different intervals i.e record video for 20sec every 2 minutes or take pics every 30 secs. Nice and small and good quality footage from it and it can take a 8gb sd card

The white mp3 looking thing hooks into it and sorts out all your preferences and even view the pics it has taken with it. Im pretty impressed with the motion sensor on it as it starts recording within a second of being passed. I still havent tested out night time videoing, so thats still to be judged

Big Eggy

Active member
I was just thinking, your not near the boarder are you??? dont want the SAS / MI5 wondering what your upto sneeking in and out of your area. The troubles are fading but i bet the UK still has guys keeping tabs on suspect areas of the Irish countryside.

Guest 147054

No fortunately Im not near the troubles.

dont want the SAS / MI5 wondering what your upto sneeking in and out of your area.

I do my sneeking around 5am, so I dont see a soul when im about and vice versa.


Active member
Ya i got my cameras too. Too be honest their the business. I have it setup to record video for a minute and if theres anything still there after that minute it repeats again. You can also set it to take pics and videos at different intervals i.e record video for 20sec every 2 minutes or take pics every 30 secs. Nice and small and good quality footage from it and it can take a 8gb sd card

The white mp3 looking thing hooks into it and sorts out all your preferences and even view the pics it has taken with it. Im pretty impressed with the motion sensor on it as it starts recording within a second of being passed. I still havent tested out night time videoing, so thats still to be judged

So you've got this rigged up on site to let you know when someone's been there?

Very interesting..but really useful if it could broadcast footage online..

Good diary fella. I think they'll be fine anyway if the weather stays like this - it could definitely be worse.

Big Eggy

Active member
Do you clear the memory cards when you leave? If the Garda found them you don't want your face on them.

Guest 147054

So you've got this rigged up on site to let you know when someone's been there?

Very interesting..but really useful if it could broadcast footage online..

Good diary fella. I think they'll be fine anyway if the weather stays like this - it could definitely be worse.

Hey grandad, how you doing man.

Ya i was thinking that, put putting it online is awkward with 3g changing to 4g and compatibility crap so just sticking with something more basic.

Fortunate alright the weather was very good today, I think I picked the right day to top them. Plenty of sun and no stress on them.

Hows your grown coming along grandad?

Do you clear the memory cards when you leave? If the Garda found them you don't want your face on them.

Yeah I format the sd cards. Its well hidden though so im hoping no one will ever be looking through it


Active member
Just seeing there on the Channel 4 news - major drought in the UK - 10% of what they'd normally get and crops are only about 1/3 the size.

All's going well - can't complain (although the missus is!).

Guest 147054

FROM BBC; Across England and Wales as a whole it has been the driest spring since 1990

10% is next to nothing, I hope growers and farmers alike will be able to deal with it. Its likely to drive up food prices too

can't complain (although the missus is!)

Ya thats what they do alright. You gotta keep her sweet though:gift:

Big Eggy

Active member
Barley prices will probably go up again.. We had a bad season last year too. Expect to see atleast 20p on a pint by the end of summer. As for food going up more it's already pretty high that added with petrol.. better hurry up and secure them oil fields in Lybia. Lets hope for a good harvest of our own so we will save some cash during these hard times.

Guest 147054

Barley prices will probably go up again.. We had a bad season last year too. Expect to see atleast 20p on a pint by the end of summer. As for food going up more it's already pretty high that added with petrol.. better hurry up and secure them oil fields in Lybia. Lets hope for a good harvest of our own so we will save some cash during these hard times.

Wow 20p on a pint is a hell of alot. Im gonna have to lay off the heineken and go back to drinking fosters at those prices :gday:. Ya hopefully our harvests will be ok. Costs are getting high all round so im even planning on doing next years crop cheaper

Im just after getting some Crimson Clover, Red Clover, Common Vetch, Maple Peas and Forage Rye to try make some living mulch to try cut down my use of nutes, to be more organic and to keep costs down. Ill plant them in a few days and for winter when my plants are harvested ill be adding Crimson clover, Mustard White Tilney and Red Clover to the soil :clover:

Im hoping that if the summer gets hotter they will also help prevent my bags drying out. Im new to this so just trying to get stuck into The One-Straw Revolution, by Masanobu Fukuoka.

Ill have 600l of plagron soil when im finished with this grow so hopefully the roots will be broken down and the soil rejuvenated by next grow with the aid of mulch

beautiful project, looking much forward!

thx for trying HFH stuff!

Thanks alot man and thank you for creating strains suited for our climates. Even though I have 14 frisian dew im looking forward to the HFH strains alot more. Do you have any idea what the THC content/potency of hp, hp2 or dg could be?
Fingers crossed I get 1 female out of 3. If i dont it just means I have a better chance next season of getting some from the remainder of the seeds......well thats my logic and im sticking too it :laughing:


:wave: Doc, great thread!!

Plants are looking good despite the past few weeks of shite weather, forecast for the next few days is good so that will give them a bit of a boost.

I hoping the rain stays away for the day as Im afraid of the cut on the topped plants could get infected somehow, or cause rotting.

Has this happened to anybody who has grown outdoor?

Dont worry about topping, most healthy plants take it with no problems or infections, if in doubt then a weak hydrogen peroxide spray and a dab of heal n seal will sort out any nasties...
Mould does like to try n find a home August/September in split branches or where stems have been rubbing on something/each other.

Hope the HFH go well for you, I'm growing a few of those strains myself...be nice to see how they fare out on the far side of the country.