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Outdoor/indoor terrace grow

El Timbo

Well-known member
I say that to myself all of the time. Then still end up buying more when I see certain deals. haha.:covereyes:

Nearly succumbed today - Indian landraces... I like the idea of having my own little landrace population that could be maintained over a number of years.

It would have to be something I enjoyed smoking (obviously) and something suited to my conditions.

El Timbo

Well-known member
Day 17 of 12/12 - it's never an exact schedule like indoor growers can achieve.

As expected the Malawi x Panama is showing the least flower development and the mystery cut the most.

The dread bread (middle pic) has very narrow sativa leaves considering it is half Afgani and that my source told me he selected the most Afgani looking of the females he had.

El Timbo

Well-known member
Madness... I have 3 promising strains flowering, 1 vegging and a packet of seeds that I can hardly wait to try and I am still looking at more strains and wondering what I might grow after the Citra Paradisos.

I told myself I would keep it simple this time :)

El Timbo

Well-known member
My source tells me that the mystery cut is most likely to be Dawgs Bollocks - although the pedant in me would rather call it The Dog's Bollocks :)

I've done a little research into it - it's Stardawg x Sour Tangie and was selected from a large number of seeds.

Breaking down its ancestors further gives us Nepalese, Thai and Afgani on the Stardawg side and more of the same plus skunk and Cali O on the other side.

It's not the sort of thing I'd choose to grow from seed but my source assures me that it's very good.

Here it is on day 30 - very sticky :)


El Timbo

Well-known member
I'm experimenting with an outdoor mother area... it gets a decent amount of sun but will have some shade in the summer and I have added one of those solar powered lights that come on automatically when it gets dark.

I'd like to have a permanent mother/vegging spot to save me from moving them in and out every night/morning and I'd like to select for plants that can thrive in that spot.

I'll plant a climbing ivy in the planter they are sitting on.

I'll be watching carefully for signs of flowering but I think they will be ok.

From left to right - MxP, Dog's Bollocks, Dread bread - the MxP and Dread bread were initially hard to tell apart as their leaves are very similar but now they are flowering I can see the 2 different structures - the MXP is very branchy, she'd be ideal for the various training methods people use.


El Timbo

Well-known member
MxP on the left again, dread bread on the right.

The Caribes have been growing for 4 weeks now - slow progress as you can see but I don't mind. I want to take my time with them and evaluate them properly over a few grows.


El Timbo

Well-known member
One thing I've noticed since my return to growing and reading forums is that more people are talking about smell/taste/terpenes - which is a thumbs up from me. It's always been high on my list and is partly why I've decided to go down the clone route rather than mainly use seeds.

Each day I'm choosing one plant to smell over the course of that day - today was the Dog's. Apart from a lovely fresh hashy smell (always welcome) I got some orange but it wasn't acidic - rich orange you might say.

El Timbo

Well-known member
Day 41 so maybe around half way there for the MxP - the first pic is the top cola and the second shows a lower bud.


El Timbo

Well-known member
Dawgs Bollocks @ day 42 - she's starting to show some nice colours :). Maybe I'll leave her outside at night in a dark spot of the terrace for the rest of her flowering period.

She's been a very easy plant to look after - just gets on with it and is producing some amazing smelling buds.

She'll be the first of the 3 that I harvest and smoke - I'm really looking forward to it.


El Timbo

Well-known member
Everything going well - the solar light seems to be working so the 3 mothers are outside 24/7 and doing fine. They will be flowered along with the Caribes - towards the end of January.

A pic of the dreadbread on day 44 - I guess the similarities I'm seeing in leaf, red stems and smells between the MxP and the Dread bread are down to the similarities between their respective Panama and Mango biche parents.

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El Timbo

Well-known member
The Caribes have been vegging for 5 weeks and are just starting to grow secondary shoots - I've labelled them A to D according to my perception of them on a narrow to wide leaf scale.

My favourite so far in veg is C.


El Timbo

Well-known member
The mother room basking in the mid winter sun - with their guardian keeping an eye on them :)

I have been thinking about how I want to structure my grows and for the moment I have decided on 4 grows per year based around 3 moon cycles per grow, which gives me 12/13 weeks flowering for each grow. I can always extend if necessary.

The current flowering plants will finish around the new moon at the end of January - at that point I will switch the 4 caribes and the 3 mothers to 12/12 and I will plant the 5 Citra Paradisos.

The Caribes will be done towards the end of April, at which point I will switch the Citras plus 1-3 more and I will plant CBG Durban.

I'd like to do a landrace/ibl reproduction grow each year - maybe have 4 or 5 and rotate them.

The Citras will be finished by the new moon of 20/07/20 - I will switch the Durban and plant a Sativa x Indica hybrid - Malawi x Pakistan Chitral Kush (ACE)

I will make F2s with the Malawi x PCK with a view to growing them out the following winter. I've read about F2 populations so often but never really seen it with my own eyes. Hopefully they will give me an interesting varied harvest.

That's my plan for 2020. The grow after that will be one each of my favourite clones from the collection.
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El Timbo

Well-known member
Cheers pongster

The current flowering plants will finish around the new moon at the end of January - at that point I will switch the 4 caribes and the 3 mothers to 12/12 and I will plant the 5 Citra Paradisos.

hmmm - more seeds have been purchased... alongside the Citra Paradisos I'll be growing some Schnazzleberry #3 also from Chimera.