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Outdoor Hydroponics



Hey mate! I can give you idea of the space required to feed a family of five with this sort of system. Don't forget that it may not be always cheaper produce than you supermarket... but it is ORGANIC, no pesticides guaranteed and no wasted water.


Active member
Yes this is really interesting. I just discovered the potential of aquaponics recently after finding Backyard Aquaponics magazine and forum. Unfortunately I live in a very cold climate and cannot consider the outdoors. I am trying my luck at setting up an indoor aquarium aquaponic system. As far as how to keep your plants shorter I recommend poultry wire. Also just plant them later than you might otherwise. Plant just a month or two before they would naturally flower in your lattitude. Just like you would adjust the length of the veg period indoors. You could also clone a bunch and then place them outdoors at the right time.


Yeah, it's decided... I'm going to put a bunch of clones out at the right time... the current two plants will be the moms (at least one of them is female... it chucked pre-flowers) I'll establish some giant tomato plants at the front of the growbed (now to be referred to as a GB) to hide them a bit too. anyone have a flowering guide for the southern hemisphere? the system allows you to plant VERY close together... the roots stay small and white, no need to get too big with all the nutrients close at hand... so I can fit maybe ~20 clones in this bed at the right time... I have a bunch CFL's and even a HID or two to get the clones ready for the right time.


Update on this one soon...
I've completely rebuilt the system, almost finished.

I'll post a new video and some photo's tomorrow perhaps.