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Outdoor Guerrilla Adventure



"The Ruth Stout No-Work Garden Book: Secrets of the Famous Year-Round Mulch Method"

Very interesting. I want to prepare my spots this fall instead of spring, so that is a good book for me to purchase then maybe.

Waiting for the pictures, but the longer we wait, the better the plants are going to be looking I guess, so take your time.......


someotherguy Thanks for stoping by bro...I'm not gona be putting anymore clones out as it's too late...

Bom After reading multiple sources not digging the soil seems to be the best thing....If u can borrow the book that would be better as it's over 40 years old...Here's a link that sums what the book is talking about that can help...http://agroforestry.net/pubs/Sheet_Mulching.html

Update time....

Good news and bad news so i'll start with the bad.....

I went to me spot about a week and a 1/2 ago and took some pics before the cam went dead on me and this is how the bozo fem looked...

Then when i got to the spot yesterday i was saddened by what i saw.....

4 plants got chewed up which sucked but such is life...I think it was a rabbit as the deer would of eaten the whole plant not just kill it like that....They got all my ak99xfreezland also ate most of the leaves but didn't kill the plant....

Here's one of the bozo they didn't mess with that was right there too...

This is 2 ppp females

The highends with me and without me to show size...There about 7 1/2-8 feet

The bagseeds doing awesome...That big one is almost 8 feet

Went to my EOTB spot...First up is the bagseeds..They look great got one that i think is gona be fast....

The highend at this spot....

This is what happened to my corn...

So i chopped them down pulled all my radish and put the garden to bed leaving only my all blue potato's as i harvested all the others already...

That's all my homemade compost...I had put another layer of straw over all this i'll take a pic of that later...

This is a pic of a small harvest from my other garden...i did happen to get some squash after all...Got tons of cucumber,cherry tomato's,yellow pear tomato's(don't like the taste of these), and mountain pride tomato's(love the taste of these and the cherry)...Over all i think i did very well this season...

My next update is not gona be till mid September stay safe out there....


thanks for the update, sad to see some of the plants got attacked. makes me worry about my own reading that lol. good to see you still have a few good plants going well.

man it's been ages since i've had home grown tomatoes. what a bummer about the corn though, did it happen really fast ? how come you didn't fence them off or come thing? darn pests lol, they had more corn then you did.

anyway best wishes for the rest of the season.


gaiusmarius I hope your plants fair better than mines did....The whole yard is fenced off but i was reading about corn the other day and from what other people do to protect theirs...They said u have to put chicken wire or plastic over the ears when it's almost ready....


What an excellent update that was. I really enjoyed reading it, and watching the pics about your adventure. Sucks about that one spot though. Good thing you have several spots when stuff like that happens.

Highends looks awesome, really hope they will make it to the end.

I am harvesting food aswell theese days. It is great. Cucumbers, different salads, carrots, strawberries, onions and some more. Potatoes still have a month to go I think. My chillis and capsicums wont come.. Tomoates are slow too, but I think I will harvest some. Think the greenhouse is situated in too much shadow, so I will try to move it for next season.

Will try to snap some pics of my garden for you someday.

Thx again for the great update.

Edit> Thx for the link also. That stuff is of great interest.


Update time...Things have been up and down for me these last few weeksbut things are looking up...I'll drop the first bit of bad news which is about more of my plants got eaten a few weeks back....

Deer or something ate all of my ak99Xfreezland and all my bozo fems some branches off the highend and off one the bagseeds at my HOS spot which just killed me on the inside a little bit :fsu:

About 4 weeks ago when i went to my ETOB spot one of the bagseeds were looking really dense but it had some pm so i sprayed it down with some compost tea only to come back the next week to find out it's weak to pm and with bad weather i took it down with another bagseed that was at the HOS spot that had mold....

I had tons of pics from when i took them down but my SD card wiped all the pics when i pulled it out of a friends computer :dunno: so all i have is dry shots

The gar on the left is the EOTB bagseed and the right is HOS bagseed...Sucks that i lost those other pics but oh well...

Now on to current matters....I went to my spot last weekend and it's looking good....

First spot is EOTB......

Bagseeds.....top bud then whole plant shots

The lone highend at this spot

Now for my HOS spot....

Bagseed thats left don't think it's gona make it..I got a cut flowering inside right now too...

The rest are all highend pics

Some close ups

Under it all

Stay safe out there i'll try to keep the harvest pics coming


Looking great InPotITrust.....Really sorry about all your damage thats been happening...

Starting to battle mold/frost myself...Don't worry though...Less than a month and we should both be in good shape!!!


Sorry to hear about the damage. But from what it looks you'll have a nice shemu. Stay safe. C


it sure is painful to think of all those plants getting eaten etc, but i guess that's just one more reason to plant 3x as much as you hope to harvest.

grats on the buds you have harvested and may you save what's left. with any luck i'll be cutting my first FD in the next days, but it's just a small 1 bud plant. still will be a ritualistically satisfying moment to harvest the first of my out door bud. :)


Thanks for stopping in guys..I really appreciate all the good vibes what can i say life has it's up's and down's how u deal with it is the real kicker....I hope u guys have a safe harvest i love and hate this time of year too much to worry about....


I took down all my bagseeds from my EOTB spot and the only highend that was ready from the HOS spot..I still have 3 highends out and one bagseed..The weather has been bad(heavy rains and 100%RH at times the last 2days) and is getting worse as there's a tropical storm on the way so maybe 2-3 more days of rain i really hope they make it ok...Will post some pics soon as there all down....


I took down all my bagseeds from my EOTB spot and the only highend that was ready from the HOS spot..I still have 3 highends out and one bagseed..The weather has been bad(heavy rains and 100%RH at times the last 2days) and is getting worse as there's a tropical storm on the way so maybe 2-3 more days of rain i really hope they make it ok...Will post some pics soon as there all down....

You know I'll be here looking for the harvest pics brother... Just bring them in safe!

I'm pretty much in the same boat as you with the rain. I've got my patch of c99bx1 ready to cut, well last friday I decided to give them another week. So I was planning on bringing them in this weekend.:smoke out:
Stop by my thread to see some of my harvest pics IPIT



Well-known member
wow O wow O wow. what nice looking plants u have there. yah its too bad about ue other plants. but looks like not all is lost. :D.


Been busy but finally about to start off with the harvest pics(lot's of it) from my hard work....:jump::jump::jump::dance013::dance013::dance013:

I'll start with the EOTB spot these came down on the 9-26 as the weather was calling for 4 days of rain in which case it did and caused me a lot of heartache more on that later.....

Bagseed -P1

Bagseed -P2-not much yield as it was shaded by P1

Then at the HOS spot i took down one highend.....

Highend F2 #3 P2 this plant was the fastest from the highend stock ive seen so far...Got one seed on it from P1 that hermied....Sucks

All this was 6 hours of trimming.....

The next day in the night i had to go back to the EOTB to take Bagseed A-P2 down as the weather got really bad...First pic is from the day before in the morning as it started raining later that day....

I got a ton more pics to get uploaded i'll be getting to that in the next few days.....

This is prep work for next year...Over the summer i collected peoples recycle bags with grass clippings did a ton of holes over like 5-6 weeks....

These pics is how i do new holes.....There's grass clippings and the recycle bag,chicken manure and straw....

This is how the older holes look...There's only grass clippings,chicken manure and straw....I'll keep adding to my holes for the next few weeks...Got about 30 holes dones so far...
Last edited:


Enoy the harvest. I love how you prepare your holes already. We should all do that already for next year but some of us are lazy. :D


All this was 6 hours of trimming.....

The pic i couldn't get in that last post


I want to make holes like yours too man. Why didnt you tell us about this genius of a plan earlier............:moon:

Well Well.

Enjoy the fruits, and looking forward to seeing more harvest pics:D


coxswain Thanks bro i'm enjoying it right now......

BomThanks for the compliment on the plan bro...I didn't post about it because sometimes you have to build your plan then work your plan and make changes along the way and when all that's happening posting about it all can take up mad time....

This is only the beginning so there's gona be more post about preparing the holes all thru till about 12-10 hopefully....

I have a ton of shit that i haven't got around to talking about...Here's the list so far..

Feminized beans for next year.

Vortex tea brewer.From a bottle i found..

Cold frame from some glass i found...


I 4 got to say that those plants had mold on them when i pulled them down but not much....

Update Part 2:

After i pulled bagseed A-P2 down in the rain i waited till it stopped raining a few days later 10-3-10.When i got there i found that Highend F2 #3-P3 was molded pretty badly...Lost some really good tops about 30% so she came down......

The Highend F2 #3-P3 had some super dense nugs as your about to see :greenstars:I hope she smokes well....

After all was done...

It started raining later that day when i took that plant down...I was starting to flip after 3 days of non-stop rain so i decided to go take them down in the rain as i knew the mold was already on them form the others...I should of taken them all down that same day but i wanted to tuff it out and so i lost big time with the mold/rot with these highends......

This is the highend from EOTB spot...

Highend F2 #5

Highend F2 #3-P1 This one hermied on me....I got 3 new large walking sticks...This was my biggest plant at 9 feet 4 inch's the others were 8 feet 8 inch...

That whole pull of the highends above stacked......:tree:

I still have this lone bagseed left outside...I could not do much as it was pissing rain just tried to keep it off the ground..i don't think it's gona make it tho....I'll see how long she'll go for...


I have cut's of all these plants that i'm gona be running in my cab over the winter....Im not gona run that top one and highend F2 #3-P1 as she hermied...

I have tons more to talk about after i rest up for now....

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