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Outdoor Guerrilla Adventure


Active member
very nice grow and not just the weedplants

maybe a silly question and not suitablefor here but fuck it , how do you grow potatoes? just shove a potatoe in the ground? and do you get multiple potatoes per plant?

I need a free source of carbohydrates vegetables is no prob just never grew potatoe before please enlighten me:tiphat:


Thanks for the kind words EL MACO....

THC123 Thanks bro...You can ask anything here as this is my little den lol...

Believe it or not potato's are one the most easily to grow crops man has ever worked with...U can get multiple potato's per plant u don't even have to grow them in the ground...U can grow them in straw too....

As there growing u need to hill them up as thats where the tubers form..Another things is make sure u get certified seed as u need the ones that are disease resistant....There's tons more info on the net too if ya do a search plus u might find a way to grow them that fits your style...There really easy....


As u can see it seems a lazy grower got rid of his gear...

What a prick man. That's no good thing i think, although I'm sure one can commit worse sins in life....

Surprised that you stumbled across growgear in the woods though. I'm pretty sure I'm the only one growing in my town. Probably a couple of other indoorgrowers, but outdoor it's just me I think. I keep it really low key though, so who knows....

Smoking culture here is more about imported hash. Mostly from Morocco. This will probably change with all theese new autos coming though, but slowly I think.

The mentallity on the countryside here is:

"we don't want anything new. Let's just keep things as they have always been".

That's why I can have such public growplaces. People don't have a clue what MJ plants look like. :) which is kinda cool, but at the same time I wanna give out seeds so that they don't have to support the organized crime. The same organizations that bring in hash are operating with human trafficking(forced prostitution, slavery).

This brings me back. I remember that we were beeing taugh in kidschool that slavery ended in the USA in 1855(if I remember correctly.) This I believed well into my teens. Such Bullshit. Now there are women from Nigeria selling their bodies a couple of hours from my house, and they are not here voulunterly....

Today my hands just keep typing....

Anyway. Nice description of outplantin, nice raised bed. Hope your garden will be fine, and thank's for the lovely posts. they stand out!:jump:

Later man.


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
Amazing project, i like to watch a working man with a plan!
Respect and plenty of Sun!


Bom Who ever did that was just a real lazy bastard as he/she could of dumped all that gear in an unknown dumpster....

It's no problem for me that it's there as right below it is a really nasty swamp....Your lucky that most people don't even grow where your at as for me it's getting harder and harder to find good sites....

Slavery never ended it's just that we all became slaves to system thats flawed and corrupt...

paulo73 Thanks for stopping in and sending the good karma my way...

It's 7 days now so time to update on the FPE's.....

Here's how it looks before i strained it....

Then after strain...

All bottled up...

The 2L bottle is the banana miX...

I was thinking since THC123 asked about the potato's i would dig this really great book out that my good friend justanotherbozo gifted to me about a year ago...If you like to make stuff and live off the land this book is a must have...It's like having your great grandfather right beside you...



So it's been real hectic and painful for me these last few days...

I went out thursday night to try and fill this bed took 3 bags of compost and 2 bags of soil and that put me in a world of hurt....First off i forgot that this spot is way far up hill with thorns it was just brutal....I don't even know if i'll fill this before i have to use it...

I didn't say it last time but when i got the compost the other day there was some huge dandelions growing outta the pile so i grabbed them and made some FPE...There is the dandelions on the right on top of the bags....

When it was done i found a slug on the top of everything it was weird so i helped him to some salt :)

I also had made a compost pile with some fencing that was found in a dumpster a few weeks back and i'm working on making a little worm bin...

I finished planting my garden the other day...There's
Tomato's,Cherry and Mountain Pride,
Purple carrots,
Short and sweet carrots,
Chantenay half long carrots,
White radish,
Watermelon sugar baby,
Cantaloupe Hales best,
Bok choy.....

I might be forgetting something oh well..

My potato's had aphids so i sprayed them down with some safer soap..There about to start to flower then i'll dig and see if i can get a baby....

I'll finish updating a little later have to run now..


Update part 2....

Had to leave with the quickness before i could finish last post...

I went out to "HOS" spot over the weekend and planted...

2 bagseed,
2 Lifesaver X Sweet tooth 1.1 F2

6 (ak99Xfreezland)X Kalichakra

2 Golden Cindy X RKS,

I also took pics of the plants that was planted 1 week before...

First up is the highend F2 #5

Then all the bagseeds...

Next to go out will be some bozo beans,ppp, and another (AK99Xfreezland) X kalichakra..

I also planted some more beans i'll post whats what when or if anything pops....untill next time stay safe out there...:wave:


Active member
hey man, just wanted to stop in and say 'hey', 'cause
i can! lol

yeah, that's right, my wifi adapter arrived today! whoohoo! :jump:

man, it's been so long i forget how to frekken type, lol.

anyway, like i said, just stoppin' by to say 'hey'. :wave:

peace, bozo

btw, remind me when i see you next to give ThatGuy
a shout on the phone.


warm welcome to you bro justanotherbozo

badbeans Thanks for stopping by been meaning to get an update going been planted quite a few plants out but my cam has been without batteries...Then when i did get batteries upon reaching the spot i realized that i left them on the dam drivers seat lol...I'll be making a big up date over the next few days...


amazing thread, i envy you guys who can grow your own veggies, you just can't compare it to supermarket bought food, even if gmo's are still illegal here, the fruit and veg is still mostly tasteless.

i like the way you are making use of what you can. you seem to have it down to a routine. i guess you have no deer to worry about? looking forward to watching your plants do their thing.

totally feel you on lugging the earth, my spots are so hard to get to that i normally have to sit down for a few minutes to get my breath back, after the sprint from the path up the steep slippery slope far enough till i'm no longer visible from the trail, with a back pack of tools and earth. damn good exercise that's for sure, lol.

peace out


I missed your last update somehow.... Looking good though. My potatoes are barely peeping above ground. Yours look great. Most people here put soil around the stems when they get about 5 inches tall and then continue doing so. This is supposed to improve the yield.

It is really interesting to see all you do. I'm such a noob when it comes to gardening, but I have great interest in it. I built myself a homemade greenhouse from leftover stuff I found around here. Planted 4 caulliflowers and two kinds of salads in there last night. Will be very exciting to see if anything will grow in there. I'm quite satisfied with the result so far though. Check it out:


Stay happy dude!


gaiusmarius Thanks for dropping by...Growing your own veggies is the way to go,you should look into guerrilla veggie gardening....Here's a link to help you with that...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dWyduWsoy8o...I do have to worry about deer in some spots while others are ok...I find that once there's enuff food in the area there's no problem...

Z!on That book is really great you'll love it....Seems like your stuff is doing fine to me keep it up....

Bom I started hilling them up a while ago the next thing i'm gona do is mulch them....I still think of myself as a noob up to this day as it's the only way to really push your self to be better....Good work on that greenhouse but 4 caulliflowers might be way too big for it tho(if it's the same thing were talking about lol)...

So i've been wanting to do an update for awile now but as with this time of year shit gets hectic...

First off i went to my Grave yard spot the other day to plant up the last hole that i dug only to find that the deers had a nice snack.....I had extras with me at the time so i just re-planted every thing no pics tho when i go back i hope there still there...

I built my worm bin..It needs to build up a worm population for awile...





I made some lacto bacilli the other day as it''s been quite awile since i last made this....Info on how to make it can found here>>>https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=36542&page=4

Start with the rice wash

Didn't get any pics of it after 7 days when i put the milk in....

Here's when it's done.....

My peas are doing awesome...After this pic they got mulched up..

I had planted a row of cow peas to test as i was gona use it as a cover crop for deers and my garden plus u can make rice an peas later with it....After this pic i made an edge and started mulching..

Garden 2..Doing good but still had ti deal with aphids and kids lol..I also planted some purple radish and carrots in the open spaces around waiting for them to pop...

Garden 1....These pics are about a week and a 1/2 old but they show the potato flower very well....

End part 1


Part 2...

I'll start off with the HOS spot these were taken 3 days ago...Happy summer solstice to all in the north i should start seeing males soon...

Bagseed 1

Bozo fem beans planted the week before...lost 2 but re-planted 2 when i got there....

Next up is the highend...Took 3 cut's from 3 plants so far as there growing rapid...


Here is 2 golden cindy X?....I don't think it was my RKS that knocked it up....

2 PPP and 1 (AK99XfreezX)Kalichara

All the other 5 since i lost one (AK99XfreezX)Kalichara

These bagseeds are showing some muscle

The leaf off the big one

more bagseed something was eating the leaves...Sprayed the plants down the week before with compost tea and did not see any new eating since..

These ones' were put out not too long ago..


Then it's the 2 lifesaver X Sweet tooth f2

Moving on to EOTB spot..Things are looking good here the potato's that were planted here was stepped on by deer a few times but that's the only trouble they gave me...

I also still had miner problems with the slugs here...Saw a few on the first bagseed plants that went out..They got on them from the trees and because dirt had splashed up on the copper...

I also took down a small tree that was starting to be a problem as there were these wild veining plants there trying to take over my spot and shade it out...

First up highend

The bagseeds the slugs got to

The ones that are doing much better...

If u look closely you'll see the potato's on the out skirts of this spot...

The next thing left to do at these spots is mulch and get the males....

I had planted some beans some time back...

6 SD X OGK F2's done by JLP got 4 outta 6 going been wanted to pop these for a long time now...

1 Lifesaver X Sweet tooth f2 outta 3

Got 4 more bozo fem beans and that's gona be it for beans next up should be some clones...

Stay safe out there and remember to have fun too dam it


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Looking good, IPiT! :D
Course I take particular interest in those Highends. I may finally crack some of those f2's myself one of these days, so I like having a peak. ;)

Nice one on the worm bin, been trying to find some time to build one myself. :rolleyes:

So cool to see your veggies too! :yes: Been having some great grow weather, I've got cherry tomatoes forming already! :D

Tough one on the deer. :frown: My guerilla spots always get nailed.
This yr. I was able to enclose/cover 3 of my plants.
Here's two the day they got planted, won't see them again til Sept.

Between the deer and the grapevines that cover everything by august, I might have a chance this yr. :rolleyes:

I have 6 F13 X A11's out, a cross I made this winter. Grew them both out individually last yr OD w/ good results, so expect good things from these as well.
Kept 2 potted, closer to home. One's a mutant and one is the uber-plant of the six, she has great hybrid vigor!
Here's what she looked like yesterday:

Nothing going inside now, so she's been getting all my interest!

Keep those updates coming! Good vibes, HL