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Outdoor Guerrilla Adventure


I've been a member here for awile now and never made an outdoor thread so this year i'll try to give back.....

First i would like to give props to the outdoor gurus thats helped me without even knowing...

SilverBack..RIP....Great grower his threads have helped me and many others.

Backcountry...Don't even have to say y lol..

:thank you:

And a few others but enuff of that lets move on.

This will be my 3 year outside and things are already moving...I have a 72 site tray with seeds started outside...line up is 36 of the 72 is planted with 2 bagseed per hole..

The other half is.......

(AK99XFreezland)X Kalichakra...9

Bozo bagseed..4

Golden Cindy X RKS 6

highend F2 #3 (6)

Highend F2 #5 (6)

Lifesaver X Sweet tooth 1.1(3)

OG T* Haze X Skunk 1 (3)

I also have 3 bottles with 3 seed each all just bagseed..

This will be the bulk for this years seeds....I also plant clones out in july thanks to silverbacks method called the 60/60 force flower approach this will be my third year using it.....

I'lll be growing all kinds off food crops too...My style of growing is let the numbers do the work as u always lose more than u would like...I use only organic ferts and also make my own brew of stuff..I also try to get as much of my supplies for free such as compost from around my area...

Hope to keep this updated from time to time as i look forward to this season...

Stay safe out there


Looks like your off to a great start bro! I hope you have much success this year. What kind of teas do you make?


Thanks for stopping and sending the good karma CovertCrops....I make aerated compost tea with dry organic ferts or with what ever i have on hand....I also make fermented extracts such as Lacto Bacilli<<<great for veg high in N takes about 14 days to make...stinging nettles this i can only make in the summer takes 7 days.... banana,squash,papaya is an enzyme mix i make too sometimes takes 7 days also...info on how to make all these is in the Organic Fanatic Collective http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=36542

Bad news for ipit my oldest and most loved spot is gone...We had some crazy rain the last month thought that it would be ok but heavy flooding took all my hard work i did in the fall along with everything....Also in all my years popping beans i've run into a problem i've never had before...

After all the beans in the 72 site tray started to pop i was happy till yesterday i looked at them and they went from green to brown heres a pic the ones in the bottle are in the same mix and there ok...we'll see how it goes i guess


Thanks for the thumbs up blan-k-flor...U know i've been a member of the B.S.G.A since it started and never posted in there but i'll be dropping pics in there soon as i love to pop bagseed...
good luck .. those seem to be sum pretty killa crosses ur running ... what is ur latitude as im at 35n on the coast .... glad to see other EAST COASTERS posting anyhoe good luck this season ....hoping 4 an epic year drelow51\50


Thanks for dropping a line dre....I'm at 42N so i'm hoping for a good season....Theres alot of us east coasters but most just don't post here anymore....

Update...All the seeds in the center of my 72 site tray is dead i'm watcing to see how things will turn out......In other news a good friend(bozo) dropped 5 pure power plant and some fem beans from his bagseed that i ran last year so i'll be popping those soon....

I also got one spot finished over the weekend so planting can begin soon...


I remember reading about the 60/60 method last year, I had forgotten all about it. I think I might give it a try, but I've got to do a bit more reading first to get it right..thanks for refreshing my memory, I would have forgotten all about this method!


.clunkYou should give it a try for sure all u really need to know for everything to work right is when plants start to sex in your area(easy way to do this is go from seed or look up your hours)then just put plants out at that time...


Big upDate time :tiphat:....I manage to figure out what the problem was...It' was too much moisture at the top of the dome with the leaves touching the top plus heavy sunlight was just killer good thing i got to them early enuff...

So a few were looking real good so i transplanted a few bagseed and highend f2 #3 and 5 waiting for the rest...I also transplanted a bunch of melons and pumkins and then planted

(5)pure power plant and

(20)bozo fem bagseeds


in the open spots

Built two soon to be raised beds last year this first one is at the spot already just waiting to be filled....

This one i brought to the spot last year but never set it up cause
even tho the spot was a success when i went back after harvest found tracks from a 4 wheeler running thru my shit so i just left it...

Heres a shot of one of my gardens already planted with...

viking red potatoes,

All blue potatoes,

Russet Burbank,

Golden Sweet corn,

Bok choy,

Lettuce and


U can only see the potatoes tho..

I started growing the potatoes when i got the seeds in around march....Had them in a box to start and had some left over so i took them out yesterday...

Check these shots out...



Guess nobody likes regular gardens around here oh well on with it.....

I went out yesterday with the intention of digging 20 holes at this spot but only got to 14 after that my back was killing me...I amended with chicken manure(new at lowes),lime and some grass clippings that was near the site....

So far i have 20 holes ready but if i had done 20 yesterday i would be at 26....I was in a car accident before this season started and not to mention that i was already fucked up since i was in my teens but now i'm really hurting but must carry on...Just had to whine for a bit :rant:

Here's some pics...

This pic is after everything was mixed in

I still have 15-20 more holes to dig plus fill that dam bed... Until next time stay safe out there...


Guerrilla top tip...All ways be on the look out for free shit u can use...

I was passing behind a little area where people walk there dogs and somebody dumped some free mulch so i grabbed some...Filled 2 heavy duty trash bags and can fill many more so so sweet :)



Went out early today and dug 4 holes at a new spot that i dub "grave yard madness".....Only dug 4 holes as i ran out of supplies will dig more later....

The holes were done with dried oak leaves,Burned wood charcoal from my grill,chicken manure and lime....

Until next time :wave:


Looks like you are an experienced gardener. I'll be following your show if you dont mind.
I'm from Norway, but I lived a year on the eastcoast in 96'. Had the time of my life.

Guess nobody likes regular gardens around here oh well on with it.....

I looove regular gardens. I have all kinds of stuff vegging in my legal growroom. Broccoli, carrots, onions, salads, peas, corn, different flowers etc. Here's some of it.

Have started about 100 weedplants aswell, but not in my house.:rasta: :smoke out:

One q about potatoes if you don't mind.

I have about 40 like yours lying under fluoros. Gonna put them out in a couple of weeks. I would like to have about 100 as i love potatoes and have unlimited grow space.

It looks like you have chopped yours in two or even three. Can I do that and expect a bigger harvest?

I have thought about doing it, but not dared, as I don't wanna fuck up the only ones I have.

Good luck with you grow man.

:plant grow:



Warm welcome to ya Bom....Glad u love regular gardens like me as living on the east coast things are pricey and with GMO's not being labeled i try to grow as much of my own food as i can and i buy local produce too when i can...

About the potato's now...You want to cut them to have 2-3 eyes then your gona have to put them some where dark like a cardboard box so they can make a scab at the cut...

U can leave them in the box till your ready to plant...This will more then double your money as i still have extras that i'm gona plant out in the wild somewhere...

If u don't mind me asking...How's the laws over there?Are the people friendly?

Drop by and post pics when u can...Stay safe


....I also plant clones out in july thanks to silverbacks method called the 60/60 force flower approach this will be my third year using it.....

Look forward to seeing your grow develop!:smoke out:

Tell me more about the 60/60 force flower approach. I've read Silverbacks post about this a few times over the winter, and I've been thinking about trying it. But I was thinking about doing it with seed plants. Do you think Silverbacks force flower technique will work the same with seed plants? I think they would finish early just like clones would... what do you think?

I really think this technique will help me pull off a more successful outdoor grow. Last season (my first) almost everything I had was ripped.


hey look, it's my 50th post!!!
Last edited:


badbeans Thanks for stopping by...My first year i did it with plants from seed and with clones...

Just know that some plants take longer to sex 2-3 weeks before u can put them out plus some might try to go to veg once out so try to put them out the latest u can...

Sucks about getting ripped but i bet you learned alot from it...

Update time:

I went out yesterday and planted

2 highend f2 #5

10 bagseeds

I also planted the last of my potato's on the outside of the the spot now dubbed Eye of the Beholder<<link to vid...

So after doing that spot was heading to my next spot when i had the worst thing ever happen to me out in the wild....

Story...So i was walking to the spot and a branch i thought was dead and rotten was in the way so i pushed it out the way then it sounded as if it was breaking then it came right back and stuck me in my right eye just after i named the other spot...

Now i stopped cause my eye is hurting like hell then said fuck it i'll press on got to the spot and dug 3 holes after that my eye was killing me so i left..Then it hit me i should name this spot Harvester of Sorrow<<link to vid

3 of the 5 ppp are up one of them looks kinda red don't if u guys can see it well but here's the pic of it...There the top left ones...

Most of the bozo fems beans are up and running plus the lone (ak99Xfreezland)X kalichakra popped too...

The highends and bagseeds are doing good by next week they should be in there new homes..

This is a bagseed on the right and bozo fem beans left..

The seedlings that were doing really bad are coming back from the dead...

This one was extreme and it's coming back...



ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Boy, I don't miss any of that back-breaking work! :D

Time to pay attention, the weather's getting nice! Looking forward to seeing how those HE's do for you OD.

Best wishes from me & blessings from the wood nymphs! :greenstars:

:lurk: -HL