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ICMag Donor


ICMag Donor
Looking great guys! Got some talented growers here!

Mountain outlaw--Do you use repelents? Liquid fence is labeled to repel rabbits and deer. Could also use smaller mesh fence to keep them out. Blacken it in the fire. Guerillaunit had some nice plants with 1" plastic mesh netting. Would be light weight for hiking.

Cool new dogs and cats! Members of the family. Will be great assets for the farm. Gardens are looking good. Have to get my garden planted this weekend. Mom and dad are going to help this year.

Mudballs-- Nice start! Even when the plants are small, I think the roots will be thankfull to have plenty of leg room. They have larger root systems than you would think, especially when watered correctly to allow plenty of aeration and oxygen-rich soil. Going in the ground or staying in pots this year?

Revegetta-- Great shot of that honey bee visiting the plant. Flowers are looking great at day 30. BrassnWood was saying spring harvest is great medicine, but fall harvest is the best. I would imagine yield is better in the spring. Do you notice any differences with the strains you use between spring and fall ripened flowers?

Would take the pressure off, nobody is looking for the crops this time of year, and it sure would be nice to have some fresh flower for the summer. :smoke:

Flowerpower--Enjoying watching the plants grow. Those are on the move! Do you top or prune at all? What is your regimen for pruning, had some nice round shrubs last year. Nice little farm going, should have a good harvest this year! Make some edibles. :smoke:

Going to check the plot for watering needs today. Pretty certain of a good 1 inch rain Sunday.Although it did get some hot temps this week with young seedlings. It has afternoon shade, so will have to make a judgement.

Would rather let them have some water in case it doesn't rain much Sunday. They may need it since they are young seedling transplants with a shallow root system. Wouldn't hurt it have a little extra water in a couple days, plot drains well.

Remember to mound up the soil around them for when the floods show up. Dig some drainage ditches.
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Well-known member
Plot 3 synopsis.
K.c. brains 33 and some sativa coming from a friend. Look at this medium here


Plenty there too work with, fine aged horse manure.... Also look at this plantin valley


Gotta get down an muddy, make a water box and mix some more soil.

Also have some shiskaberry and big bud x skunk I may put out pasture.

Side note...do NOT use cloche like I did for auto starting, too much heat. Trying revive them now. Also adding strawberry haze to auto line up.


ICMag Donor
Didn't do any watering. Will just put down some repellent, trench the ditches a little deeper, and prune some brush/trees.

Going to have a chance to plant the veggies and relax a bit. Have a good Memorial Day weekend! :smoke:

Looking like some great fertilizer Mountain outlaw! Horse manure will have weed seeds and may be hot so get some stuff thats all the way broken down with no sharp strong smell, just earthy manure compost. Looks like a great plot! Mound it a little bit for oxygen and it will have regular water below!


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Active member
Nice to find this thread.
I'm growing outside, organic in Sweden.
My soil is a mix of eco plantsoil, my own bokashisoil, own biochar, wool-pellets, horse manure, Bat Guano, Basalt+lots of organic material, Leafs, grass etc.

A lot of seeds are sown. Finnish genetics.
And 3 Quetta (Paki landrace, big leaves) and 3 LEB27 (Lebanon landrace) are out. The plants on the pics are 11 days old.
More fem.autos will come.


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ICMag Donor
Taking it easy this year with just the Sativa Candy Chunk cultivar, so it will be less likely to get things mixed up during harvest. This year is the 15th filial generation (F15) so am making it easy to be certain there is no genetic contamination in the population. We want everything to keep going as its been to attain inbred line, true breeding status. Its becoming obvious the line is approaching that point. With a few more years selections, it will begin to have more and more traits similar across the offspring. Terpene profile is similar on each type with the laundry detergent signature SCC terpenes. However some are more pine and some are more fruit leaning but they all have that base flavor of the 'Signature' phenotype.

I prefer the more pine leaning because its a higher potency more pronounced effect with more medical benefit.

We do have a couple volunteer plants, they are from the SCC side and appear to be SCC. Will not use them as pollinators because the seed source was not certain. Last year had some other varieties but had selected 5 male SCC for pollination until early August when they were cut.

Got the plot planted last weekend, so this weekend spent some time pruning and re-digging drainage. Last year had some root rot issues on the east side of the garden where it didn't drain as well. After digging the entire plot, rounded it well with a rake and dug a second drainage ditch, so should be much better. Have used the plot for a couple years and usually cut it back a bit every year.

Got a new STIHL rope pole pruner and have an extension to make it 18 ft, so was able to cut the trees back pretty well. Also have a pole chainsaw with 6 ft extra extension I have used to prune in the past. Should get plenty of sun and ventilation for a healthy garden this year!








Volunteer plants germinated very beginning of march or possibly beginning late Feb with a push of warm air late winter! They made it through some really cold nights. Had some leaf cover on the garden with sticks which helped offer some protection, plus they are in a wooded area on the top of a hill so cold air drains well! Air had been in upper 20's several times when they were young, and they made it through fine!

Could just sow the garden in the dormant period in Feb/Early March, and let God take care of it. The seeds know when to emerge. Maybe till and fertilize in the fall with no till and top dress during the growing season. Would be fun to experiment. The ground gets loosened up by the frost anyway. I have to do camoflage though, so have to wait until surrounding brush and trees start to leaf out before planting anyway.


Calle Minogue

Brother of the COB
Hey Folks,

My target is as always. Seeds and one year smoke for free :biggrin:

Ultra Early Love Tray with F7 and some F5s1 x F6 (F2) and the bigger ones are my Beaters -M39 F3 (3 Girls, 4 Boys, 1 Freak)


Lots of skunks and more own stuff I will show during the season.. maybe one now ?

Old school skunk BX first girl

Old Piney

Well-known member
Not much to show, it's early for me. They are all female and new to me fem seedlings 1 sweet Afghani delicious ( sweet seeds), 1 Blackberry kush 2 Purple satellite ( Green Mountain seeds) and a clone I wintered over of Girl Scout Cookies. I will have other things going a bit latter
I'm growing a bunch of regular seed Lucky13's again this year. Things got started in March inside and have been living outside for the last couple of weeks. Today was a tornado watch but turned out not bad at all. Plants turned greener with a good rain though.

Left to right: Dirty Dancing, Peanut butter OG, Hawaiian Puff x God Bud


Left to right: Grand Daddy Purple Ultraviolet, Blood Milk and Sky (starting to flower)


Old Piney

Well-known member
Nice! So I'm wondering what are the plants in flower now and also what bugs are you targeting with the sticky yellow balls ?


ICMag Donor
Glad you made it here, farmerfischer! Enjoy the ride! :smoke:

Several rounds of rain this week with sun in between with temps reaching upper 80's F a couple days, plants have started to make themself at home. Had a couple seedlings damp off, and a couple that looked like nitrogen leaf tip burn likely due to being too close to fertilizer. Its difficult to mix it really well when its somewhat wet soil.



Drainage ditches worked well. Got a half inch to an inch the past 24-48 hrs.



ICMag Donor
Just native soil with years of bark from my wood pile composted in. I work in little lime and aged chicken manure every year too

Don't start too late, my plants will generally start preflowers in july. May go ahead and get things going. Would rather be on the early side just a little bit.

Sounds like a good mix. Thats all I do. The soil has natural fertility.