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Outdoor Buds vs Indoor Buds?


Well-known member
I've heard the argument that people are less interested in outdoor bud compared to indoor bud because indoor buds are considered tighter and more perfect whereas outdoor buds are fluffy.

I know I'm asking this in the outdoor forum, but what is you guys' opinion on this?


the usual and long debate will ensue

the tldr will be skill of the grower.

Sad But True

Well grown organic outdoor buds any day off the week here.
Fluffy... hmmmm... pretty weird thing to debate, i generally get more fluff indoor than out... but i never harvest the whole plant at once outdoors... i let the fluff pack out for another 2 weeks outdoors.


my opinion is influenced by Ganja D. He was being critical about how much "crap" outdoor bud gets grown in Cali. After he was criticized for it he clarified and said there are plenty of great outdoor growers, BUT because of how large plants can get people are chopping down hundreds of lbs of mid grade/crap weed.

Anything other than cali outdoor is not going to be a grade no matter what. We had a decent outdoor year up here in washington, and out of the 4 strains I ran 2 finished, and were b quality, but very fluffy, for example an oz just makes it in a sandwich baggie if you squish it in there.

Ive seen about 15 different samples of outdoor bud this year all from washington and a couple from oregon. The best from washington came from a grower who grows green house and light deps, I would consider it good B quality meds. and the best from oregon (didnt see any oregon greenhouse) was Blackberry and it was a weak B.

Which leads me to my conclusion, I have decided that if im growing outdoors its going to be in a green house that I light dep, but other than that Im going to focus my efforts towards indoors, Because truthfully outdoor is MUCH harder than indoor. Now if I lived in cali, I might go for more outdoor, but with the end result being just decent, its not worth it for me.


I believe that potent top quality nugs can be produced both indoors and outdoors, but in my experience the indoor buds tend to be more visually appealing.


OD has a complexity of high I find missing from most indoor bud - another reason I never buy it anymore. Sure, ID buds are better looking, and hard and resinous, but the high is boring and sleepy to the head. OTOH, wow the taste and high of organic OD done right is what I smoke it for. Artificial light = artificial head. IMO YMMV sorry if you disagree. I'm in my 50s and have been smoking since the late 60s. The only thing I claim to know is what I like, and I've smoked it all. Peace.


Active member
eh, arent you then mixing outdoors with sativa?

indica is sleepy, not indoors in general (though generally mostly indica is grown inside lol)

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
In my mind, the statement that outdoor bud is less potent than indoor isnt accurate and indicates a lack of experience. Ive grown outdoor bud that is as potent as it gets. Potency/ resin production is controlled by genentics. If the plant is healthy and recieves the proper lighting, the potency will be dictated by the lineage of the strain..

And its not possible under any circumstances to have indoor lighting equal the power of the sun. It is logistically impossible to grow a 10' plant with 2lbs of weed on it under artificial lights, nor can one ever produce buds indoors as hard as they can become outdoors because artificial lighting doesnt provide the penetration or energy... The sun is just so much stronger.

Go check out the Timebomb cross from Legends: Its one of many "outdoor" strains that the breeder says straight up that the plant needs the power of the sun for proper bud development. Further, at 3 pm in late august under a blistering sun can make potent plants look as they have dew on them.\

Indoor bud is usually prettier than outdoor and is often just as potent and occassionallly a bit more potent but not noticable really.

I grow sensi star both indoors and out. If i filled up 2 pipes for you and asked you to tell me which was which, their isnt a user on this site that could do it. I cant tell the difference and i grew the shit.
Toker - AFAIK there are plenty of indoor lights that put out far more lumens and more "available" lumens than the sun...

The best outdoor will stand right with or above the best indoor. If you wanted to make a blanket statement...i.e all outdoor bud in the world vs. all indoor bud in the world, the average (mean) indoor would be better than the average outdoor...simply because there's plenty of shitty outdoor produced.

If you're talking in terms of capability or capacity, outdoor can be at least as good as any indoor. It can also be better. It can be worse too. Certain strains are way better outdoor than others..some better indoor.

Most of what we're pulling down this year (outdoor) will be fetching the same price as top quality indoor. Infact we run alot of the same strains indoors...and the outdoor looks and smells better in many cases. Smoke tbd when it's cured and ready.

WPA, that's a silly statement. There are plenty of places aside from California capable of producing A grade buds.. California doesn't have some insanely unique climate, there are plenty of places around the world with very similar conditions/latitude/longitude...


Active member
i like both. outdoor in so cal is top notch if grown right. my outdoor plants that get full sun are just as good as indoor.


Well-known member
Toker - AFAIK there are plenty of indoor lights that put out far more lumens and more "available" lumens than the sun...

A quote from Wikipedia, article on Sunlight:
Direct sunlight has a luminous efficacy of about 93 lumens per watt of radiant flux, which includes infrared, visible, and ultraviolet light. Bright sunlight provides illuminance of approximately 100,000 lux or lumens per square meter at the Earth's surface.

Green Fields, can you share your setup and name one of the "plenty of indoor lights that put out far more lumens" than the sun? No offence but you sound like an eskimo who has never been warmed by the sun :)


Active member
my experience is that outdoor most of the time doesnt look as good as indoor but it is a lot stickier and smellier(when harvesting) and the high is better IMO

Indoor is nice and beautiful but i prefer outdoor and then greenhouse weed and then indoor weed how strange that may seem

and i grow outdoors in a shitty climate
of course the strain is also dependant


OverGrow Refugee
i grow outdoor plants that are just as good as people who pay big money for quality smoke...I'd rather grow my own..put my own TLC into it...and reap the benefits...I love growing weed and I think its how dedicated and how much the person that is growing it loves it...If they don't then whatever you grow INDOOR or OUTDOOR you get mid/medicore buds....Its like life..you get what you put into it...

I am talking about, researching(strains, grow techniques, environmental concerns) and so on...It takes a lot more than just sowing and watering to grow GREAT WEED...you have be dedicated...

ANY TIME I HAVE HAD LIKE..Da BomB its been a small quantity grown by someone who LOVES THE PLANT[/B

outdoor can be pure shit but u take the same clone n put one indoor verses one outdoor and ill take the outdoor any day of the week, rain water, tons of co2, full spectrum light with depending on were u live with a u.v rating over ten during the mid day hours. indoor usually is mono tone in its effects but not always, outdoor is in full stereo.

'''OD has a complexity of high I find missing from most indoor bud - another reason I never buy it anymore. Sure, ID buds are better looking, and hard and resinous, but the high is boring and sleepy to the head.'' -stratmandu. very well said mate. indoor boring bud i am so sick of, its all mono tone hps street light grown bullshit, i lived with growers in colorado who years ago were getting 3800-4000 for a pound, after toking there erb for a month i couldnt wait for mexican to come around, i missed getting stoned, buzzed, elated, euphoric and high, i was bored with just being high, needed the outdoor mexi to remind me why i smoked in the first place. so funny how today people order seeds, spend tons of money growing n others buy this crap at 15-20 a gram at times when a ounce of mexi in the south goes for 80 bucks n blows it ways 8 times out of ten. something is missing indoors it really is, i wish as growers we could find what the hell it is casue im real tired of indoor garbabe and its mono tone high that nobody but a few seem to notice. i took a hit of a outdoor bud last week and with the first hit i was instantly reminded of why i luv outdoor, the plant was under other non weed plants outside, never got full sun, never was fed and yeilded so low im embarased to admit it , it was literally 6 inches tall with one popcorn bud, i mean it got nothing, no sun n no nutes, the bud was incredible, absolutely amazing, that outdoor buzz is just too special, its gotta be the sun.

ive yet to smoke from a hps bulb and be impressed, the sun, cfls and metal halides have rocked my world but hps's im sorry u are missing something and i dont know what that thing is i really do not. no matter how high u get of primo indoor its missing body n dimensions.
yep... what everyone said...

If outdoor weed is fluffy, you have found the wrong grower.

I have nugs you cannot squeeze, like as if they were rocks...

The sun and the earth "knows" more and is obviously more in tune with what nature intended for the plant

I often think the idea that indoor was better came from grow store propaganda and fear.

For decades growing was illegal in all cases, so people hid in their basements and closets for so long, that everyone forgot what the outdoors could do, so indoor is better...

"i can control everything so indoor is better"

i more subscribe to, " i let nature run it's course" and it is better!

It is society sized group psychology at it's best.

Who could beat nature?



Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I have had dank outdoor as well as indoor... I like the flavors better from good outdoor.. I have also seen 3lb indoor plants... Merlot is killing it indoor with his 45g smart posts and 8 week veg....


Overkill is under-rated.
This year I did a decent sized outdoor, after growing indoors for 10 years. Many of the same strains I've grown indoors were also grown outdoors (and pretty well, at the very least.)

The same strain outdoors was definitely denser, frostier, and smellier, grew larger, and outyielded every indoor plant I've ever grown. The high is stronger and kicks in a bit faster. I can't see how indoor fetches the prices it does, but as long as I can do both I will.


Well-known member
In my mind, the statement that outdoor bud is less potent than indoor isnt accurate and indicates a lack of experience. Ive grown outdoor bud that is as potent as it gets. Potency/ resin production is controlled by genentics. If the plant is healthy and recieves the proper lighting, the potency will be dictated by the lineage of the strain..

And its not possible under any circumstances to have indoor lighting equal the power of the sun. It is logistically impossible to grow a 10' plant with 2lbs of weed on it under artificial lights, nor can one ever produce buds indoors as hard as they can become outdoors because artificial lighting doesnt provide the penetration or energy... The sun is just so much stronger.

Go check out the Timebomb cross from Legends: Its one of many "outdoor" strains that the breeder says straight up that the plant needs the power of the sun for proper bud development. Further, at 3 pm in late august under a blistering sun can make potent plants look as they have dew on them.\

Indoor bud is usually prettier than outdoor and is often just as potent and occassionallly a bit more potent but not noticable really.

I grow sensi star both indoors and out. If i filled up 2 pipes for you and asked you to tell me which was which, their isnt a user on this site that could do it. I cant tell the difference and i grew the shit.
I totaly agree wit u all the way.

The best outdoor will stand right with or above the best indoor. If you wanted to make a blanket statement...i.e all outdoor bud in the world vs. all indoor bud in the world, the average (mean) indoor would be better than the average outdoor...simply because there's plenty of shitty outdoor produced.

If you're talking in terms of capability or capacity, outdoor can be at least as good as any indoor. It can also be better. It can be worse too. Certain strains are way better outdoor than others..some better indoor.

Most of what we're pulling down this year (outdoor) will be fetching the same price as top quality indoor. Infact we run alot of the same strains indoors...and the outdoor looks and smells better in many cases. Smoke tbd when it's cured and ready.

WPA, that's a silly statement. There are plenty of places aside from California capable of producing A grade buds.. California doesn't have some insanely unique climate, there are plenty of places around the world with very similar conditions/latitude/longitude...
yah like texas for one.

my experience is that outdoor most of the time doesnt look as good as indoor but it is a lot stickier and smellier(when harvesting) and the high is better IMO

Indoor is nice and beautiful but i prefer outdoor and then greenhouse weed and then indoor weed how strange that may seem

and i grow outdoors in a shitty climate
of course the strain is also dependant
yah I love my OD herbs way more then my indoor herbs which is good too.

i grow outdoor plants that are just as good as people who pay big money for quality smoke...I'd rather grow my own..put my own TLC into it...and reap the benefits...I love growing weed and I think its how dedicated and how much the person that is growing it loves it...If they don't then whatever you grow INDOOR or OUTDOOR you get mid/medicore buds....Its like life..you get what you put into it...

I am talking about, researching(strains, grow techniques, environmental concerns) and so on...It takes a lot more than just sowing and watering to grow GREAT WEED...you have be dedicated...

ANY TIME I HAVE HAD LIKE..Da BomB its been a small quantity grown by someone who LOVES THE PLANT[/B

yah my OD flowers grow way more thc than my indoors do.