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Outdoor 215 Grow 2016

300 gallon Sub Irrigated Planters. Unfortunately Its for a veggie garden as it would be too visible to put seeds or clones out there since its in an area of the property people can see into as opposed to where my plants are now.

I know if i could grow ganja in these boxes they would be of Mammoth size for sure by the end of the season. Maybe one day.

The box is on a very slight incline so the lower end of the box has most of the reservoir and that wicking media which is peat, perlite, vermiculite in this case. The bed is 4x8 with soil batches made and mixed at home always. I think dr earth makes up about 1/10th of this soil mix, along with many other amendments and just a little biochar, only a gallon of charged biochar was all i had left at the time, but even a little makes some difference.


The homie giving a helping hand.

This is not the box i built, but it shows whats going on for those who are unaware of how a Sub Irrigated Planter works. You can buy them in the store, but one this size you cannot buy so we made it, and were making a few more SIP (Sub irrigated planter) boxes too as we go sip crazy. lol

Heres one of the two plants my buddy gave me back. This is the one thats closer in the pic i posted earlier, with slightly wider leaf and better aroma.

She showed sex and began to flower so i transplanted her to this old 10 gallon notill pot from last year i had to dig the center out of. She started to reveg and here she is revegging on June 12th


At this point i was thinking i know what the cross was. I was pretty sure the seed came from a bagseed bubba that looked and smelled like this last year. It was seeded by my Zero Kush F2 which is a phantom OG hybrid with a unknown male.

Theres a Slight Chance that some pollen from a Landrace Tigerberry male from California Nursery Supply Cooporative, But currently i see no resemblence and i do see resemblance of both the to ZK and Bubba Bagseed, which is likely and the Tigerberry Being unlikely since that male died off around the time the female Bubba bagseed flowered, and thats when the ZK male was going off as i was pollinating a few other plants. I knew some zk pollen would get to the Bubba But i didn't care, and actually it was a good call, because i didn't get a cut of the bubba mom.
Here is the Volunteer plant on June 1st, and shes starting to take off. In the Bottom back of the 1st picture you can see a smaller plant on the ground in a insulated #1 pot. That one is the other plant i got back from my friend, not the one i already transplanted in the last post. That plant i didn't bother transplant with, basically because she didn't make the cut for what i was looking for, for my 6 bigger girls.


Now heres the volunteer June 12th.


June 10th or 11th was the planting of the Charlottes Web Clone. The people i used to work with ended up testing the cut and it came out to a ratio of 1 to 26 thc to cbd.

Here she is on June 12th


Some Mycelium forming, no topdressings yet.


Heres the accidental Cheesewreck seedling transplanted at the same time as the Charlotte.


I missed spraying for about 4 days on the "Cheesewreck" and tiny worms bored the leaves. but the problem was solved immediately.
Big Bud on June 12th
Still in a 3 gallon pot getting ready to plant in the box.


June 23rd a few days after planting the Big Bud on the right and the Platinum purple is the small one on the left. The white stuff is Diatomaceous Earth. The Leafhoppers are everywhere this season.

Even though it was June I put a 24 watt T5 that was on a timer to turn on early in the morning and just after dark for a couple hours, just to be sure they smoothly veg for a few weeks more before bloom.
Heres some of the ACDC from the late outdoor/Spring harvest i showed in the beginning of the posts. The cbds keep me goin.

Every time i grow her the denisty of the flowers changes a little. Soil with deep amending seems to produce denser flowers. These were sort of fluffy this time, maybe the time of year as well. But man it was terpy. The oil tastes like Cherry Life Savers with a funky slight citrus taste.
Big Bud on July 13th



Big Bud stalk just starting to thicken up.
It was a little damp sitting in the sloped end of the Sub Irrigated planter, i think a stem issue started for a couple days but i mixed up about cup of pure Pumice, peat, and diatomaceous earth and i mounded it at the base of the stalk and everything was better a few days after this. It would have been more ideal to mound the big bud a little more during transplant since its in the end at the bottom of the slope the box is on. But in general flat land is much better for Sub Irrigated Planters.
Platinum Purple Going beast mode! on July 13th. Quite Vigorous and the leaves are getting quite large.

July 17th
Heres both the Plat P on the left and Big Bud on the right. You can see my 24 watt T5 doing work. haha Lights schedule started with a couple hours in the morning a little before light. and a couple at night until around 9. Slowly decreased and then removed the light and greenhouse cover a few days after this.

Thank you! Lets end this cbd drought! Can't wait to test some cbd crosses next season and hopefully go big with it and make it available to the people. Some Stronger growing genetics crossed with acdc, and hopefully soon im going to be seeding up the Charlottes cuts.
Trellising at this point looks hilarious but it was much needed. Can't really see but those super low branches on the big bud needed the support. had a tiny corner of some extra trellis we cut out so we used that to tie to the tomato cage and hook through the middle of the big bud. Definitely helps give the support to the big bud mainline. We have her tied down as you can see in the stem pick. One tie is going to the poles of the greenhouse, the other goes to 2 eye hooks i built into the center of the box. So i could tie down either plant on either side to the eye hooks. Tieing her down like that helped spread her out a bit more but also is building up the strength through the tension.
July 19th the Greenhouse cover and supplemental lighting is off and the beasts have been unleashed! Exciting stuff for me working with the Sub Irrigated planter. It is saving about half the water by sub irrigating, im using 1/3rd of the nutrients normally needed, and i only vegged in this box for 4 weeks tops. These grew to be the biggest plants in my garden, and the plat p was the smallest in the garden during planting.


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