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Other forums hate on these grows.


Active member
I feel the hate comes from simplicity of it all.....

no true heat issues arise with a proper set up.... Dank nuggets are possible without all the room big growers use.

Its just so easy, they get mad. Its all love though...as long as the plants grow healthy its all good.


Active member
cfl is the only way to grow for me, cheap, stealth and keep me off the streets . I just grow for personal use. Why grow tree when you can grow small, short plants ?:laughing:



Matter that Appreciates Matter
the one thing most people can't admit: a well cared for tiny clone indoors makes the same chemicals as a well cared for giant clone grown on a mountain in a rain-forest.

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
Other forums usually without any CFL growers or minority, usually just say that with cfl's you cant pull any good yields, none of them have seen blynx's grows, they are amazing.

I started a thread on something, and someone said that i would get 2-3 grams with a 10L pot and a 125w CFL 2700k on one autoflower because CFL'S are rubbish, and micro grows are a waste of time.

I'm pretty sure i can get 10g-20g first time with cfl's as i will be concentrating on one plant, and my grow cab is fairly good.

Why do people hate on CFL's? they can produce excellent results
even with low watts.

I have never used a cfl for growing...I only use them for cloning.

For growing I use 1000W...but thats just the way I do it.

Nothing wrong with cfl grows...some of the cfl micro grows on this site are amazing.


Active member
many reasons for hating and being a troll.

maybe their mother dropped them on the head on time too many or theyve just had a sucky life (made suckier and suckier with every moment they participated in the hate and made their world worse)

well anyways.

cfls are pretty darn good, can grow good smoke with them, tasty dank nuggets.

125w would probably pull at least those 20 you talk about. (well, depending on some other things)

its just that, once you need alot of nugs, the number of cfls needed to replace hps, gets ridiculous the further you go.

150w hps is 16 000 lumens vs what 6-8000? i dont think the 150w cfl goes above 12k lumens.

and, alot of the spectrum of cfls is green. always a huge spike, directly in green.

and you can remoteballast the hps to boot, so actually cooler really.

in my opinion though, cfl nugs are somewhat danker and tastier than hps buds (particularily if the hps is really close and or hot)

i personally like to supplement my hps with cfl or mh (depending on temps)

i actually think that the cfls might possibly be the better of the 2 to supplement with, concerning dankedness and taste.

3000k work pretty good for that, but im testing out 6500k now.

but like i say, if you just want a few nugs, cfls do fine. but if you outgrow the cfl in nugneed, dont get another cfl, use the cfl for vegging and get a hps for flowering.

saves ya alot of electricity (plus you keep the lamp further away, lot less fiddling with your plant everyday)

i was running 4x49w of t5´s (4300lumens) with 400w´s of 23w cfls (lol, very rural here)

now that got me ok nugs, but when i added the old 150w hps´s to that grow, my eyes just jumped at the quick increase in budsize.

ive used a few other lamps, but now i use a 600w hps along with a few cfls (have also run it with 400w mh)

though i need 30-60g´s a month. thats 60-120´g i need then from every harvest, at least.

i can get quite a bit more with the 600w, but i dont want to be always running back to back or constantly needing to run a perfect grow..

so i can do stuff like make seeds or reveg and veg with the 600w (fantastic vegger) and not worry about running out of weed, or even take vacations and stop the grow.

not enough to sell or swim in it, but enough so i dont have to worry about it.

the grow takes up about a squared meter or so.

but like i said, depends alot on what you need and or can do, gotta remember, alot of those trolls are commercial. cfls would be a collossal waste if you were commerical.

rest are just farts that always need to be right or just want to start a fight, safely from their bedroom.



the shit spoon
I was a cab grower until I ran out of weed once...

Cab experience translates wonderfully to room design.
It really is a shame if some people choose to look down on people doing CFL or micro grows. I mean aren't we all in this hobby / lifestyle together because the gov decided to withold a god given right to us? In my book everyone should be congratulating each other for taking the steps necessary to grow this wonderful plant!


Active member
i remember people used to laugh at us for using fluorescent period on OG r.i.p. until captain...i cant remember his name (had skipper for his avatar) came along and showed everyone the potential. i believe he leaned a 4 foot 2 bulb fixture against a corner and put a plant under it. then history was made with the Floro Growers thread, then finally a microgrowing section all for us who do it small.

i would grow outdoors if i could but i cant so i grow micro. i started on cfl as did many people, hps was cost prohibitive when i started, practically $1-2 per watt. i didn't have $200 for a 150w sunleaves hydrosun or whatever that first one everyone would buy was called. cfl is good, i like cfl i would do that now cept i don't have the materials... well i take that back i would do 4 foot tubes like that octagon system i forgot what it was called. a 70w hps in my cab was less work than 8 cfl's arranged around the walls and ceiling.

actually i think the cfl would probably allow my cab to be much cooler, but they don't penetrate like the hps. i can do this with 1 bulb, vs using a bunch of bulbs.

not to say the same thing can't be done with cfl.


Active member
I was a cab grower until I ran out of weed once...

Cab experience translates wonderfully to room design.

this is true my friend, but if i only smoke a zip every 2 months, then whats the point of having a half pound or more every two months?

when the day comes that i can have my own room, designing it will not be that difficult.


lots of us doing the same thing you are on a different scale. you could grow in your cabinet or sit and bitch about not having a grow space ......... i like your approach. rock the little bulbs and ignore the haters.


ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor
thinking 1 big reason some HID peoples hate on micros is their need to justify the $$$ they have in their big setup One can argue efficiency/yield/dense nugs all day and into the next but for some a small cab hidden away somewhere (maybe in plain sight) is the only viable solution

not evryone should try to make a living off growing when some just need their medicine
I think the Micro Grows are the coolest. What these people are doing in such small places is mind boggling. Keep it up.
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Re: Other forums hate on these grows.

thinking 1 big reason some HID peoples hate on micros is their need to justify the $$$ they have in their big setup One can argue efficiency/yield/dense nugs all day and into the next but for some a small cab hidden away somewhere (maybe in plain sight) is the only viable solution

not evryone should try to make a living off growing when some just need their medicine

Lols what if your microgrow hid costs about the same as a cfl setup?

No hate, I love me some pl-l's!


Active member
well, some people gotta hate everything :)

(at least till they smack enough walls and realise this is no way to live)
but its like this,
hps is alot easier to grow with.
and it gives you alot more bang for the buck.
but not everyone needs or can have a big lamp.
they require more space and are more noisy and smelly, you need to buy quite alot of stuff really..
and not everyone needs that kinda smoke.

but that being said, id still choose a 70w hps over an equal amount of cfls.

id rather take a hps any day.
why? cause i dont need to have the lamps so close and i get much bigger buds.
i consider cfls lights for people that need occasional smoke. (they do grow potent good bud)
a veg light or supplemental light.
or for people that are new to growing (fantastic beginner light)
or cant use a hps for some reasons (cash, availability or something)

i personally use them for supplemental light and sometimes for vegging (not if i need the plants quickly done though, id use hps for that, mh if i needed pretty plants..which i dont)

well, id rather use sunlight, (would need a greenhouse here though with supplemental light most of the year lol)
but going by experience.
if i had to use a small space, i know i would get a lot more in that same space, with a hps, than a cfl.
now if i were simply wanting the occasional really good smoke.

i might just use cfls, but i need a bit more than occasional smoke, so i would pick the hps.

easier to manage too, with cfls you need to constantly move them around or the plants..
but i like to use mh or cfls with the hps, im rather thinking the hps alone does not deliver the same quality, at least with some strains..
now, if i wanted just some delightful smoke, id first pick the sun (in a sane society)
depending on my geographical location id supplement it with hps (The sun filling out the rest but lacking the tropical intensity to fully grow the plants)

in this crazy society, i might have just a room with some mh´s cmh´s and some hps , uvb, cfls, just to play with getting the best thc :)

but i can only grow in about one square meter, i have no more room for anything else.
and that space isnt enough if i dont max out yield, so there is mainly hps in there.
the difference in potency isnt that great.

id rather have a shitload more of good stuff, than quite a bit less of bit more potent bud (1-5% on the whole, as in 9% thc, turned to 9.5 or something lol)

though i hear some pure sativas need alot of blue.
am i saying cfls are no good?
no, if they keep you in smoke and all that, good, great.
what im saying, if you got limited space and a big need, you should go hps.

i think if you go much above 150w of cfls, you should get a hps instead.
the big cfls are rather pricey anyway, bulky and dont put out all that much light (around here, 250w cfl growlight is approaching 600w hps in price)
and in my experience, cfls grow alot hotter as they get older and lose quite a bit of light.

that being said, there are still instances where cfls would do you better than hps.
so, this is just "in general in my experience"



May your race always be in your favor
I love my T5's. A few pics of my cab and T HO CFL's will do just fine and produce great results. I average .6 gram/watt.
Haters gotta hate, and assholes have no idea what they're talking about. my 2 cents.


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