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Organics in coco


Whats up folks im a long time off and on grower and gonna be firing up another grow here shortly. I always pretty much used chem ferts but dabbed in organics here and there. Well this time around im sticking strictly to teas. Fert guano teas and benny teas. Im wondering how well does teas work in coco. Since coco has been my favorite medium for sometime now, i'd like to stick with it.

So just wondering if should just go with soil for organics or will teas still rock out coco?


Active member
If you're going to use the coco unamended (no base compost and additives, e.g., oyster shell), I'd stick with bottled nutes. I'd go with soil if you want to use teas alone as I think you might have some micronutrient deficiencies if you only use teas in coco.


Active member
Teas do rock with coco, but you have to use the right ingredients in nute teas, just as you need the right ingredients to build a successful ROLS. I would have some Ca, Mg, and trace supplements on hand for when the need arises, and I think it will.

I grow with Earth Juice line and EWC ACT. ACT every week or 10 days. Makes some fine bud. If you want teas only you can research the ingredients for N-P-K sources. Good luck. -granger


Active member
I thought the teas wouldn't extract the NPK completely though? I would use a good dry organic fertilizer as a base for the coco, then water teas and anything extra in as needed.

Where I screwed up this time was having a base, lots of amendments, and then feeding too much bottled organic nute (Plagron AlgaBloom). I just had to flush my soil/coco mix, which is on its second cycle, and contains soil and clay pellets from a cycle a year ago too. If you do go with teas and bottled organic nutes, go easy on the bottles! ;)

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