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Organics and Ph.


I will start making my own teas and soil soon but not till i got more of a green thumb.I personelly like to keep ph at optimal plus thats what my hydro shop said would be best.I also know in somas book Organic Marijuana Soma Style and he always stables his ph.
"PH-Knowing and monitoring the ph of the soil mix and the water and fretilizers that you add is all-important.It is essential to have a good ph meter by you side in the grow room.When i first started growing i thought that ph7 was the best balance for cannabis.I have since found that cannabis likes the soil ph in th range of 6.2 to 6.6.
In amsterdam,water from the tap is 8.3.I balance the waters ph using bio nova citric acid.It is food grade and a little gose a long way.I add enough to bring it down to ph6.The ph only stays that low for a brief period of time and then starts to go up again within about 8 hours.As the ph rises again, the plants get access to different nutrients, because nutirient absorption varies by ph in the range between6.2 and 6.6. Thererfore the rising ph range allows a greater spectrum of nutrients to be accessed by the plant"(Taken from somas book organic marijuana soma style)
As ive said i will always adjust my ph i will start using bio -nova as soon as my hydro shop stocks it
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BurnOne, Suby, I don't know how you guys do it. That's all I'm gonna say. Nah.

DrHerbal- sounds like you have alot of Ca in your water get a r/o filter or buy some r/o water. You can use 1/2 r/o water 1/2 tap water at the very least. After you make some teas the pH of the water will become more acidic anyway...don't worry about it so much your tapwater just might not be ideal.

Clackamas Coot

Active member
PH Meters

PH Meters

I'm going to have to get into the modern age and buy one of these PH meters. Sounds like I'm really missing out on something!

Damn it!


Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
I can't believe this subject comes up over and over again.

Simply put:

Ph matters, but there are methods to make it very forgiving. Humates will chelate nutrients that are out of absorption ranges... but not always. Bacteria and fungi secrete acids and bases to also help regulate ph; they can only survive in certain ph ranges, so they help maintain those ranges.

If you don't have enough humates or microbes, then yes, ph can become a problem. I still believe it is wise to monitor ph, but the proof is really in the pudding, not the pudding mix.


hi rckymtnthuglife i dont think i need an r/o filter ive got hardly any ca in my tap water. I ve done a search on this ph subject and this argument has been going on for an age.So ive decided to do a little experiment, after my calizahr is done in 8weeks the next grow i will keep half the way i always do and the other half i will feed with out adjusting the ph ever and post pics every so often so everyone can see the results, and hopfully put an end to this argument thats been going on for years peace


No damn given.
ICMag Donor
hi rckymtnthuglife i dont think i need an r/o filter ive got hardly any ca in my tap water. I ve done a search on this ph subject and this argument has been going on for an age.So ive decided to do a little experiment, after my calizahr is done in 8weeks the next grow i will keep half the way i always do and the other half i will feed with out adjusting the ph ever and post pics every so often so everyone can see the results, and hopfully put an end to this argument thats been going on for years peace

Success will ONLY happen if you use the correct method of establishing a "Living Soil".
Read the STICKY "Organics for Beginners" for a good soil mix.


Pull my finger
this seems like a hot subject. i dont own a ph pen but i think i would like to have one for diagnosis. if my organic soil isnt performing like it should, i can find out how to fix it. this seems logical since i dont know the signs to look for in deficiencies yet.

i guess this is a topic in which the (01001101001) science guys will speak out upon. i havent gotten that technical with my garden yet.

good to know i can get away without one. it seems if i ammen/feed light. the micros will handle the small stuff for me.

that kix arse!

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
swampdank said:
this seems like a hot subject. i dont own a ph pen but i think i would like to have one for diagnosis. if my organic soil isnt performing like it should, i can find out how to fix it. this seems logical since i dont know the signs to look for in deficiencies yet.

i guess this is a topic in which the (01001101001) science guys will speak out upon. i havent gotten that technical with my garden yet.

good to know i can get away without one. it seems if i ammen/feed light. the micros will handle the small stuff for me.

that kix arse!

In the meantime, measure your ph until you get a really healthy soil life going on. Also, use fulvic acid as ph down and potassium silicate (baracade or silica blast) for ph up. Both are quite beneficial and not salt based, so it wont hurt your microbes.


No damn given.
ICMag Donor
If you guys want to adjust the pH of your organic solutions, it can be easily done with kelp (Maxicrop) and Earth Juice. What you will find out however is, if you let the solution settle (or bubble it) it will return to the previous pH.
The bottom line is (for me anyway) let the soil do its job.
Your nute solutions or guano teas are not going to be in the soil long enough to cause any pH problem anyway. The nutes will be taken up through the roots quickly. It's like throwing a bunch of meat to a pack of hungry wolves.
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Mr Celsius said:
use potassium silicate (baracade or silica blast) for ph up. (It's) not salt based, ...
Potassium silicate is a mineral salt.
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I dont know if iam lucky that ive very soft water all i do is pure my tap water mix my bio bizz nutrient check ph adjust if needed then water.I must say since i got a better ph meter the ph has been alot more stable. BurnOne do you know if i can get Maxicrop and earth juice in the uk or of anyone who will post to uk Thanks

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
-KiNgMaKeR- said:
Potassium silicate is a mineral salt.

*Hands you a gold star*

Yaaaa you proved me wrong, feel good right about now?

Don't ever talk to me again, its not that you proved me wrong, its that you felt the need to do it and have insulted me via PM in the past. I'm fine with learning, but not from a dick like you.


The Soapmaker!
Anyone know why cannabis gardeners are so concerned about pH? Other gardeners have an idea what pH is ideal for a given plant, but you don't find them obsessing over it. And I doubt you'll ever hear a tomato grower telling another one, "Oh... 6.5 pH? That sounds high... I like to run mine about 6.3." LOL

B1 is right. Build your soil right and then let it do its job.
rckymtnthuglife said:
BurnOne, Suby, I don't know how you guys do it. That's all I'm gonna say. Nah.

What I meant by that is this whole pH discussion is getting old and I don't know how you guys put up with all the pH meter talk...half the time someone will say they agree with you guys and the next sentence they tell you how they pH their water.

I commend you for spreading the word...my patience has worn thin on the matter.


Active member
if u run lights 24 hrs,insted of 18/6,if theres a problem ,it will show faster,especially clones...my 2 cents forthe year...peace moon/


**AWD** Aficianado
The coold thing with organics is once you've established which ingredient raise and which lower ph you can tailor your feedings to have a better balanced ph.

B1 and me agree on this that the use of hydro nutes is why most growers are concerned with ph.
I also believe container plants are more suceptible to ph swings as opposed to outdoor gardening and what's more even organic gardeners overfeed, the real key is the balance.

Know your water quality, know your soil, dolomite is your friend, make a rich quality soil mix, use teas regularly, and smoke and booze until your hearts content while other fuckers add nitirc acid to an otherwise organic grow and scratch their heads measuring runoff.

Rky- what can I say I'm patient :rasta:


Clackamas Coot

Active member

I don't know but I was looking at some of these hi-falutin' PH meters down at the grow stores. They sure are purdy! All shiny & stuff!

If they just had one that had a really nifty leather case that you can strap onto your belt. Talk about a fashion statement at the next "Grow Store Ball" this coming autumn!

It could prove tough to find shoes that match though so perhaps Gucci will step in and help out the PH meter industry with snappy carrying case like they did for Apple's iPod several months back.

With options like Moroccan leather or perhaps kid leather and immediately you're into the 'successful cash-cropper' demographic (along with the obligatory Rolex wristwatch). Further customization could be accomplished with an old wood-burning kit from a retro-toy store. You could burn a really kewl marijuana leaf into the leather surface on one side and a monogram on the other!

I can just imagine the joy of being at another grower's garden and you're trying to help resolve that ol' nutrient lock-out in an organic grow and all of the sudden you turn your hip slightly, exposing the bestest PH meter you can find, flip that bad baby out into your hand and commence 'PH metering' - kinda like Jethro Bodine doing his cipherin' on the ancient television show "Beverly Hillbillies"

After-market carrying cases for PH meters could become a viable cottage industry. All one would need is a team of undocumented workers, a sweat shop and a sales staff that knows how to kiss the butt of the grow store distributors and one would be well on their way to financial success and independence. And really, isn't that what America is all about?

Touching to say the least.


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