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Organic White Lightning


DutchGrown Seeds: White Lightning (The White x G13)

Day 63, came down today, will put up more pics after dry.

Chunky times :)
Out of 4 females I have it narrowed down to number 3 and number 4 (pre smoke) Nice chunky, heavy buds.... smaller phenos little more crystals.



Ya, gotta love the organics!

I use just water and an occasional ACT tea.

My medium consists of the following:

Promix Ultimate Organic
Earthworm castings
Bone Meal
Alfalfa Meal
Kelp meal
Oyster shell powder
Gypsum (a little)
Dolomite Lime
Soft rock phosphate

I've been making my teas using Ancient Forest from General Organics instead of earthworm castings.

The only other thing I do is add molasses a few times as well as just a touch of liquid karma.

I use tap water that is filtered through a 'Small Boy' filtration unit, but it still has quite a high PPM rating, I plan on eventually getting RO water, but for the time being It looks like everything is going well.



The only thing you really need to worry about with tap water is the chlorine since it kills the microbes. But since you're using ACT's, you're replacing them. You can always just let your water sit out, or aerate it overnight, and the chlorine will evaporate. Good looking buds! Love the organic buds.

mad librettist

Active member
But since you're using ACT's, you're replacing them.

ACT is a very good thing.


it is not as good to "replace" your soil life as it is to cultivate it uninterrupted. tea represents a snapshot of some of the life in a soil. Your soil though, is as vast as the world or the galaxy, and as complex. An old solar system is not like a young and unstable one.

That said, it's easy to eliminate chlorine with molasses, vitamin C, etc...

question about R/O - is it more wasteful than distillation? I use a water distiller for certain projects I have that require distilled or r/o.


ACT is a very good thing.


it is not as good to "replace" your soil life as it is to cultivate it uninterrupted. tea represents a snapshot of some of the life in a soil. Your soil though, is as vast as the world or the galaxy, and as complex. An old solar system is not like a young and unstable one.

That said, it's easy to eliminate chlorine with molasses, vitamin C, etc...

question about R/O - is it more wasteful than distillation? I use a water distiller for certain projects I have that require distilled or r/o.
I totally agree that it is easier and better to dechlorinate the water, than to replace soil life. I was just making the point that he is "at least" replacing some soil life through the ACT's as opposed to using chlorinated tap water and not replacing anything with ACT's.

As for RO systems, I heard that is somewhere around 3-1 or 4-1 gallons of waste water to every gallon of useable filtered water. Not sure how much distillation wastes.


You guys just got me all wrong, the filtration unit is for the chlorine, I use additional ACT teas as well as soluble Myco twice a cycle.

No chlorine for this guy!



Phenotype #3:

Fresh cut, only about a 3 days dry, no cure yet....

This is my front runner for mother keeper. Very chunky and G13 dominant if I'm not mistaken. The crystals will really pop out a lot more when this baby gets a cure. Sad I didn't have her in the group shot in the first post.

Will update with other 3 females dry shots soon....



Active member
cloramine dont evap off so easy i have heard. might wanna see if your water has any. ooh just read you got a filter for chlorine so i would assume it would take care of cloromine also. need to get one myself


#2 being flowered out for the last time. Just not quite good enough for me to keep around, but she was great while she lasted!



Well, I'm a dumbass, but I hope I can fix that!!!!

After not saving a clone of my lone white lightning mother plant because of the growth structure the first time around, i'm kicking myself in the ass about it now. I found out that this particular pheno loves a 1-cola structure, and that really brings out the best in her!

Could be one hell of a sea of green plant, so I'm hoping to get it to reveg as we speak. This time I had it dialed in a little better and it really shows! A lot more trichome development as well as just being massive. I'm guessing this lone cola will weight well over 10 grams and I'm thinking 32 of these in my 2x4 tent could pull one hell of a harvest!

Pray for my gal, she'll need it!
