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organic tea...burning problem.

hi im a new grower and me and my father recently started a growing project we have 5 plants and 3 of which are female, and two are male. i have been feeding the plants organic teas since i transplanted them in their 15 gallon pots. i started with hose water i took and put in gallon water jugs and let them sit over night. after that depending if i was feeding them of flushing them. when i would feed them i would make teas of with about a spoon full of each of the following: earth worm castings, bat guano mix, chicken fertilizer, and fish emulsions mix. shake well and feed after i made them. all of the plants are showing sines of yellowing older leaves some have small rust spots on them. they also have the spotting light green thats says it could be related to ph like in here >http://www.marijuana-seeds.net/Thanks-ThankYou.htm about 1/4 the way down were it says ph beeing to high or to low locking off nutrients and then dying out.
my plants are showing all these signs and im a new grower in need of some advice or direction to go thanks for all the help guys :wave:
heres a pic of my yellowing leaves


Active member
it seems like nutrient burn from an acidic tea. im guessing youre still in veg? Maybe just use the chicken fertilizer and fish emulsion then switch to the other two for just flowering with the addition of maybe some fish emulsion.


Living with the soil
Less is more in AACT teas if that's what you are doing.
For 5 gallons of tea you only need 1/4 cup EWC. If you're using kelp meal...1/4 cup of that as well. Two tablespoons molasses,and use fish hydrolysate rather than a fish emulsion at the rates on the bottle.
You can also replace EWC with compost.
Post up some better pics.

What exactly is in your soil mix? any lime?

How often do you water?

How big are your plants?

Need more info.
no lime in my soil mix. its just a mix of two comcercial potting soil and vemiculite.
i water every morning with about a gallon per plant their all in the range of 5 feet now.


3rd-Eye Jedi
chicken litter is not a good aerated tea source for more than its high ammonia content

read up on chicken liter and teas

if i recall chicken shit can be soaked and the solution applied DILUTE cause its hot and its real real good or its also a great part of a healthy ammended soil mix but not as a component of tea

wish i saved the sources on that :(


New member
Also Don't Feed Anymore For Like A 1-1/2 Weeks And Don't Water So Much Unless They Start Drooping
Like Every Other Day Now Temps Have Cooled.

I Had The Same Thing Happen To Mine
And They Came Back Within 2 Weeks
I Figured Out It Was The Seaweed and Too Much Water.
Any more pics man???

Kinda looks and sounds like an Mg problem. One spoonful of chicken manure in 5 gallons of water isn't going to hurt a 5 foot tall plant....not that I would add that to my teas, but it ain't your problem.

Actually sounds more like Ca/Mg problem...neither is in your soil mix and you are providing them with little if any in your teas. Simply adding lime to your soil next time will prevent this.

As far as fixing your problems go I would add some organic liquid Cal/mag...try General Organics...just stay away from Botanicares version it's now with added EDTA....not good for organics.

Hope this helps.

Edit: Just a sidenote- your not really making a tea if all you do is add ingredients to a milk jug and shake. You need to aerate with (at the very least) an aquarium bubbler for two to three days.

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